/ss/ - Straight Shota

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Anonymous 05/23/2021 (Sun) 20:03:20 No. 276
'Straight toddlercon' or particularly young/small shotas. Adult women only
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>>540 >sample
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Author Emina@comic2 (Pixiv)
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>>278 Sauce for third pic?
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>>278 >>654 http://www.hmangasearcher.com/f/Fureiya%20Shinden%20He%20Youkoso/1 It's very good, unfortunately I couldn't find it on nhentai.
>>655 Thanks a metric fucktonne dude
>>278 What's the fourth image from?
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>>673 Mr. Takealook, but looks like the only shota work he done was commissions
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>>680 I meant this one
>>682 Oh i'm retarded sorry i don't know
>>680 >>681 Thankfully he's only done that for commission because holy shit, that is one of the worst things I've ever seen. Thanks for reminding everyone that bratty shota and NTR are shit-tier. Arguably even worse is the fact that you confused Cool-Kyou Shinja for that.
>>684 You know what's funny, there is few stories exactly like that, and all of them commission by same guy But yeah i hate shota NTR too
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>>682 I'm not certain but it looks to me to be Cool-kyou Shinsha's artstyle, specifically characters from their ecchi manga 'Chichi Chichi'. I've read through all 60 of the translated chapters but couldn't find that exact page. It looks noticably similar to chapter 30 where Sana has sexual fantasies about her little brother, but none of them involve infantalising him.
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>>684 >>685 Shota NTR is based, fuck off. You guys literally clog up every thread seething about it, probably the same guys on the Mom NTR thread on /h/
>>936 NTR in general is based. If you haven't noticed, pretty much everyone who goes nuclear at the thought of NTR auto self-inserts into the cuck's position, and that's all you need to know
>>936 Go back to halfchan. >>937 >Self-insert That's some made up, ad-hoc bullshit. That's like arguing "Only boys hate /ss/". Then again, NTRfags are generally too stupid to realize that people never relied on "Self-inserting" to dislike NTR, nor is it even the first nor foremost reason to hate it. I doubt people who hate scat would change their minds because the character taking a shit is swapped or because the perspective changed.
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If only they had the balls to make him a shota canonically instead of going the tired "he's totally a kid you guys I swear he's a midget!" route.
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>>1503 is there more to this where they blow him?
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>>1506 Just a titfuck and sex in the first volume
>>901 shes so lucky
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Baby shotas are so fucking cute! I so wish they could impregnate desperate women.
>>655 Then why not post it to nhentai?
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Personal favorite of mine. "Sensei to Issho ni Kimochi Yo~ku Ii Ko ni Narou Ne"
>>2457 Where is that from?
pixiv, i think it's deleted now? idk lost in my bookmarks
man this thread is empty
>>554 This is KoolKyouShinda I'm pretty sure- I don't think these are from a doujin, does he have a pixiv or something?
>>2421 Nhentai doesn't allow Tcon
>>2530 this whole board is empty
there should be more tcon content....smh
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>>2457 neato, found the sequel https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/21040bb7a15cad945879080ee2689861 sorry i can upload it here, its too large
>>2972 cant* fuck.
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>4348 holy fucking shit that last panel by Miyamoto sensei was so fucking hot its a shame it ended there and there is no continuation
"Mama's Secret OneShota Fanfiction!" by Leonardo 16sei exhentai.org/g/2757300/db0b45c323
These three panels are good, but sadly the entire rest of the doujin isn't straight shota. imhentai.xxx/gallery/335080 Also, these last two images I can't find a source for, saucenao gives me nothing. Originally found them in this exhentai gallery: exhentai.org/g/2859077/5833b6ecfd
>>2972 Anyone gotta copy of this Sankaku is TERRIBLE
>>4464 Thanks, yo

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