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Learn hacking/cybersecurity from 0 Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 04:48:17 No. 11081
I want to learn hacking/cybersecurity from 0, what do I need to know? Know how to program? If someone here is dedicated to that, please explain to me, I don't know how to start, I feel disoriented.
whats your hat kid black hat: hacking applications, games, sites, servers, etc. real hacking, knows everything and can find exploits themselves, knows more about the software than the guys that wrote it, can hack your mom look out ///pink hat\\\: same interests as black but doesnt know enough to discover exploits and only uses ones already found by others fedora hat: *tip* *tip*, only uses tools and scripts made by the above, knows little other than using a terminal in linux, majority just do botting and wifi cracking (((small hat))): doxing, dorking and guessing passwords for accounts, does everything using search engines, doesnt know anything, genuinely believes using emojis in search terms is hacking the engine no hat: does not wear a hat, a true mystery
>>11087 I'm pink atm. Give tutorials
>>11090 just learn how to use metasploit and practice on hackthebox, theres lots of shit about this already, it has prebuilt payloads and exploits with lots of cves already there, its like a skid in a candy shop, the payloads all have the metasploit signature and are used so much by skids that even encoding doesnt hide them so dont think they work in the real world, using shikataganai will sometimes make it undetectable since antivrius is a meme, all you need to do is to get your payload to run on the target machine (eg.embed in program, or image, torrent, anything to get it to execute), once they connect you can use the msf exploits to do a bunch of things depending on the type of payload you chose like create a shell, make a backdoor, become admin/root, transfer files, watch people masturbate on cam, record the screen etc., you can make your own payloads too and use msf to connect to them but theyre not that different from the metaloads since youre just making the target connect to you from their side all the actual hacking happens after you connect not in the payload thats all hacking is its just knowing an exploit and finding out ways to get it, youll see once you try hackthebox, the levels all have specific vulnerabilities you have to figure out to complete your mission, real hackerman stuff, it was free from what i remember you need an account because you get your own server with all the levels to fuck with but looking at the site now it looks like a pay shit, if it is theres probably another hackthebox site
>>11081 I'm pursing a cybersec degree (opinion discarded) atm, what I will tell is that it's ok to feel disoriented, if you are self-taught it's more difficult because A)Too much resources around and you don't know what to spend time on (see paradox of choice) and B)There's no structure or syllabus for retards that need to be spoonfed like I am, primarly the reason why I attend uni. And C)You don't get grades and shit like that, altough a meme worth nothing it kinda measures your progress in some way, you have less options to self assest your progress in something since you are self-taught. It will be like that generally in whatever IT related. Cybersec is a broad field too and there are different ways of "hacking". Just start with something really, if you keep wondering about someting you will get nowhere without action. Strong fundamental knowledge is essential and will be helpful down the road not matter what you do. You know what a fucking computer really is, how a cpu works n shieet? You can make a website? You can make your way through linux or windows, use shell, gather information, perform tasks, write scripts? You know someting about networks and related devices? Essentially A+ and N+ tier knowledge. That's already a shit ton of knowledge and you didn't even touch hacking at all. People also don't usually just jump straight into hacking as a job, for example it can be like sysadmin-->network engineer and then security and by extension hacking (how the fuck are you supposed to break something if you don't know how to build it and how it works). If you want to kinda experience that ((hacking)) feel go to picoctf, hackthebox and tryhackme (and countless other CTFs and wargames) just to see if you even like this shit in the first place, to be in a mindset where you are looking for something, probably doing a shit ton of googling because you don't even know what to look for and there's a fucking flag to submit and the timer is ticking, shit can get chaotic pretty fast if you just started. There are different categories of challenges like web, crypto, network, reverse engineering related. All of them are hacking in some way. See what suits you more, start making your way through it, basically put in practice what you learned so far.
What do i have to consider if i want to use anonymously nmap and metasploit?
How to make a portscan while saying anonmous? Is there a risk of leaking data or is that a stupid fear of mine?
>>12913 >>12968 Use an VPS bought with crypto.

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