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Infinitely zoomable world of pixels Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 18:21:39 No. 5914
Is this idea possible, /t/echnerds? You would have a publically accessible canvas like https://ourworldofpixels.com/ or https://pxls.space/, but you could zoom out as far as you want (given memory limitations) and zoom in as far as you want (given memory limitations). Would this be possible with infinite precision arithmetic / bignums? I feel like I'm just being dumb here but I want to put the idea out there and ask just in case.
(598.00 B d.svg)

(587.00 B d50%.svg)

>>5914 not with real pixels you will get distortion from pixel interpolation, with vector graphics you can an svg file is infinitely scalable without distortion, its just rendering instructions and can be modified on the fly to scale you just multiply all the values by a percentage, your only limit is screen resolution, to add "pixels" you just append a new rectangle instruction with the coordinates open the pics in a text editor and youll figure out the rest
>>5919 I think you would still need infinite precision arithmetic. Otherwise, if you zoom in too far it would still become 'pixelated'. And you would still need bignums. Otherwise, you couldn't zoom out too far. The problem is, can you make a number that has both indefinite size (bignum) and indefinite precision? Also, how would you send part of an SVG over the internet? You couldn't send the whole thing as that is likely to be too big.
(612.00 B d0.5%.svg)

>>5933 no, svg are just drawing instructions, theres no pixel data, the pixel array gets calculated on render thats what makes it scalable, you can have subpixel preservation this way, you can zoom out until everything is merged into a single pixel and still be able to zoom back in without a difference this file has 1/2 pixel width and height, if you scale it you will get the exact same image as before even though it should technically only be a single pixel if it was a raster file put this in css and expand the thumbnail to see the image zoomed .imgExpanded, video { animation: zoom 25s ease alternate infinite; } @keyframes zoom { 0% { transform: scale(1.0); } 100% { transform: scale(441.0); } } and svg isnt any bigger than the equivalent js code you would need to do the same rendering, you just load the entire thing client side with a viewport, the browser ignores anything thats outside the viewport, and then just add some php code on the server to update the file when it gets changed
>>5935 I know that. That's why I put 'pixelated' in 'scare quotes'. Without infinite precision as you zoom in there will be gaps between least significant figures where you can't put any lines. That being said, I assume numbers in SVGs already have infinite precision and size due to being written in text (you can write as many digits as you want before and after the decimal point) unless there is for some reason some arbitrary limitation that I don't know about. However, decimal in ASCII is an inefficient format and the canvas area can become indefinitely large and complex so maybe it's worth creating a new binary SVG, possibly with EBML or something, that uses the entire 8 bits of each byte, or as much as you can get.

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