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Anonymous 06/09/2021 (Wed) 17:42:52 No. 345
Small/Realistic Penis Size
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Thanks for making this thread, OP!
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teenie weenies ftw!
Small dick is heavenly. Super cute andd wonderful
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>insert coronavirus/vaccine related pun about "little pricks" here.
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smol-d energy! Love it!
>>478 souce
>>1280 Both images are from the artist 'yamada (gotyui)'
>>1329 There's already a 3d thread. Drop your shit there
>>1330 What's a good site for this subgenre of /ss/?
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>>346 Sauce on this?
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>>1973 https://nhentai.net/g/278528/ "Where Did You Go This Summer?" by misoaka
>>478 GOAT tiny ones look that much more sensitive
(836.76 KB 1600x1000 Tsunade shrinks Naruto p1 (1).png)

Been trying to find this for awhile. Its a seven part comic from Lewdsmith. He had it uploaded in 2021 on Pixiv before it was taken down. Its Naurto shrinking down to a child.
Anyone got any idea who made this?
>>3412 uncensored
>>3745 forgot video
>>3737 Looks like from that SS game Loner Onee-san or at least character is the same https://f95zone.to/threads/loner-onee-san-v0-3d-otter-san.121940/
>>3746 Thanks king.
>>3746 dont you just love when they look threatening as fuck

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