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Any straight shota discords? 03/20/2024 (Wed) 12:58:13 No. 4197
Been trying to find SS exclusive discords but everywhere I go there are only lolicons when I only like SS.
Because they are strictly forbidden, I took part in a couple of servers but they get taken down right away
>discord You're better off with matrix or telegram, discord will ban your ass in no time
>>4204 I was in few SS discords and never got banned
>>4197 maybe xmpp server would a better way
I really wish there are any I could join. I'm pretty sure there are but heavily gatekeeped.
>>4569 Voxhub is but i think its pretty easy to join YLT
>>4570 I don't know what those are tbh. After years of consuming ss content, it just hit me to try to join communities that like what I like.
there are sfw art discords with no actual shotacon label but its a 'IYKYK' unspoken thing - SNAPS' Big Ol House of fun, OMURICE's discord server etc
>>4580 Both are ss servers, Vox hub is place where many ss artists hand out, little harder to join, and YLT is just ss "community" i guess, it has some artists but much less compered to vox, but i think everyone can join.
>>4580 It just hit me recently too but 0 luck with finding any, telegram would probably be better but pretty sure they're all gatekept
I can invite you to one of those servers, but is it safe to post links here?
>>4651 Discord? It's probably not safe to post links anywhere public. >>4637 I have a burner account but I use it pretty often nowadays. It seems like I have to make a burner account for my burner account if I wanna join those servers
I'm an /ss/ artist, how do I get into voxhub?
>>4654 Message vox or any other artits that's on voxhub
>>4655 i'll be honest, I don't know who that is
>>4656 voxmel2.1 on discord
discord. com/invite/RuTJzAS9sN
amyone know more?
Are there any other SS focused Discords? Maybe even a Reddit community that focuses on it?
>>4673 Invite is dead. Can we get a new one?
Any telegram sv? Discord has nuked 4 ss servers where I been
I think discord is a lost cause tbh I doubt there will ever be another server with SS content
https://discord.gg/Bq4Dpdt5 This one right here
Would there be anything on IRC?
could I get an invite?
Any telegram channel/group?
>>6178 link dead
>discuck fuck off with that spyware shit
>>6257 Yeah, this is just a heads up, for anybody who needs reminding (like I did). Don't join an ss server on discord. Yesterday, I got a notice of an account violation for something I typed in that linked server—six days ago. And this morning I woke up to a notice about something I wrote eight days ago. I can't wait for a reminder of what I said tomorrow. Needless to say, I've left the server and I'm not going back. But it doesn't matter. My history in it follows me.
it would be better to look for other platforms other than discord. something like simpleX chat or session app would be good place to start both don't need to emails or phone number, they are both end to end encryption. Both have desktop and mobile versions. I would say that session app is a lot more easier set up that simpleX. there are some limits on session like 10mb file limit and you can make groups up 100 people. for the most part it works.
Continuously being vindicated on the Discord problem smh
>>6351 Yep. I'm >>6346 After those two days of strike notices, they've stopped. For now. I can use my PMs again, but my account remains in "Very Limited" status. My two strikes don't expire until 2027. Do not click that fucking link. Remember that even if you join a verboten server on Discord, never interact with it, and leave, you'll still get flagged if the server is shut down. They've got a real guilt by association system on that fucking platform.
>>6346 I had to set up another account because I joined an /SS/ server with my old one, only to get a double account strike WITHOUT POSTING ANYTHING. Discord isn't worth joining for /ss/
>>6353 >>6352 So my instincts not to join was right. Never knew discord had this much of a guilt by association though.
>>6354 Straight up, it's mostly Discord saying "We're not risking major investigation from someone posting actual [insert iffy-legal NSFW content of choice here], so we'll just nuke/strike ANYONE using this server just to be safe."

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