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Anonymous 07/05/2021 (Mon) 19:36:56 Id: b75119 No. 9823
>The highest possible IQ among all populaces >Responsible for much of modern European culture >Laid the groundworks for the existence of Christianity >Were able to monopolise the means by which everyone trades, gaining complete and utter control over wealth. >Are able to manipulate every major government in the world into doing exactly what they want. >Fooled everyone into thinking that 6 gorrilion of them have died in a horrendous genocide to make sure everyone pays them money. >Infiltrated every single part of the """master race""" and are currently working to make whites their slaves. How are they not the master race /pol/? Are you just sore losers?
>>9823 when pressed for what possible benefit they bring the answer is always the same. All your shit is ours goy. As bad as niggers really.
>>9824 The world belongs to the strong. They have power over whites therefore they are superior to whites. Jews are not retarded romantics, they are pragmatists who know that it's good to be on top for the sake of being on top. You are bitching because the world does not adhere to your stupid fantasy of some kind of retarded justice.
>>9825 Are you a bot or just illiterate?
>>9825 Oh fuck I forgot the mental illness rampant in sheenies. Take your pills bro.
>>9826 I'm not a bot. The Jews do not have to bring any possible benefit to anyone bresides themselves. They prove their superiority by the sheer fact of winning against the white race and being able to control everything. The world is theirs for taking, and the white goy will keep screeching at them how they don't bring anything while working for their jewish masters.
>>9828 So you admit that Jews bring no benefit to a country or people? They are parasites, feeding on the success and talent of those who actually improve, and build. Therefore a country that has removed it's jews will be happier, richer, and more succesful. You see we agree.
>>9829 What success? So far the most successful people are Jewish or work for the Jews. It doesn't matter how much the white ape advances if the Jew is smart enough to turn his so called accomplishments into benefits for themselves. The Jew in all manners exemplifies the master race. He puts his people and family first, he is smart and powerful creating things that benefit him and his people while destroying all opposition, he uses the lesser races as slaves and uses their accomplishments as he sees fit. Meanwhile, the slave races whine at him and hate him, while he laughs on their backs knowing that he is superior. After all, he is the one who posesses wealth, a homeland, a family and a religion. What does a white man have that they don't? Some magical ability to create culture? There is no such thing, but even if there was, the Jew has proven himself completely capable of doing that. After all, the white man still worships mostly religions based off of THEIR beliefs. He uses concepts and words from their culture, and in his delusions, he claims that they are his own.
>>9830 Yes what success? Jews never build anon. They steal. They never invent. They steal. They imagine only perversion and filth. Give them palestine and watch the country fail a bit more every day. There is no such thing as a productive jew. Without them the world would have only positive increases. A drain on culture, trust, monetary security, and worst of all on racial solidarity. What benefit is the jew? None. Therefore the logical thing to do is kill every last one anon. Sorry. I don't look forward to the work. But you have made the necessity of the action apparent. Convert now and save your soul.
>>9831 You say that but yet the whites have nothing to show for it. You merely speak about the Jew as vile and disgusting yet he can point to your very culture that you're so proud of and say "It was all based off of me". Whether through faith, culture or morality, their beliefs echo through history. They are far more succesful than the whites, they rule over the whites. You are like a peasant yelling on the street that he is a king.
>>9832 Lol he does claim that. But his logic like his mind is warped and twisted. He says he invented christianity. A religion received from God himself. One that the Jews spent millennia attempting to destroy unsuccessfully. To say it is based on judaism is to dismiss the divine. Not surprising from a Heeb. And that is your only claim to our accomplishments. A weak one. No. Culture does exist. And studying western culture one doesn't see much hebraic influence. Greeks sure. Romans yup. Gauls? Uh huh. Ashkenazim? Nope.
