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Richard Matthew Stallman Anonymous 05/08/2021 (Sat) 14:23:46 No. 4011
Richard Stallman taught us that: 1. In America "you can get arrested without a reason." 2. Russian spy "Edward Snowden is a Great Hero." 3. HAMAS terrorists are the good guys, while Israel is a fascist state. 4. "The US military" are the "violent white supremacists." "The US owes reparations to Iraq for the damage it has done." 5. "The US military is poisoning [low-income] communities across the US with toxic chemicals." 6. It is wrong that "the US government has persecuted Julian Assange for a decade for Wikileaks' journalism." 7. "Publishing of leaked secret [American] information" is journalism, and not espionage or sabotage. 8. Terrorist Iranian dictatorship, trying to make a nuclear bomb, are the good guys, and America should ally with it. 9. "US today — plutocracy, extractivism and dooH niboR." 10. "US government doesn't try to operate fair taxation." 11. American "democracy is a sham." 12. "We must defeat [American] plutocracy." 13 "War is not the way to deal with" the totalitarian regimes. 14. Pre-teen children can "appear entirely willing." 15. Writing software unpaid makes you "free as in freedom." 16. There is nothing wrong with the Red Star GNU/Linux being used in North Korea as the totalitarian surveillance tool tracking any non approved communication. GNU GPL completely approves such use, because it gives their government users "freedom." 17. "Facebook is surveillance monster." 18. American corporations are the "enemy of your freedom", despite them creating jobs, quality products and paying taxes. 19. It is totally okay to work for totalitarian regimes, speak propaganda on RussiaToday and get paid in bitcoins by Karpeles. 20. Free software != free speech, and criticizing Stallman and his cult is a taboo, and will get you banned from all related IRC channels and forums. 21. RussiaToday and similiar anti-American sites are the best and most unbiased sources of information. 22. "China is wise" for banning "Tesla cars from entering military bases." 23. "US police are the thugs," while ghetto gangsters are the good guys. 24. "Defending borders and national symbols is the sure sign of a culture in decline". 25. "US should sign the land mine ban treaty," and also ban military robots to put itself at a disadvantage, and risk American lives, where a drone can be used safely. 26. Calling yourself "doctor Stallman" and bragging about your phony honorary degree is totally okay. 27. Being an old fat sexist Jewish creep and harassing young goyim women is perfectly normal. 28. Having net worth of millions of USDs and paying your personal lawyer, Eben Moglen, $281,000 in 2007s money is not an example of corruption and donations mishandling. 29. "Everyone who buys a computer should pay x percent of the price as a software tax," which will go straight to the Free Software Foundation.
>>4011 >Pre-teen children can "appear entirely willing." I don't know about you but I remember fapping since I was 4. If I had met that actress stripping in the scene in my first fap appear before me and gave me a handjob, I would have probably said okay.
>>4013 What if it was Stallman, who gave you a foot job?
>>4011 not all but a lot of these points are true
>>4055 this
(((Jew))) (((Mark)))
30. GNU Hurd is better than any proprietary OS. 31. It was morally okay to steal the actually free public domain Pastel compiler, relicense it and rename to GCC. Nothing wrong with stealing Gosling Emacs code, relicensing it and publishing as GNU Emacs. Stallman also approves his friend Francis Rowe doing the same with Coreboot.
>>4011 based
Another proof Adolf Hitler was right about everything.
>>4055 This
>>4013 Same here. I've been fapping since 6, when I discovered my dad's hidden porn magazine stash. And I sure as fuck would've said hell yes if one of the models in the magazines wanted to /ss/ me. >>4014 I've had a few occasions of middle aged and old faggot creeps trying to "seduce" me in my childhood years. One (and the one who was most straightforward with his intentions) was even a family friend. But I wasn't a dumb or naive kid and knew exactly what they wanted, so I just told them to fuck off and moonwalked the hell away.
>>4709 >>4013 Girls are this way too, if you pay close attention to little ones you can sometimes notice them behaving sultry trying to get male attention like any other woman
>>4011 Atleast Stallman still sticks to the classic marxist ideas.Imagine if the modern day commies followed that we would have had gulags full of monopoly enablers and worker camps for /pol/acks would have been more entertaining than all this gay tranny shit.
>>4075 this >>4694 this
>>4737 Yeah I'd like to see Stallman trying to even stop one chud.
>>4011 <30. "A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked on the hand by his soft belly feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of that act [this is the photo]; should I go to prison for it?"

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