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Happy Mother’s Day Anonymous 05/15/2023 (Mon) 02:37:33 No. 2396
This thread is dedicated to mother/son straight shotacon and also to the discussion of real life mother/son incest and the evolutionary and psychosocial advantages of mother/son incest and inbreeding.
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Don't forget to pamper your moms. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/72657945
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Let's use this as a momcest thread. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94995753
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https://aethy.com/@fufan@baraag.net/111170921612526323 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102078459 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99036679 >In order to provide appropriate sex education, the government recommends that mothers write down their notes as part of the lesson. >If you are a single-parent family or the mother is not available, a teacher, other school staff member, or volunteer will do it for you. This is a story about such a world line. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106800800 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81847029
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>Welcome. >Dinner is ready. >Dinner is getting cold. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112601276
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/104984191 Mommy Yuki is a very wealthy high priced lawyer, at the end of a long work day there's nothing she loves more than coming home, throwing off her clothes and using her living vibrator to relieve some stress. They live in a very expensive penthouse and he's basically her pet boy toy or is she HIS living real doll? either way they enjoy living together. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98141798 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100674384 Think of her basically like Ava Addams with a Tan who's a nympho for little boys. This is just a snapshot of what its like "living" with her. Always finding ways to keep fit and active.
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Okaasan Lesson https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112550454 A pregnant mother had the misfortune of having her husband transferred to a new job for six months. It looks like she will be able to return before her due date, but her mother is in agony. At that time, her son's knowledge... ``Her son is now alone...'' This is the beginning of her mother's sex education.
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>>3437 Continuation of the second one: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113306302
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>Just doing some casual things while the other line is hearing faint slurping noises and receives very few responses whenever he talks. Pretty normal thing I guess. Be grateful, because they still accepted your call in the first place while they're busy doing their 'usual' thing. It eases the mind when you know that they're doing good...And they're feeling REALLY GOOD with each other. >When someone at home is willing to 'play' with you and ready to get dirty for you. Are you still willing go outside to play and get dirty? Maybe, after you 'played' inside I guess, if your 'playmate' didn't manage to deplete your stamina. >Another nice bonding between two intimate individuals. Nothing beats casual yet very passionate interaction! https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111805124 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99852506 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78046954
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This is all the mom/milf x shota I got:
>"You're gonna be home late again dear? But I cooked your favorite foo-*MMMhhhggg!!!" Sometimes, calls can be interrupted. Especially if your location has low to non-existent service connection... While the other side has 'stronger connection' than you! Don't let the call finish, 'flip' the conversation instead! Let them talk the talk, while she gulp the cock. Show off your WWE skill in order to show dominance to the person in the other line! >"Hey mom! Look! "TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!" . Blood is thicker than water, but cum surpasses them together! https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118798585
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My Child >The Mama Shota design, which clearly gives the impression of blood ties, is also good. >The mother's name is Tilia (linden tree). The son's name is Laurus (laurel tree). The flower language of the linden tree is "marital love," "marriage," and "passionate love." The flower language of the laurel tree is "glory," "honor," and "I will not change until I die." >Tyria loves and protects the land, home and son left behind by her husband, a great warrior. However, perhaps due to the loneliness of having lost her husband, a different love than maternal love is beginning to sprout for her son, Laurus. >Don't worry, it's perfectly normal for a mother to wash her son's body. >As expected, Tilia's mother's height was too big, so I readjusted it. In the end, this may be just right. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14075766/
>>5335 >Since I lost my husband, I started sleeping with my son every night because he is the only person left who can warm my heart. >My son Laurus had been weaned many years ago. But after I lost my husband, I started breastfeeding him again. >I wonder if I'm trying to use my son to fill the hole in my heart that was left after losing him. I'm sorry I'm a bad mom. >Laurus accepted me as I was, and nursed me with the same expression on his face as when he was a baby. >That made me so happy... and my desire for this child just kept growing... >Since I lost my husband, my son Laurus has been clinging to me a lot. We used to be in touch a lot, but lately we're almost always together. When I asked him if he was lonely, he said, "Yes. And because you seem really lonely, too," and buried his face in my chest. He's a very kind boy, just like his father. He was the one who reached out to me when I was too big and no one would approach me. He was the only man who healed my loneliness. After all, it's him and my child. >After my husband was gone, men in town started to cling to me. But their eyes were lustfully glaring, and I could tell right away that they were after the legacy of my husband, a great warrior. Rather than clinging to those despicable people, I... >Tilia sleeps with her son in the same clothes she wears when sleeping with her husband >We're just sleeping together. That's it. Nothing more than that. For now.
