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You may also be interested in: AI

Deepfakes Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 23:58:45 No. 7882
Is there a retards guide to doing deepfakes and AI generated content? It seems like every mainstream site in existence has purged most information about it so it's hard to figure anything out about it.
https://learnaifromscratch.github.io/ https://github.com/Nielspace/AI-From-Scratch https://www.3blue1brown.com/topics/neural-networks Here's the most 'retard' version of the topic. I hope you have a card for OpenCL/CUDA, young nigga.
Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to learn OOP before algorithms and data structures?
>>7895 sad cringe losers that get all their info and opinions from the jewtube
>>7895 The same people that think design patterns that sidestep / mitigate OOP are elegant. programming instructors at the community college level tend to breed this counterproductive cargo-cult mentality, but it slowly crept into acadamia as well. To be fair, 'OOP' is the only word they can summon when trying to convey "modular design", "abstraction", "orthogonal design"; their heart is at least in the right place. For many its a rite of passage and they can't imagine any other paradigm, its basically the programming equivalent of circumcision. Its similiar to language teachers trying to get students talking in a formal / polite manner before learning to talk casually. OOP boils down to memorizing terminology, and testing can be done with multiple choice, text-book authors love it, colleges make shit tons of cash off it, etc.
>>7895 OOP is interesting until you realize that it's for mouth breathing fags

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