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>>4966 I had this one forgotten in my files
Attention: You need to make some noise if you are a legal shota.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122008542 >Mommy has been doing her best these past years. So, how about giving her what she deserves? A headpat of appreciation! Of all the things you and mommy did these past years, she's been the very best and faithful to you! She gives things that normal mothers can't. A unique love that everyone is longing for... I think... But the only thing that's important is, she loves you so much, nothing more, nothing less! >Hmmm... Were you expecting something?
>>5189 Where's the meme
Just women things.
>>5541 It's for education.
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2nd one is from Joou-sama no Eshi
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A little something I made from this https://nhentai.net/g/437460/ お姉ちゃんとコスプレH2/Cosplay with Onee-chan H2 by Upanshi.
Has anyone ever made a meme that is like this? >"most /ss/ couples" >shows a cute girl and a generic shota who's almost eyeless or something because they're sort of a self insert >"my /ss/ couple type" >shows a cute girl AND a cute shota, because it's based on the idea that both are idealized and appealing Basically, a meme braggng about "bi appeal" in /ss/
>>6422 Its an old chan term that only a few ever use it, that's why
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>>6435 >wide hipped, big dicked shota

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