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collisions Anonymous 12/19/2020 (Sat) 12:23:19 No. 67
I'm trying to figure out by myself how elastic collision work. Is pic related correct? P.S.: arrows are speed P.P.S.: masses are equal, disregard ball size
>>67 Looking at your diagram, it seems to be correct. Make sure your axes transformations are lined up correctly and you have the right components. A test you can do if you want to make sure the physics are in the neighborhood of correct: calculate the sum of the kinetic energies before and after the collision. If the energies are equal, you should have at least a correct calculation.
Oh and try edge cases like a head-on collision, a 90* angle or a graze with m1>>m2
cool... how come sci is dead
>>72 It was dead on the old site by 2016, too.
>>74 old site?
>>75 Where are you from and how did you find this place?
>>76 im from Asia. what do you mean find this place? wikipedia?
>>74 I was the board owner on the old site when it got shut down. It was somewhat active, although admittedly a lot of that activity was political spam or schizo posting.

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