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Furry x Shota Anonymous 05/02/2021 (Sun) 17:10:16 No. 152
Furry females with human or furry shotas.
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>>193 there source of those last two webms?
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I will now proceed to post a western comic
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>>274 thats all folks
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I have alot of SS in the server so feel free to join! :) [Link removed due to advertising rule, advertising may only be posting in the cyclical General Thread.]
Edited last time by NotADemon on 06/10/2021 (Thu) 10:59:20.
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Artist: Wherewolf (South Korea)
Do pokemon like Gardevoir count as furries?
>>620 >>621 Very good art
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>>822 love this guys stuff
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More from Wherewolf (Pixiv)
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I wanna draw something between Gregory and Roxanne from the new FNaF game. Any ideas?
>>1124 Her picking him up in the air under his arms above her head and sucking his dick and balls at the same time
>>1124 Gregory fucking her fortune cookie pussy while pulling on her with a leash.
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>>1125 Ask and you shall receive
>>1127 oh hey that turned out great and I didn't expect much thanks anon! The way the panels are set up makes it looks like there would be a panel showing the inside of her mouth but that may just be me being a begger. I knew we had artists here maybe somebody will make a drawthread
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>>1128 If one was made, you know id be there. Never enough ss
>>1127 Noice
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I know Christmas is over but I'm posting these anyway.
>>242 sauce for these?
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even scratches my crossdressing shota and rimjob itch
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yknow I'm always curious on how people think about furry shota and human girl with established characters. Like if its a picture of say lucario and one of the pokemoms is that considered /ss/? Would it be if he was with one of the younger girls? Does it all come down to just size difference? Do people not consider lucario, but would consider his pre-evolution?Would boots from dora the explorer be considered a shota if he was fucking her mom always wonder how people think
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>>152 >>154 >>266 >>451 >>452 >>890 artist? it seems to be an "MTD" guy but i can't find him or any social media accounts
>>1273 marthedog on twitter its @MTDcorp He used to post on this board but haven't seen him in a bit but this place is super slow so who knows if he still pops by
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love these 2 together >>1291 writefag is a cool guy
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>>1366 >writefag is a cool guy thanks
>>1369 np bud was never sure if it was actually you here or if somebody was just posting your stuff. Would see you on /co/ when I was shilling this place just never knew if you made it over. Cool to know another artist is here
>>1370 "another artist?" who are you, then? What is your nick?
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>>1370 I'd post my stuff more often but I don't wanna spam
>>1380 I meant other artists on this board not that I am an artist too, I realized that after I posted >>1381 lol man there are like 5 people that post on this board it feels like and I'm at least 2 of them
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>>1381 >lol man there are like 5 people that post on this board it feels like and I'm at least 2 of them so you couldn't spam even if you wanted to. I didn't finish what I was saying, anyway back ot the good shit
>>1382 >>1383 Well alright then
>>1381 Nice. I always gravitate to the floof of 80s Cheetara and Wilykat, but the more the merrier.
>>1385 I just find 80s Wilykat to be kind of ugly in the face lol 2011 one is much cuter and therefore more fun to undress I mean draw Also, does anyone remember a fapfic called The Sexual Adventures of Wilykat? I kinda liked it but I can't seem to find a full version anymore. The bit where he fucks Cheetara is cut off on the only site that seems to have it
>>1386 I get what you mean about him, he does have a kinda runty look. For me that just makes it kinda cuter, like he's small but trying to act tough. Shota Lion-O is good too.
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you guys reminded me that incog had drawn some stuff with them forever ago at this point. The 2011 designs of kit and kat have this like smugness to them that makes it seem like they team up on cheetara together
>>1389 Yeah, I love the smug brat look 2011 has. Makes me love seeing him turn Cheetara into his own personal bitch
I regret not commissioning more furry /ss/ from Kennoarkkan when he was more affordable.
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Reminder that tails is a manly man >>1393 whats he even up to now? I really liked this comic and a bunch of his other wakfu/MHA stuff. Is he just working on his OC comic now?