>>9831 What the OP is trying to say is that it doesn't MATTER if the jews are a detriment to everyone else, their actions benefit themselves same as you wish to act towards the benefit of whites, but since jews have had much more success while whites have been demonised, persecuted, and advocating for them is seen by the normalfags as evil, with their culture slowly corrupted and destroyed by jews... well Jews have won the game. both groups, whites and jews want what's good for them and bad for the other. what is good for a lion is bad for a gazelle and vice versa. but jews have won this game, making them the real master race. with whites being just bitter losers who try to come off as moral victors
>>9834 >you are just sore losers Oh anon. Think you that they can maintain a society? A race that has never lifted pick nor hammer? Any success from a jew is a suicidal gesture. Buying a home he insures its value falls. Owning a farm he finds less food for sale. The Jew will always destroy himself. We merely wish he did elsewhere and left us out of it.
>>9835 they don't need to maintain shit, you, and the white race will do the heavy lifting for them, they will just reap the benefits, literally a master race
>>9835 And yet they not only have a society, a state, but also control your own. You speak of your own accomplishments and how you are able to hold a society better than the Jew but you can't keep your countries in your own hands.
>>9836 But we wont anon. That is the problem for you. You think deception lasts forever? Hell your control is in decline. Anti-Semitism is on the rise globally. There are more now questioning every aspect of that control than have ever previously lived. And then lets talk american Guns. Sales through the roof. Record breaking. Ammo sold out as soon as it hits the shelfs. Enjoy your stolen fruits kike. But it won't last. Nothing ever does.
>>9837 Oh every now and again a weak man lets them in. They run rampant for a time, but are always inevitably ground under the heel of the truly strong. Jews have no staying power anon.
>>9838 I'm sure that your great revolution is going to come at any moment anon. Like it was supposed to come several times. What happened the last time when the white man rose above the true master race? They got defeated, humiliated and made into a joke as the Jew manipulated the facts to their own advantage. Why would it be different this time? Truthfully, it seems that the white race is unable to defeat the manipulations of the Jew in the end. >>9839 If it was a weak man or two, they would not control as much as they control. At least take responsibility for your own fuck ups.
>>9838 You pitiful retard, you think the world-running cabal with control of goverments, militairy, drones and tanks has anything to fear from some angry rednecks and kkk knight larpers? everytime whites try to rebel they get crushed and pushed back >>9839 when anon? I thought the holohoax never happened? when exactly did whites pushed jews back and grinded them under their heel? >>9839
>>9841 Iudea Delenda Est. >>9840 >lol give up Demoralization would unnecessary were we not a threat.
>>9842 >iudea delenta est tell that to the tribes of your barbaric snownigger ancestors that were forced to convert to a jewish religion by the romans
>>9842 >A threat The only reason why the Jews keep you around is exactly because you are useful. They have used you as an eternal boogeyman and fooled most society into believing that as well. The moment you act up they'll crush you and use you as a reason to expand their rule. Do you feel in charge?
>>9843 >Christianity is jewish Like niggers you cant help yourself. You see something nice you just have to claim it. >>9844 Anon they don't have a choice. Without us theyd be homeless desert people. Unable to build or maintain. Like a parasite they cannot even imagine a world without us. But we have no need for them. >they will crush you I doubt it.
>>9845 >christianity >something nice Imagine worshipping a crazy jew who thought he was the son of the jewish god and thinking you are free from jewish manipulation
>>9845 > Without us theyd be homeless desert people. Unable to build or maintain. Like a parasite they cannot even imagine a world without us. They literally have a state right now and control you on top of that. Not only that, but they are constantly fending off several groups of people who wants them dead. And yet they are fine. >I doubt it I bet Hitler did too.
>>9845 >Without us theyd be homeless desert people. Unable to build or maintain. Like a parasite they cannot even imagine a world without us. But we have no need for them. I wasn't even talking about whites in general, I was talking about people like you, believing that they can fight against them. Do you think you can do anything when even your own race is against you?
>>9846 >stop being Christian No >>9847 And its falling apart anon. Jews cannot coexist even with other jews. Sad really. Imagine having kin, but being without kinship. I pity them sometimes.
>>9848 My race is with me anon. May not seem that way from twitter posts, but IRL is a very different story. Again demoralization doesn't work with someone who has a community.