>>5336 >The family name of Tilia and Laurus has been decided to be "Oliver". Even so, Tilia's butt is stable and reassuring, and very dependable. >When my son washes my body, I remember my late husband and my heart starts beating fast. He touched my body gently like this too. On the night we tried to have this child, he loved me with his passionate eyes and warm hands. If only this child would love me as much as he did... >...I wonder what I'm thinking. There's no way that could happen. We are blood relatives. >I guess I get my love of hugging people from behind from my dad. >In the morning, I am usually the first to wake up. >The cool, wet touch of my son Laurus, who sleeps with my breast as his pillow, makes me realize that this happiness is not a dream. >First, I gently push Laurus, who is sleeping on my body, aside, and if he doesn't wake up, I look at his sleeping face. His adorable sleeping face has not changed since he was a baby. I can't help but look at it, and I end up kissing him. >After kissing him lots and feeling satisfied, I get out of bed, get dressed, put on an apron, and make breakfast. The most enjoyable moment is when I cook, imagining the face of my son eating the food I have prepared with gusto. >Because he is the only one left who will eat my home-cooked food.
>>5337 >今日のおやつはママの手作りクッキー。一緒にママのおっぱいミルクも召し上がれ♡ https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123088930
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123715390 >A stressed mommy is not good. So, as her precious son, you must help her 'relieve' those stress the best way you can! How? By giving your cute but intimate plunges from behind! She doesn't need to move a lot, you got to do most of the task. Do it effectively and her stress will be relieved in no time! Just keep this a little secret from your sister and your father. A hot and juicy little secret~ >Mom is hot, she's just a little tired that's all. Tired or not, the thiccness is still there, waiting to get smashed! https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123710784 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90950912
>>5475 >義母来訪 >A lot has already been revealed... but that's why this is the situation. >Another family member has lost all sense of ethics. Everyone is crazy and everyone is good 🧡 >Ideal world has arrived!? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/124344275
>>5764 >Mother-in-law visits
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Is adopting allowed here? >The Road to the Abyss >On a rare day off, Junko goes down to the village for a leisurely stroll. Having lost her husband and her son to murder, watching the village children playing innocently is the greatest comfort to her. >Suddenly, she spots a young boy wandering around unsteadily, not joining the group of happy-looking children. Curious, she looks at him and her eyes widen in shock. >The boy's appearance is extremely similar to that of her own son, who was once her most beloved, but whose young life was cruelly taken by Chang'e's schemes. >Junko cannot help but run over to the boy and try to embrace him. However, seeing fear on the boy's face, she comes to her senses and stops moving. Looking closely from up close, she can see that the face, skin, eye color, and even hair color and texture are frighteningly similar to her son's. >Unable to help but feel a sense of "fate," Junko invites the boy to her home. After thinking for a moment, the boy quietly nods and follows Junko... ---- >Junko brought home a boy who looked just like his son, whom he had met in the village. After making tea for both of them and sitting across from him, Junko felt a sense of nostalgia as if he had gone back to his old days, and an overflowing love for his son whom he thought he had lost. >Junko looked at the boy with the same gaze he had once given his son, but the boy seemed nervous, just looked down and didn't say a word, nor did he take a sip of the tea that was offered to him. Seeing the boy like that, Junko spoke to him gently. >Junko: "Hehe...There's no need to be nervous, boy. Just think of this as your own home and make yourself comfortable." >The boy looked at Junko with anxious eyes. >Junko: "...Don't look like that. It's okay, I just...want to talk with you while drinking tea like this. That's enough for me, so...would you like to talk to me?" >Hearing her words, the boy nodded slightly and took a sip of the tea with milk and sugar. >Junko: "Thank you. Well then, first of all... what's your name? Can you tell me?" >Boy: "Um... Miyato..." >Junko: "...I see. So your name is Miyato. Do you have a mom and dad?" >Miyato: "Well... my mom... isn't here. Now... with my dad..." >Junko: "Oh... is that so. What's your dad like? Is he kind?" >Miyato: "..." >The boy looked away feeling guilty when asked that question, and went quiet... ---- >When asked about his father, the boy lowered his eyes and fell silent. Then, his hands gradually began to shake, spilling tea from the teacup he was holding. >Miyato: "Ah...!" >Junko: "Oh no! You'll get burned, take off your clothes quickly!" >Miyato: "Um... but..." >Junko: "Don't worry, we have some children's clothes at home. I'll lend you some of my clothes while I wash those. So come on, let's take them off." >Miyato: "..."
