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Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 10:35:30 No. 10509
I am thinking about building a new computer. I could not find any benchmarks. Should I buy stuff from this company? https://www.raptorcs.com/ I think this deserves its own thread.
There are cheaper alternatives if you want a desktop that is not Intel or AMD. A Raspberry Pi 400 is enough for word processing and browsing the Internet. If you need more RAM or a PCIe slot, you can get a Sifive Hifive Unmatched. Only buy a computer from the site you linked is if you need a fast and modular desktop. You can't upgrade the RAM in either a Raspberry or a Hifive Unmatched, so if you need a faster CPU or more RAM, just go ahead and buy a many thousand dollars computer.
>>10535 >Raspberry Raspberry is backdoored shit, it uses ARM cpu with (((Trustzone))) backdoor which is like Intel ME and AMD PSP.
>>10561 I've seen people argue that Americnas should use Russian or Chinese products and services, because American law enforcement won't have backdoors there. Maybe true, but Elbrus, Zhaoxin, etc probably still have Israeli backdoors.
>>10561 Then get an ancient thinkpad you can disable ME on and fuck off. All modern hardware have those "backdoors".

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