>>9849 >And its falling apart anon. Israel is doing perfectly fine. If anything, the bullshittery with Palestine is unironically helping it gather more support. If you think that things in Middle East being tense is anything new then you are retarded.
>>9850 Your community does not constitute the entirety of your race. Tell me, what have you even done to fight against the control of the Jew? Have you even approached the level that Hitler was on? If he couldn't have done anything, why do you think that you will be.
>>9849 >being a christianfag you are already judeised anon >jews cannot coexist with other jews and whites can coexist with other whites? Jews always were tribal and nationalistic throughout their history, placing the prosperity of their people first, while your master race is divided by them successfully into marxists, feminists, nazis, tradcons, libs etc. You are controlled opposition anon and jews have successful turned the white race against all that you stand for by using you, congratulations at being played by the real master race... your god chose them to be his people after all didn't he? maybe most whites aren't twitterfags but they are definitely not nazis either
>>9851 >ISRAEL IS FINE Cope >>9852 Heh nice try kiddo. Appeal to pride to get me to dox. >>9853 >seriously plz stop being christian No.
>>9855 >Heh nice try kiddo. Appeal to pride to get me to dox. Ah, I see, you're a LARPer. I guess that's as far as a white goyim can go in the end.
>>9855 >he sticks to the christianfaggotry >ignores everything else I say respond to my actual points retard
>>9855 >Cope Yeah, great argument faggot.
>>9856 >double down Meh >>9857 What was your point? That you hate whitey? Yeah I get it. But saying my people are, as yours is, incapable of working together is silly. It doesn't merit a response. Look out a window anon. You'll see two whites working together. >>9858 Anon whats to argue. You are a jew. Damned to hell like your father. You deny the truth. I cant make you accept truth, and to be honest your people have an impossible time with exactly that. You do not believe in truth.
>>9859 >Anon whats to argue Yeah I'm wondering why I'm arguing with a braindead retard too. Collectivist fags like you deserve to be shot. >You are a jew Not everyone that doesn't adhere to your stupid faggotry is a Jew. >You do not believe in truth. The only thing you believe is the inside of your own ass anon.
>>9859 Are you seriously implying 2 jews cannot work together? you seriously want to sit here and tell me that the jews have exerted so much control over the culture, so much manipulation and deceit and they have done it WITHOUT EVER COOPERATING WITH EACH OTHER? well by that reasoning they are not merely the master race they are apparently superhuman since every single one of them is a hyperintelligent ubermenzch also my point wasn't even that I hate whitey, it's that I can't see by what metric are whites the master race, all you do is go "we wuz kangs and shiet" and that "one day we will defeat the jews" dream on
>>9859 You really overestimate how much I give a shit about you. My point is, even if you killed an actual Jew or conducted terrorism, this does literally nothing. You don't even have any political power in your own country, and you think that you can do better than Hitler did? Remember how he ended up? Dead and a failure, and you really think that you would be able to do someething with whatever small group you have at your disposal?
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Low-effort bait
>>9863 The only thing that those videos prove is that the Jews are truly smarter and more skilled than the german goyim, taking hood care of their tradition. Seethe harder white ape, you will never be as great as your masters are. The white ape wishes that he could have the diligence with which the Jew takes care of his culture.
>>9863 >Literally communist arguments but with "burgeoise" replaced by "Jew"
>>9861 One jew asks another jew. Hows business? Oh terrible.
>>9860 Stay mad kike.
>>9867 Fuck off you knock-off communist.
>>9868 Lol you wish. Stay mad sheenie
>>9864 It appears from what you say that Israel is paradise, yet somehow you are not there. You would much rather live around the cattle you despise. Guess you didn't pass the IQ test necessary to be granted entry.
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>>9841 Coming soon, to a Synagogue near you. >>9851 As if it wasn't obvious that the "Pole" poster was a kike. >>9853 >>9861 Same for this (((Greekoid))) who pretends to be unable to comprehend that jews always need an enemy or something to destroy or they would eat each other. If every single jew was confined to an island for the rest of their existence they would just jew the fuck out of each other until they died. For destruction is in your nature. A destroyer will consume everything until there is no new enemies and nothing to despise and destroy, to call "Amalek/Anti-Semite" and they are left alone to rot away on a pile of unrecognizable dead peoples and civilizations.
