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wintards Anonymous 08/10/2022 (Wed) 03:15:23 No. 9194
>Linux is too hard to use! >gotta use the terminal for everything!! >Making an offline windows account is easy! >you just gotta open the registry editor..
I try Linux again every few months but always come crawling back to Windows for the superior hardware acceleration
>>9210 doubt, even in windows most direct x games run faster in dxvk
>>9194 Wtf? Registry editor? I use linux (it's a lot easier to manage than windows, plus the OS doesn't collect any data (websites still might but that's OS independent)). However, even though I haven't installed Windows in awhile now, maybe a year and a half to two years, if I remember correctly all you have to do in order to create an offline windows account is to simply not be connected to the internet during the install. Tbh, the last time I did install windows I did not open up the registry editor, I simply ran that win10 debloater script which does an okay job at ridding the system of parts which slow it down - it's still shit though. Maybe this stuff changed with windows 11? Idk. Last good windows is windows 7. Why? You can turn off the automatic updates. Also it had practically no bloat. The default win7 ultimate install is bussin', no cap. >>9210 Idk about this, but I heard mainstream gaming on linux is actually good now. But I only play old games, doom and stuff.
>>9265 >I heard mainstream gaming on linux is actually good now. Redditors parrot that because most of their Steam library is compatible with Linux now, but I stand by my claim that hardware acceleration is still garbage. You can just feel that everything is smoother in Windows. If you remember a few years ago when iOS was more polished than Android, it's basically the same experience. Linux has stuttering, tearing, doesn't respect my BIOS overclock settings, the audio is buggy, multimonitor settings keep resetting themselves, freesync doesn't work right, everything is just a buggy mess overall
>>9371 The last two times I installed Linux on an old laptop, I had DIAGONAL tearing, and to this day don't understand how that was even possible. Linux Mint and Manjaro respectively.
>>9372 next time get ayymd GPU instead of novideo, novideo drivers on loonix are somehow even worse than they are on macos
>>9372 I'm guessing this was some sort of gaymen laptop with both a dedicated novideo gpu and an incel integrated gpu for "battery saving mode" on windows. With these sorts of machines, the novideo gpu has no direct output, but instead renders to a frame buffer that is shared with the incel integrated gpu. You can solve this problem by enabling nvidia prime synchronization or just having the novideo gpu render everything 100% of the time and never use the incel integrated gpu.
>>9386 Well thanks, my laptop did have a dedicated nvidia gpu, though I don't remember if it had an integrated gpu, maybe next time I give Linux a spin I will look into that. Though I remember what little forum posts I could find about tearing at the time often mentioned only having an integrated intel gpu, no nvidia gpu at all.
>>9265 >if I remember correctly all you have to do in order to create an offline windows account is to simply not be connected to the internet during the install. It seems Windows 11 Home makes it more difficult. https://4sysops.com/archives/how-to-set-up-windows-11-home-with-an-offline-account/
>>9392 >Using Windows >Using Windows 11 >Using Windows 11 Home If you're that many levels deep in retardation you deserve bad things happening to you.
>>9392 Jesus Christ, just when you thought it can't get worse... I guess I'm still a bit naive. Okay, real talk now, no irrational lincucks shilling and attacking wintards: Windows has become such a mess regarding privacy and performance, basically requiring you to get a new PC with every new windows release, in order to even run the bloody thing. I, personally, see no use for windows outside of a workplace environment and outside of gaming the newest games. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure all of the great windows programs such as photoshop, sony vegas, etc. have good alternatives on linux; mind you, I said good, I don't mean industry ready, I'm not even suggesting that. My point is that most people don't need industry grade software at home. A lot of people do game, though, and that's a huge business, there's no denying it. But if you don't game the very latest games (I still play some old games on linux, through wine and shit like that, NFS Porsche Unleashed), you probably won't lose much when it comes to gaming, yet you'd gain more than plenty in every other aspect of the OS. Dad still uses a decade old laptop. Office and shit like that, and watching tv shows and films. It has kubuntu. Again, not saying there is no reason to use windows, but the reasons for regular people are making less and less sense in the Windows v Linux debate. Especially since 90% of computer usage these days is through the web, accessed through the web browser, which runs effectively the same on all OSes.
>>9394 I already only use windows 8 when I absolutely have to, and win10 at work which is funny because most of our software is cloud shit that runs in browser. I can get MX to boot in 15 seconds from cold and hibernate comes out faster than my monitor wakes up, so I already don't use win for basic online shit, even preferring to play native linux games over wine at this point, and believe it or not it's because I'm lazy. It's more work and wasted time using windows for me these days.
