/psych/ - Psychedelics

Shrooms and other fun things

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Welcome and Meta Thread Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:40:50 No. 1
Welcome to /psych/. The rules are, >1. Post about experiences on substances >2. Do not talk about how to acquire illegal substances or otherwise break the law >3. Chill This board is primarily about hallucinogens, but feel free discuss the effects of any drugs, and remember to always post via a proxy for your own safety. Banner submissions are open.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 12/15/2024 (Sun) 12:57:01.
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Full disclaimer. I have very little experiences with hallucinogens. I made this board because I just started, 420chan no longer exists, and stonerchan is flaky and hard to post on.
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we're saddened by your decision to move. we're still fixing the place up. we're testing posting so you don't have to. we're hope you're happier here. love, stonerchan's staff
>>4 Good luck with your site. Make sure to make backups and contingency plans.
>>5 no problem, friend. we'll come around sometimes to check up on the place, make sure nobody's being mean to the people who choose to be here instead. 420chan = family.
>>6 > people who choose to be here instead Lmao. I doubt anyone will use my dead board. I'll be mirroring my experience posts between sites so long as you don't consider it spam.
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>>7 we support your decision and welcome you to post on our board as well. we will help you however we can. people will come in time. when they feel ready. stay humble and optimistic. thank you for promoting safe and legal use without discussions/promotion/advertisements of illegal activities. we're also working on themes and the old snowfall/jillian hall christmas album tradition for december -love stonerchan staff
It appears stonerchan is locked, the last post is 4 days ago, it and one of my own posts were banned for rule 10 even though neither had anything to do with personal army posting, and the last known activity surrounding the site is a post aimed at the xitter account asking why every board on the site is locked, which has not as of yet received any reply. I think Stonerchan might be kill.
>>17 Now their certs are expired.
>>17 rottingangels.orh/drugs/
>>28 Danke anon. I've posted in their meta board with some suggestions on improvements.
>>28 For some reason I can't post anymore. Error 500. I think they may have just frozen the site temporarily to test some things, because admin posts had just been made before this.
>>30 It was just a temporary freeze for updates.
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Hey dude, rads from Rotting Angels here, just thought i'd stop by to warn you about rhoda, the former RA and stonerchan mod who is having a meltdown because I banned him, and is currently threatening to sue and kill me and rape my dogs https://leftypol.org/meta/res/31227.html https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/600671.html what the fuck just thought i'd let you know in case he stops by!
>>45 Interesting. I've come to expect this sort of thing to be common with small imageboards and forums, and doubly so for boards made about drugs. I tend not to pick sides because everyone is going to lie about everyone, but good luck with your board regardless.

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