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Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 00:08:27 No. 12444
Is Yandex Browser good? Thinking of replacing fucking Firefox (that always comes with Linux installation) with it. But, is it any good...? In both: - Technically: It's usable. I can travel on the Internet (don't worry, nothing shady) without technical difficulties. I can't simp to VTubers if I can't use fucking YouTube (why they are not using Odysee, damn it). - Ideologically: Not being shitty, intrusive, anti-privacy, woke shit like Chrome or Firefox I use the Yandex search engine (because DuckDuckCrap is a piece of shit and god-damn Brave censors results).
>using russian-made products Are you literally retarded, or just a fucking idiot?
It has to be some kind of Spyware it seems too suspicious imo
Brave browser
I'd look into Firefox or Chrome forks, or possibly Chromium. Yandex is a Chrome fork too. Yandex was great. I used and was happy with it. But the development has been kind of fucked lately. Yandex {company) was sanctioned by west and carved up by Russian government because the owner came out against the war. There's no telling what the state of the browser is now.
"shitty, intrusive, anti-privacy, woke shit" Thats why we have custom configs, pal. You can disable all that shit by modifying user.js Idk how good is Yandex browser, if u like it, use it. Lynx is the best anyway (vtubers that cant be displayed with chafa asciiart are bloat)
>>12444 >woke Russia has it's own censorship and propaganda etc >Brave censors results Do you have evidence of that happening?
>>12444 >Ideologically: Not being shitty, intrusive, anti-privacy, woke shit like Chrome it's literally fsb's fork of chrome, lol. yandex is controlled by kremlin since 2009. yandex search is very good at image/face search. it also seems to index the deepest crevices of internet, but i did not find this feature useful once. ddg's search quality dropped of a cliff early 22, but seems to rebound since. afair it gets most of results from bing. i'm using presearch daily. it was fantastic once, it's good and best nowadays.
>>12613 >enjoying his data being sold by google literally retarded >>13194 > Yandex is a Chrome fork too. sigh what isn't FF/chrome fork anymore
>>13587 >If you don't use yandex then you sucks google's dick This isn't a dichotomy you absolutely fucking baboon. Open source browsers exist, nigger.

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