[Expand Post] >Junko took off the boy's tea-stained clothes with practiced hands. >Junko: "...!?" >The boy's exposed upper body had multiple bruises. The bruises clearly looked like marks from being hit with hands or feet. >Junko: "Miyato... what's with these bruises?" >Miyato: "..." >I thought it might be a fight between children. However, these bruises were all in positions that couldn't be seen from the outside if he was wearing clothes. Jun'ko bent down and, meeting the boy's gaze, asked him. >Jun'ko: "Hey, Miyato. Look me in the eye. And please, answer honestly. Who gave you these bruises?" >Miyato: "My father..." >Jun'ko: "Do you know why that is?" >Miyato: "I don't know..." >Why was the boy just walking around instead of playing with his friends in the village? >Was he "running away"? >From his father's violence. >Because he didn't want to stay inside the house. >Because if he was found, he would be taken back again. >Jun'ko felt the "dark flame" that had been smoldering inside him ignite again... ---- >The boy looked exactly like her lost son, and even his circumstances were similar to her son's. When Junko heard this, she was convinced. This encounter was fate. She believed that heaven had given her an opportunity to clear her regrets as a mother for not being able to protect her son. >Junko's hatred for her husband and Chang'e, which she had hidden deep in her heart, was rekindled, but she maintained a calm face and approached the boy. >Junko: "Hey, Miyato. You're scared of your father, aren't you? That's why you ran away from home, isn't it?" >Miyato: "Yes." >Junko: "I see. Then you should give up on that father. And become my child. I can use a spell. If you're willing, I can make your father disappear right here and now, and make me your mother." >Miyato: "..." >The boy nodded, his eyes downcast. >Junko: "...Okay. Now...close your eyes for a bit." >Miyato: "..." >As the boy closes his eyes, Junko places his hand on the birthmark and recites a spell. Long ago, Junko was absorbed in searching for a "curse" to avenge his grudge against Chang'e. This is one of the sorceries he discovered. It is a technique to "curse those who have hurt you" using the scars on his body as a catalyst. Junko took the hatred he once felt towards Chang'e and her husband, which made his heart sting, and bleed red, and poured it into the "curse" he cast on Miyato's father. >The powerful "curse" that was activated flew in the direction of the village, flickering like a flame. >That night, a man died in the village. According to the person who found him, his face was distorted with fear, like that of an "oppressed child," and he was frozen in a twitch. ---- >Junko curses and kills the father who was abusing a boy who looked exactly like his lost son that he met in the village. He then strips the boy of his dirty clothes and dresses him in his son's clothes that he had carefully stored away. Then, right before his eyes, the son he had supposedly lost appears in perfect shape. Junko cannot help but shed hot tears. >Junko: "...!" >Miyato: "...Um...What do you think?" >Junko: "Yeah, it really...looks great on you. Really...really...!" >Miyato: "...Uh...Thank you, Junko." >Junko: "Hey, Miyato. Will you...call me...'Mom'?" >Miyato: "Uh...Yes...Mom." >Junko: "...Uh...Uh...! Now...We are real 'parents and children'. From now on, we'll live together here. I'll take care of you when you eat, bathe, and sleep. I'll help you with your studies too. So...I'll be looking after you from now on, Miyato...!" >Miyato: "Yes!" https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125003858
>"Mama" is the only thing in the wishlist. Hnnngghh https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125491006
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>>5966 >Junko, a mother who had lost her child, accepted Miyato, a child who had also lost his mother, as her own. The moment she picked up that small body, Junko felt as if "light had shone into the darkness" and "a deep, huge crack had been filled perfectly." >Junko quietly made a decision. From today, her everything was for the sake of this child. This time, as a mother, she would protect this child even at the risk of her life. ---- >Junko: "Kogane, are you there?" >Kogane: "Yes, I'm here." >Junko: "Kogane, as of today, this child... Miyato is my child. We will be living together from now on, so please take good care of her." >Kogane: "Yes, I understand. Miyato-sama, please take good care of me." >Miyato: "Um...?" >Junko: "Ah, we haven't introduced each other yet. This girl is Kogane. She's my servant. She