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Source/Request Thread Anon 07/04/2021 (Sun) 21:43:53 No. 6039
Noticed there's not yet a sauce thread and I'm getting desperate
Edited last time by shotakot on 08/08/2022 (Mon) 02:00:42.
>>6244 It was a commission.
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any good twitter artists/accounts you follow for shota art?
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>>6478 I prefer to use Pixiv because Twitter-like platforms suck at searching old art, but there are few Twitter and Baraag accounts that I have bookmarked, mostly for their SFW pics: https://twitter.com/blikeeeey/ - Cute Megaman and Link art https://twitter.com/elTamo/media - Cute shotas from sources https://twitter.com/amakara000/media - Draws cute inklings, posts lewds at https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/18704911 https://twitter.com/wool_bl/media - Cute and sometimes lewd shotas, has inactive accounts at https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/25813488 and https://pawoo.net/@wool_bl https://twitter.com/os_fresa/media - Does a lot of cute oneshota art https://baraag.net/@crumbs/media - Most pics are loli, but he does /ss/ as well I have pics from a lot of other artists, but these are the ones from Twitter that I have bookmarked. The rest are Pixiv bookmarks of different galleries.
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I mostly follow artist on Twitter if they post art that is not available or Pixiv, or if they take too long to post it. https://nitter.eu/monomou_26 - Shibacco's Twitter, has privatter links to his stuff https://nitter.eu/Pfc_homurabe - Doesn't upload regularly on Pixiv, and has art available on Poipuku, this artist also has a locked account that with lots of his art uncensored, can't find it at the moment https://nitter.eu/kiyowa1001 - Cute Shinkalion boys https://nitter.eu/mx_Mula - Only posts about a particular character from Hikaru no Go, but very good stuff https://nitter.eu/CantgetupA - A6's twitter, some stuff only available there https://nitter.eu/ShuujiChan_ - Good SatoGoh artist, R-18 stuff is locked on a different account DM for access https://nitter.eu/trngs_bot2 - Good artist, lots of stuff that is not posted on Pixiv https://nitter.eu/echi_echi_tk - Good OMORI artist, some stuff are not posted on Pixiv https://nitter.eu/CROW_HEAVEN - CROW's twitter, also lots of stuff not posted on Pixiv
If somebody could help me find the source of this one it would be greatly appreciated. >>6264
>>6555 Thank you kind anon! >>6238 For Otty it's easy, his stuff is on Pixiv, although censored (User: 45652634). For uncensored stuff go to his Hiccears page (hiccears.com/artist-profile.php?apid=138285). For Wangdangle (or taninja) it's tricky, there's only stuff posted on baraag by people commissioning him or stuff that leaks into rule34 (look for taninja there).
Help an anon here with this one >>6521
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Does anybody know the original source of this gif? I found it in a random exhentai gallery.
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Sauce for this? Found this beauty in the Ghetto Booty thread.
>>7021 >A Super-lewd Shota is My Wife https://exhentai.org/g/1244326/821a383114/
Can somebody tell me the sauce of this? >>7024 I think it's from this artist https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2900306 but I wasn't able to find it there or on their twitter.
>>5783 I think there was a thread quite a few months ago about sources for shota pieces or shota characters or something. Does anyone remember it? I had asked about a shota piece with Sasuke (from the 1968 series) that had been removed from pixiv (kind of ryona; blood from the anus, tired look on his face), but I had promptly forgot to check for updates regarding the—at the time—slow board (or it was another board; pretty sure it was this one, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't even on the top front page as it is now). If anyone remembers that/has the image, that'd be great. I apologize if this isn't the thread to ask.
>>6692 That is by the Puinkey, the characters are Tiz and Egil from Bravely Default. The links to the webm, gif, and still versions of the work are all dead here https://inkbunny.net/s/669737, so you seem to have found what is otherwise lost media. Could you share the link to the exhentai post that contained it? The webm and still versions are still seemingly lost, as Puinkey is barely active artwise nowadays on twitter, and Kitaness, the comissioner of the piece is also inactive on Inkbunny, and I can't find any other social media Kitaness uses to contact them to possibly ask for the files.
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>>6692 >>7165 Well, progress! I got a reply from kitaness today that said, "only the webm" and got an imgur link for the Tiz x Egil animation. https://imgur.com/a/FPSV2qi That said it IS an mp4 file, not a webm file on download.
any more content saved?
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could i get some sauce on this ? because i've been dying to know
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I'm looking for source of that pics, their author etc.
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What is this site and why does it forbid me from entering it?
that looks like literal dogshit
>>10327 I feel like this should be globally reported based solely on how awful it is.
Looking for a certain shota artist I used to have. Had really good pics of very tan shota boys, usually nude or with sports shoes on. There was one pic in particular with 2 boys humping in what looks like a school gym shower while another boy is seen through the semi clear curtain.
Can someone start a go fund me account to fund Shota and Loli Art with donations? How would one do this? Also, a direct download link to a rar file of the whole site backup would be nice. It takes too long to download all of the art. BTW BECAUSE OF FILES LIKE THESE ONES I WANT TO TRY A 12-INCH PENIS. IT WOULD BE DIRECT SEX KARMA.
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I feel like the loli in this screen cap
>>11630 Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun - Mother of the Goddess` Dormitory, episode 9.
Can I get a source for this one?
>>11803 the artist is Emolga https://nitter.eu/Emolga/status/1569391872350556160 >>10952 the first picture was made by akikan. I'm not very sure as to who made the second one, though. https://baraag.net/@akikan/108417858776177248
Looking for a pic where a smiling shota laying in a shikibuton (japanese floor bed) at the night is presenting his chest to the viewer. There is another shota or man sleeping in the background at the top left. Style reminded me of Glimo or Wool_bl
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nomnomnami.itch.io/starry-flowers-mirror-call The VN was so cute and I want to read this too, but I can't find it anywhere. :c
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I quite like this gif but i cant find the artist. does anyone know who they are?
Kenoru, here is the pixiv if you want follow them. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5456745
wow, thank you!
Anyone got some art of this artist? (Protege) https://danbooru.donmai.us/artists/256511 All that remains of them is two posts on Paheal. They used to draw pretty clean and adorable shota art, and shipped Link and Selim Bradley.

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