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How do i make mods for games? Anonymous 05/16/2022 (Mon) 22:28:15 No. 8459
Hello everyone i was wondering on how i could get started in modding video games and if there any guides out there thank you :)
>>8459 What game or type of game? You should probably start by picking one with mod tools, and ideally one you actually like to play.
>>8461 I want to mod postal 2 and thank you :)
>>8459 well if they dont provide a public API for people to modify the game behavior with then you'll have to get a binary analyzer tool like ghidra or IDA and start reverse engineering the program. Find out where & how it loads stuff, where important memory structs are allocated, how the game logic runs, etc. Then simply patch bytes in the original program to add your own behavior. You can also just try to decompile the entire thing and modify it like that, this is how most java programs are modded, but thats not such an easy process for native programs like this game but maybe its still possible idk never tried. I recommend watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7gBkVXuDSQ&list=PLpnX4b2uRf5-_aLRjuIpav2Zh45C4f2QH
You missed the golden age of [everything] development, there's no going back. https://web.archive.org/web/20040524034647/http://collective.valve-erc.com/

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