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Merry Christmas! Anonymous 12/25/2021 (Sat) 06:07:35 No. 1137
Any christmas or similarly end of year/winter themed /ss/
Merry Christmas from 2022
Merry Christmas from 2023
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Tor users are not allowed to post files, otherwise I would share the art I made. For an anonymous board, they really need to allow anonymous posting.
>>3965 Wrong thread
>>3066 What do you mean? I'm talkking about sharing christmas art. This is the thread for that.
It's that time of the year. >Randra's owner had been thinking of waiting until Christmas to tell both her and his son that she was officially his. They'd been spending a lot of time together (fucking all over the house and his school), so he thought it was appropriate his son has full control and ownership of her, not needing to go through him for everything. His father left for work not 5 minutes after telling them this, and the boy got out a mat so the fucking could begin and go until he couldn't get hard anymore. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125378484 >Rerea was out delivering donated presents for various wanting children and families and in one instance the only person home was a young shota. Rerea tried to resist the thoughts in her head and the heat in her crotch, but it was only a matter of time before most of her clothes were off and her bare ass was all over his cock, making him cum as he tried to record what was happening for later. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125321734 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125372970
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>When I drink alcohol I get sleepy so I want Shota to take care of me https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125506851
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A little late

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