>>9841 >>9841 Once and a while crushed under the heal . But I thought the holocaust was a hoax ? That was the set up . You sure your not a Japanese and not the jew ? You like the sneak attack .
>>9841 >>9841 >>Once and a while crushed under the heal . >>But I thought the holocaust was a hoax ? That was the set up . You sure your not a Japanese and not the jew ? You like the sneak attack .
>>9823 that would all be fine if they weren't also malevolent. they faked an entire genocide and are now trying to kill all white people for it despite the fact that the only people competent to stop that imaginary genocide were white people. their only proficiency is deception.
By the way . The azkanzaki hisidic Jewish. The real fucked in the head ones from years of inbreeding to keep money in the family . They took over in Brooklyn. And some spots in surrounding states of New York. Tri state area . Anyone in this region can attest these people are dumber than a bag of fucking rocks . They walk out into traffic because they don't look both ways. They leave child there own children in the cars and forget and easy bake their own . They hide underage pregnant girls from the authority's and dispose of the children that unwanted . Its a real " The Hills Have Eyes " movie type situation . Their inbreeding (unlike the movie the rednecks with atomic bomb radiation) Have them in a perpetual state of fucked in the heading. But even with extremely horrible deformities and brittle bones just walking rerere"s they still manage to have half the sales tax than any surrounding area. And they crowdfund housing for their stupidest among them in church. The ones they knows DNA is too far gone. So to save that individual and make them non useless to the world . They will crowdfund a house through their synagogue . Hold parties get together and eve. Worship with hundreds on weekends . And leave the soft mind jew as caretaker of their properties that they come and go as they please. Its like safe houses . All of them are "Rabbis " pay taxes . Also . Idk if you watched game of thrones. When you "take the black" and go to the wall . All your crimes are absolved . Well about 50% of hisidic azakanazi jews are on thr run from law enforcement. They have had normal lives and fucked it up with drugs . Debt . Or family shame or business failure. And then they become super right wing hasidic and wear the suits get the locks lose all individualism . And spend the rest of their lives repenting to their community in hopes their own do not turn them in . And by the looks of how many of these fuckers there are . They commit the same crimes to themselves . They do drugs secretly . They lay with multiple women out of wedlock. Just pieces of human scum . Trust me anons . Try living within 50 miles of one of these communities. They do what Hitler did. In fact I believe they learned subversion tactics from THE MAN HIMSELF. Techniques they used they adopt from when they got railed in the ass with it. Never do business with them either. The pay rate you'll think is great. You'll do one or two jobs get paid on time . So you'll take a third job an even bigger one .and bam . Their gone . Their now in isreal with your money. A family member lost 500 grand developing for these fucking animals. He got it back though. They hate dogs. And we would track them and release dogs on them and shit . Theh have severe p.t.s.d. from I suppose stories of their grandparents . This person I know was lucky to get his money back. But most are not. They even busted a cell phone store with nothing but mail slots . The mail slots are addresses for all the fake businesses. This is so you cannot ever serve them to sue . They check their private mailboxes and whites would never know where it located . Everything I said above only scratches the surface . HUMAN TRASH CANS.9
>>9841 Once and a while crushed under the heal . But I thought the holocaust was a hoax ? That was the set up . You sure your not a Japanese and not the jew ? You like the sneak attack .
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>>9865 National socialists and communists do have some common enemies. They hate rich people, we hate jews, there is an overlap between the two.
>>9885 you know something? white elites are 1% of the population and are overrepresented in elite positions.
>>9886 >are overrepresented in elite positions. white elites.............1% of population white elite positions taken by white elites only.....................99%
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>>9886 >>9887 Could you write that in english please?
>>9888 There aren't actually bots here, brain dead idiot. On 4chan, (and even there) maybe, but not on this dead shithole.