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including random shit our boy writefag drew some of it from us fucking around in that weekly /ss/ thread
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>>1575 >not including the fucking-aroundiest pic
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>>1575 And have this sequel to that one Cheetara pic
>>1578 man that was like 4 requests culminated together lol. If you had it on pixiv when I grabbed the others I would've posted it >>1579 Based
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that was a fun thread probably will make another one next week unless somebody makes it earlier
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>>1597 indeed. best to keep them spaced out enough that we don't become a nuisance and get axed tho lmao also have the finished version of that
>>1602 yeah no point posting so much just gonna piss of the jannies and they let us get away with a lot especially with that autist at the beginning of the threads being a spaz Also based cool seeing my shitposts being made into stuff
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Somebody posted surge and kit on /co/ I like them cool pair I hope people draw >>1612 oh hey mar is that you? Guess that game you were working on got scrapped?
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>>1614 Yeah, it's Mar. The idea I've shown before is scrapped. Hit a wall and wanted to take a break from it. I recently went back into coding a new project with some old and new ideas. This will have a more general focused gameplay. The other was a bit all over and didn't flow too well.
>>1618 oh that sucks but what can you do. From the sound of it, it did sound like a lot to tackle for what I think would be your first game. Full platformer and then dating sim esque game attached with the girls you saved lol most people would just pick one or the other to start me thinks
>>1621 Big ambition can hurt a project. Though I feel that as I played the base game it wasn't too fun. So I'm gonna to ape a style of game I like to play.
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>>1622 Yeah that would be a problem lol trying to do a lot of cool things doesn't mean they'd mesh well together. Gonna keep the new one a platformer?
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>>1623 It'll stay a platformer, but closer to a Sonic game. Shift the roles around with the player being a girl and everything else being a shota. Since coming up with a main character shota was driving me up a wall. Though I'm not putting off the idea of playing as a shota somewhere else in the game. Maybe a bonus mode.
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>>1626 dope alright lets talk it out. How do you turn sonic into a porn game? Platformer h-games always were weird to me because it always seems like you get scenes by losing yknow? What if I'm good at the game then I get less scenes lol Man those first and third pics are great who drew the first one is that rapscallion? and the third looks like something you would draw lol gonna need sauce on that one too
>>1628 You would need to have the lewd scenes given out as a reward. For a Sonic game since it's about speed, you can tie it into that. Finish a stage quickly and get treated to some fucking depending on how good you did. I want to play into that and maybe score too. Was thinking of shota-ifying common game objects like the checkpoints or goal. The first is rapscallion and the second is by https://twitter.com/DMX_woops/status/1527363468264779781
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>>1629 Okay so even the platforming is definitely simplified more than the last thing you did? From those few clips you posted ages ago it had climbing and stuff so the new idea is more strict run and jump only? The way to get scenes makes sense too, keeps it real simple Main character would be one of your furry ss girls? or the loli or a new one? and didn't even realize those 2 pics just got put on twitter, that rogue one probably came after you made that post tbh
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>>1629 >Was thinking of shota-ifying common game objects like the checkpoints or goal. >Jump on thing that holds animals at end of level >furry shotas pop out and gangbang pc could be cool! Show us stuff when you have stuff to show if thats cool! Man nobody really does the whole lipstick thing or kissing like michiyoshi. What a beast
>>1626 I really like the idea of a female pc on the hunt for shotas. Since Sonic was mentioned maybe defeating each enemy would give a shot at banging a shota real quick like, then beating the bosses will grant you a longer scene you can control or something, Perhaps having the choice to steal a shota freed from the antagonist for themselves or siccing the shota onto a female antagonist, or even reconcilign and both protag and antag of a zone bang a shota together etc. Just random ideas. I'm probably skewing towards a femdom angle too much lol
>>1640 Don't worry and those are all good ideas. >>1639 Sure thing. I post again some wips of the game in the game thread when I got something worth showing. >>1634 Gameplay mechanics like climbing will be in if it flows well with the default running and jump. Have different level gimmicks like Mario and Sonic usually have. Plus adding different characters can give different playstyles.
