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Files in other files Anonymous 08/05/2022 (Fri) 14:54:09 No. 9125
(You) may remember the old method of embedding .rar files into images and posting them on 4chan. It became ineffective once they began checking for embedded files. However, it seems like there are ways to do it much more stealthily. https://stylesuxx.github.io/steganography/ https://github.com/stylesuxx/steganography It could be very simple to use a similar technique for arbitrary binary data from any file. And perhaps the host would respond by checking for coherent files within the image, but with a non-trivial steganographic method, say one that depends on a password or seed to map the encoded pixel locations, it could be very hard to detect. Any thoughts?
>>9125 The ease of detecting and blocking stenography is directly proportional to the encoding efficiency. It's easy to encode a little data in a large amount of data in a way that cannot easily be detected or blocked. Good luck doing so with a lot of data. So - useful for e.g. sending a bit of text around. Not useful for passing around 4k 60fps porn.
>>9125 You can still do it. This is a shitty Wolfenstein-style game that I wanted to share on AGDG.
And, it ate my BMP
>>10534 I mean, you can only pass around that much data via torrents reliably. And theoretically you can create a veracrypt container with the data, then create the torrent and give the password to whomever you want

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