>>9451 >so I already don't use win for basic online shit, even preferring to play native linux games over wine at this point Using Proton/Steamplay, often it makes near zero difference. Shit just works.
>>9458 >Proton/Steamplay >Shit just works. It's not quite as easy as "click setup.exe, click Next until install completes," which is what Windows offers
just resolve this dependency hell then if you are hurr durring why peopple dont switch to lenux. make this specific package work c9cd4a64 and make a detailed txt file instruction how to make this work. other than that i made all the software i needed to work on linux its just that one fucking package that chains you to an os. im planning to do a long lasting arch installation with btrfs snapshots and that those snapshots are protected with a hidden casper module so if anything gets into the system and runs rm -rf / --no-preserve-root as sudo the casper module will protect those snapshots and i can immideatly roll back to a working state. and maybe ill try out a wayland tiling manager inspired by bspwm(the best experience i had with a tiling manager because its so straightforward and just requires bash to rice it) since wayland just makes oohh everything so much smoother.
>>9458 Don't you get tired of lying through your teeth?
>>9213 >>9265 There's more to HW acceleration than just games. Fedora won't support H264 and H265 acceleration out-of-the-box anymore, and the last time I tried Ubuntu, Intel CRC32 acceleration was missing for some reason. Additionally, you need Wayland to have a desktop as smooth as Windows, which restricts you to either KDE or Gnome if you want a traditional DE. >>9385 >next time get ayymd GPU instead of novideo I have an RX 6400 and under Linux it has this bug where you can see the wireframes of 3D objects beneath the textures. I'll try to post a screenshot later.
>>9394 >I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure all of the great windows programs such as photoshop, sony vegas, etc. have good alternatives on linux The problem is most colleges and wagecuck jobs won't let you use Gimp instead of Photoshop, Kdenlive instead of Premiere, etc. And you better remember to save as .docx instead of .odt unless you want to fail your assignment.
>>10079 I'd fail you for using either of those DOS-era filenames, but that's because I have a job and I won't even sign up for your google documents and I have an oldschool phone in my office that isn't even plugged in. You can have that phone number if you ask me for it lol.
>>10081 >I'd fail you And what credentials do your students get if they pass?
>>10078 >I'll try to post a screenshot later. Screenshot is from Unreal Tournament. I noticed the same effect in PCSX2
>>10111 thats not a bug its linux, linux still use an archaic crt compositor for aranging primitives they just expect everyone to double buffer or use the atomic updates in the shitty compositor anything less and you get screen tearing
>>10112 What's a compositor? Is that the latest programmer socks lady term?
>>10112 I mean like all you have to do is set the vertical retrace from the bus into the CPU's interrupt table and then it will run the interupt routine you put at that point in the core memory. Triple buffering technology is like from even before wolfenstien. What kind of poojeet hacks can't even get that right about 30 years after the curve?
>>10112 >screen tearing Exposed wireframes are not the same as screen tearing, those are two separate issues (and Linux has both) >thats not a bug https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTournamentPatches/issues/965 Technically it's not strictly a Linux bug, but the latest AMD WHQL driver doesn't have the issue, so it's still an L for Linux overall.
>>10125 it is you fucking retard i already said linux uses a crt compositor you fucking imbecile which means fucking SCANLINES are sent to the screen instead of a single frame you 2iq retard which means a primitive from the next frame can get drawn over the current render while its still being drawn you sub saharan african retard,device drivers for linux are expected to implement atomic updates or use a second buffer to get around receiving fucking scanlines you are so low iq that you cant even figure out something this fucking obvious kys loser
>>9210 games are gay
>>10078 What's the bird icon?
>>10126 You clearly live an unhappy life.
>>10164 LxQt
>>10165 people with lives dont visit this website
>>9371 down to earth and correct want to love linux but i just can't in its current state. atleast not for my desktop.
>>10171 No, there are some of us that do.
(7.55 KB 377x326 1362576634581.png)

>>10171 < bubm bubm bubm bubm sound of my heart still beating and me still being alive.
>>10215 >sound of my heart still beating that proves nothing
>>10078 I think you can still (2022) run KDE with Xorg. How else can BSD users use KDE. BSD does not have wayland. Also last time I used wayland screen recording didn't work; so the project seems like an overambitious cluster fuck funded by Ford automobile to make low energy info-tainment system gui.
>>10285 You *can* run KDE on Xorg, but in my opinion the only reason to use KDE in the first place is if you want Wayland but dislike Gnome and Sway. If you're gonna be on Xorg anyway, might as well use a better DE like LxQt
>>10285 >the project seems like an overambitious cluster fuck Wayland is to Linux what DWM was to Windows. There were plenty of growing pains but I don't think most Windows users want to go back to GDI at this point.

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