/ss/ - Straight Shota

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text /ss Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 22:33:42 No. 2474
Images that have large text of either narration or dialogue
I got you some of this isn't ss, just image your self as 7
>>2789 or delete what doesn't fit because I just labeled it all captions
(155.54 KB 1280x577 1482520237525.jpg)

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>>2790 again just going through them by the pic, some of these maybe just femdom
(189.99 KB 1280x1080 1483511127565.jpg)

>>2790 I think that was it from the ones this type
(212.89 KB 900x1252 1483575021160.jpg)

forgot one
>>2793 That Onee-san is committed to serving justice.
Anyone remember /wx/? They had a thread for insinuated /ss/ captions, anyone know if a trove of those ever got saved anywhere?
>>4410 What is /wx/? A board or a thread, on 4chan or an altchan? Captions source: imhentai.xxx/gallery/984645

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