/ss/ - Straight Shota

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Straight Shota on LOAD Anonymous 06/22/2021 (Tue) 17:20:00 No. 450
Hey I have a Straight Shota section on my blog https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/2016/05/10/shota-yaoi-and-big-boobs-directories/ Broken down into Milf,Older Girls, and finally with Loli. Any doujin artist recommendations I'm missing?
>>450 Added this link to the cyclical General Thread OP >>348
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>>450 yeah you missed two of my favorites takatsu and unou or maybe I missed them when looking
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Just a reminder that LOAD (Lolicon Artist Directory) does have a Trap / Shota / Yaoi sections for helping you find some key artists for each. https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/2016/05/10/shota-yaoi-and-big-boobs-directories/ If you ever see great artists not covered on there let me know the names and i can add them.
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Some artists to seek out.
ooh cool, thanks for this
Very cool, thanks
whoa, what do we have here.
>>4828 The man, the myth, the legend. Hope you've been keeping up with the new artists. Morishima Kon is still top-tier oneeshota.

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