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Matrix technology room Anonymous 02/09/2022 (Wed) 16:58:45 No. 7376
Hello everyone, stop using Discord and step over to the superior alternative already! Stallman disapproves of Discord and nobody should use this proprietary botnet for anything related to technology or programming. Since the old /g/ room on Matrix with 400 members died I made a new one. It's not on matrix.org for security and privacy reasons. #friends:catgirl.cloud
>>7376 Matrix is shit. XMPP is where the efforts should be placed.
(61.02 KB 194x260 ClipboardImage.png)

>>7376 >#friends:catgirl.cloud
>>7376 > Matrix That's a weird way to spell XMPP
>>7380 Weird way to spell i-r-c
>>7379 only 49% efficient XD

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