usually does the cleaning, laundry, shopping, and other household chores. If Miyato is having trouble or there's anything you need her to do, please feel free to ask Kogane. That's why." >Kogane: "Yes, please feel free to ask anything♡" >Miyato: "Ah... yes." >Junko: "Okay. Well, the sun is starting to go down, so let's have dinner soon." >Kogane: "Understood. I'll get it ready right away." >Junko: "Oh, Kogane. From today on, I'll cook the meals too. I'm Miyato's mother after all." >Kogane: "Well... hehe. Junko-sama, you're really enthusiastic♡ Then I'll help you." >Junko: "Miyato, I'll go make dinner, so be a good boy and wait." >Miyato: "...Okay." ---- >After a celebratory dinner, Junko and Miyato decide to take a bath before going to bed. For Miyato, the bathroom is one of the scenes of abuse, and so he is a little frightened of it. Junko gently and carefully washes Miyato's bruised body, and together they get into the shallow, gently rimmed bathtub. >Junko: "Okay... you can hug Mommy while you take your time, so let's take a nice, relaxing bath. I had Mommy prepare a special medicinal bath for Miyato today. Now, immerse yourself up to your shoulders... how does it feel? Does it feel good?" >Miyato: "Yeah... it feels good..." >Junko: "See... baths aren't scary, are they? From now on, let's take a bath together every day with Mommy." >Miyato: "Yeah." >Junko: "... Miyato, look at your body." >Miyato: "Hmm?... Ah, the bruises... are gone!" >Junko: "Hehe... this is the effect of this medicinal bath. It heals skin wounds and bruises. Maybe because Miyato is a child, it healed quickly. It's a precious thing, so I can't use it every day... but I'm glad it worked." >Miyato: "...Thank you, Mommy..." ---- >After taking a bath and brushing their teeth, Jun'ko and Miyato changed into their pajamas and went to bed. Gazing at Miyato's face as he slept peacefully on the large black bed, Jun'ko became lost in thought. >Today was a memorable day. In just one day, I met Miyato, erased her evil father, and Miya and I became mother and son. I feel like I'm dreaming. >His sleeping face is just like his. I feel so nostalgic, and so fond of him. I want to teach this child many things from now on. Delicious things, beautiful things, fun things, pleasant things... I want to give him all the "joys" in the world. I want to watch over that smile forever... >This time, I will protect my son. I will not let anyone take him away. Even if arrows rain down, I am prepared to use my own body as a shield. But Miyato is just a human being. Even if no one intervenes, that life would not last even a hundred years. In comparison, I am a divine spirit. I have a physical body that can be touched, but I have no lifespan. It is only a matter of time before I "lose" again... >I... >I no longer... >I do not want to lose anything again. ----
[Expand Post] >I woke up in my bedroom, the morning sun shining through the curtains, and I froze, staring at the ceiling. An immense sense of anxiety gripped my chest. Could yesterday's experience, my meeting with Miyato, have all been a dream? If I looked next to me and Miyato wasn't there, would I be able to keep my sanity? That's why I was afraid to move my eyes. >Suddenly, I heard a small voice say "Mommy" from right next to me. The sense of anxiety in my chest disappeared, and I looked next to me as if bounced. There, my dear, dear son, Miyato, was sleeping peacefully, with his limbs stretched out like a baby, drooling from his half-open mouth. >A maternal love and sense of happiness welled up from the depths of my heart and filled my chest in an instant, overflowing as hot tears. I couldn't help but embrace Miyato, but he hadn't woken up yet. In his sleep, he clung to my breasts and buried his face in my cleavage, begging for my affection. There was saliva on my skin and it was a little cold, but that sensation made me realize that this was not a dream. >Miyato's sleeping face was just too cute for me, so I kissed her forehead and cheeks over and over again. I felt like I would go crazy if I didn't express my affection like this and let it all out. >Even after Miyato woke up, I couldn't stop kissing her for a while...
>>5966 >>6190 My heart can't take this cuteness. These little stories are hitting all the right, wholesome kind of /ss/ things I like too. It's perfection.
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>>6190 this is amazing, it makes me so happy yet so sad... i wish i was loved as a child anyways thank you for this, this helps me feel a little bit better

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