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What should I do with these computers? Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 01:27:09 No. 4661
I have a few computers lying around my house that I don't use anymore or inherited and I'm trying to find what to do with them. To answer the question of why I don't use them, it's because I already have a laptop, tablet, and desktop that already suit my basic needs. So, what should I do with these aside from tossing them (Which I think is a waste)? Here are the models I have: >Kaypro 10 >Dell Latitude CPi A-Series >HP Pavillion G7 1355dx >HP Pavillion 500-424
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>that Latitude damn i used to have one just like that. man it was a piece of shit.
>>4661 > What should I do with these computers? sell them
Give em to me, I'll use them.
>Kaypro 10 You should sell. I have no idea how rare it is but it might fetch a decent price among retro collectors. >Dell Latitude Install Windows 98 on it and make it a DOS/Win9x era retro gaming machine. Or keep it stored somewhere and hope that in 5 - 10 years it will increase in value with retro collectors. Or throw it in the trash. >HP Pavilion desktop and laptop These machines still have pretty decent specs for basic use, and can run Windows 10 or current Ubuntu / Mint just fine. You could turn one of them into a HTPC or living room web browsing machine. You can try selling them for about 100 bucks each, but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. If not, donate them (i.e. to a school or some poorfag who is in need of a working PC).

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