>>1666 >Trips of satan posting boy with man penis and gross ass dog women. You need to leave.
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our boy writefag learning the truth that is /ss/ rimjobs and the first sonic pic is funny cause I was about to post it and didn't even realize it's from Mar lol
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>>1679 lel. I'm pretty indifferent on rimmys. That was a request from my discord.
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one for the Thundercats fags here
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from https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98726488 >>1701 lol thanks man I was literally typing that I need to mix it up soon and look for some thundercats cause I keep posting tails. Great timing
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if mar is around good job on the kit and surge pic! I know its a comm but that's a good pair I hope people do more of
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some more Thundercat/ss/
Found out that michiyoshi actually has a pixiv account and uploaded something new yesterday. Also found a fake game set me made. Which sucks cause he should just make it a game https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99855116 >>1806 whats up writefag, you know that dickhead in the plucky thread actually got me banned for the week saying the threads were spam lol that's why the last one disappeared
>>1813 lel, why am I not surprised
>>1796 Thanks. Here it is colored by @GoldsDen
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This kid has a tail he's furry enough to be the growlith. Writefag you still check in here? How the pic making going I'm too lazy to make a secret /ss/ thread on /co/ again but feel bad for requesting the soccer thing lol
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>>1948 >>1951 >Ann Gora soccer request It'll be a while before you see it, but it'll be worth the wait for you, trust me on that.
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>>1997 >>1998 told you this when you posted it on /co/ but the comic turned out real great writefag. thanks for drawing my dumb idea and can't wait to see whatever you got planned next
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I have a longshot request here, but early 2021 (that I know of), there was an artist active on InkBunny that went by the name "MootsieCub". They did simple furry art and animations, usually of young cubs and plump women- with a heavy focus on dry orgasms. One day their account was nuked and I haven't found their work posted ANYWHERE else. Searching their username only brings up shoes, so I'm not sure what could even be done at this point.
>>2158 Maybe try the way back machine or other archives.
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>>2160 Way back machine doesn't have anything of theirs, I've already checked. I also didn't think to archive any of their stuff myself.
>>2160 >>2161 oh cool mar still posts here. How've you been man great stuff as always
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>>2164 I try to post when I have something finished or isn't weird like the fisting thing, but fork it. I've been fine and yourself?
Surge and Kit need more art >>2166 >I try to post when I have something finished or isn't weird like the fisting thing Ohhh so that's it. The board is so slow I just assumed you forgot about it like I did lol. Game still an idea your working on or just worrying about pictures and I'm doing good!
>>2167 Try I'll try make some more Surge and Kit in the future. The game process has been slow do to trying to work on artworks and commissions. I would post something in the game thread but there isn't anything new.
>>2173 >Try I'll try make some more Surge and Kit in the future. Now that's some good fucking news thanks Mar!
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you know who else doesn't get any love? Wave. She even has the whole purple color palette like a bunch of the /ss/ girls have now. tails and Kit have a fun dynamic where they are technically the predators but all the girls that should be prey are bigger
>>2217 She is very underrated. I think the beak is what puts people off from liking or drawing her. This is a very old sketch I made of her and Charmy that plays off "the birds and the bees" phrase.
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>>2245 >I think the beak is what puts people off from liking or drawing her. That could be it which sucks. I saw you also posted a sketch of her on pixiv the other day so cool to see that you're enlightened. I guess more people need to see d-rocks stuff to appreciate the beaks
We need more shota with small cock with furry woman. I am beggin.
>>2316 Seconded
>>2342 Awesome! Anyway we can get more? I wanna revive this thread
Dagasi added more of the boy the fox the legend >>2343 it's just d-rocks stuff I'll post more but don't want you thinking I'm him
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>>2371 hot.
>>2403 Source on this? Saucenao/iqdb is giving back nothing
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Bloodhawk just nuked all of his IB account, so hope you made backups of his animations.
>Last post was from 5 months ago Shame this is a niche genre without it being filled with scat or gore :/
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New from Norgate
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so where am I supposed to easily search for human shota on female furry now that e621 became massive faggots? just pixiv?

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