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Amazonians/Muscular Women with Shotas. Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 03:25:57 No. 871
Tall, Giant, and Muscular Women and their little shotas.
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Muscle girl x shota is such an underrated pair type I hope this made up boy shows up in more art
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here's some idea for a muscle girl x shota story >muscle girls have special muscles on her boobs and ass, that makes them grow when they are more muscular >they keep their abs packs even when pregnant >their milk has protein and when they breastfeed a shota, the shota can be muscular too >the shota also gets the same ass muscles that makes his ass huge and nice looking
>>1635 >doesnt fuck her in the ass despite her asking for anal 0/10

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Had an idea for a "muscle mommy and shota" game. >Story takes place in a sci fi world >There's a planet where male warriors are born but one day there's a muscular woman >She has the ability to extend her muscles, so she can always be a bit more muscular >At some point, she uses willpower magic to suddenly get pregnant, give birth and handle the process of birth on her own, so she could give birth to her son >She has a very close relationship with her shota (He's 9) >Suddenly, 7 evil witches (Each unique and hot) kidnap him and make clones of them (They're ingame enemies while the real witches are bosses) >At some point, the one witch that has the boy almost succeeds in killing the muscle mommy before she gets beaten up by the shota, who also looks kinda buff without ruining his cuteness >Gameplay wise, the muscle mommy has "levels" based on how strong she is, which also relates to how muscular she looks (Sometimes, a bit hyper but not too much) >Even the shota has his own abilities >When they're together, interactions like hugging or head pats can buff/heal the two >In the end, the 7 witches end up as slave prisoners In terms of design, I always imagine the buff mom as some sort of tan skin amazon warrior with spiky blond hair and some braided hair too. Almost a bit like Junker Queen from OW2 with blond hair instead. As for shota, he could have some cute spiky-ish hair or something, maybe some Kagamine Len type hair.
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