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Linus Tech Tips actually covered TempleOS Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 04:06:53 No. 650
Now I've fucking seen everything. https://youtu.be/LtlyeDAJR7A
Just means /tech/ memes are dead is all.
(23.89 MB 480x240 LTT_TempleOS.webm)

Here's a webm.
(3.22 MB 386x232 laughingwhores.gif)

>>650 >>662 I can't put into words how much I hate this faggot. But this video is genuinely funny.
>>760 Linus or the fat guy
>>785 Other anon here. The fat guy is an average fat guy but Linus is like a woman in front of a computer imao.
>>795 >Other anon here. Not really. I only watch Linux Varg.
Think that comment is really from his brother?
>>797 I wrote other anon, so I don't get confused with you. Have I accidentally achieved the opposite?
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>>650 He's still a faggot though.

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