>>9885 Yeah, and anoter overlap is how retarded your ideologies are. Your entire worldview is based off of fallacious ideas of Marx's collectivist thought, yet you still say that you are anti-marxist, when you are just another shitty spin on the commies.
>>9891 The ironic thing is not one part of it is Marxist. It just points out that a very tribal group of people hold power, and it is a fact that these people are tyrants that misuse their power. Your pathetic deflection is a failure, especially if one has read anything.
>>9892 >Not one part of it is Marxist Hitler betrays his Marxist influences in Mein Kampf from the very beginning where he criticises Marxism as an idea. The more you read, the more he paints a picture of him not really disagreeing with most of the Marxist positions, but disagreeing with the lack of focus on the nation. It's the same hegelian bullcrap made around the same idiotic rule. Don't fucking pretend as if your dumb ideology is not another collectivist bullcrap in the same vein as your dream country kept putting restrictions on free market and pushing for the same retarded economic ideas as commies were doing. Hitler was a socialist, kept claiming that he was a socialist, and introduced socialist policies, although not as extremely as Marxists. It is idiotic to say that the ideology has no Marxist influences, when even he admits that the Marxist Germans aren't completely wrong, merely misguided. Here's a few quotes by Hitler himself on how he saw his economics: >To put it quite clearly: we have an economic programme. Point No. 13 in that programme demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism. ... the basic principle of my Party’s economic programme should be made perfectly clear and that is the principle of authority ... the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State; it is his duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the State or the interests of his fellow countrymen. That is the overriding point. The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners. If you say that the bourgeoisie is tearing its hair over the question of private property, that does not affect me in the least. Does the bourgeoisie expect some consideration from me? ... The bourgeois press does me damage too and would like to consign me and my movement to the devil. You are, after all a representative of the bourgeoisie ... your press thinks it must continuously distort my ideas. ... We do not intend to nail every rich Jew to the telegraph poles on the Munich-Berlin road. >We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation ofa human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions. >National socialism is the determination to create a new man. There will no longer exist any individual arbitrary will, nor realms in which the individual belongs to himself. The time of happiness as a private matter is over. >The party is all-embracing. It rules our lives in all their breadth and depth. We must therefore develop branches of the party in which the whole of individual life will be reflected. Each activity and each need of the individual will thereby be regulated by the party as the representative of the general good. There will be no license, no free space, in which the individual belongs to himself. This is Socialism—not such trifles as the private possession of the means of production. Of what importance is that if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them then own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the party, is supreme over them, regardless whether they are owners or workers. All that, you see, is unessential. Our Socialism goes far deeper. >[W]e will do what we like with the bourgeoisie. ... We give the orders; they do what they are told. Any resistance will be broken ruthlessly. Also a quote of Hitler admitting to his influences from Marxism: >I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit. I don’t mean their tiresome social doctrine or the materialist conception of history, or their absurd ‘marginal utility’ theories and so on. But I have learnt from their methods. The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen-pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it. Look at the workers’ sports clubs, the industrial cells, the mass demonstrations, the propaganda leaflets written specially for the comprehension of masses; all these new methods of political struggle are essentially Marxist in origin. All that I had to do was take over these methods and adapt them to our purpose. I had only to develop logically what Social Democracy repeatedly failed in because of its attempt to realize its evolution within the framework of democracy. National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order. >Besides, there is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine, revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communist always will. >Stephen Hicks § 127“As I listened to Gottfried Feder’s first lecture about the ‘breaking of interest slavery,’ I knew at once that this was a theoretical truth which would inevitably be of immense importance for the German people. ... The development of Germany was much too clear in my eyes for me not to know that the hardest battle would have to be fought, not against hostile nations, but against international capital. “... Thus, it was the conclusions of Gottfried Feder that caused me to delve into the fundamentals of this field with which I had previously not been very familiar. I began to study again, and now for the first time really achieved an understanding of the content of ... Karl Marx’s life effort. Only now did his Kapital become really intelligible to me ...” >As National Socialists we see our program in our flag. In the red we see the social idea of the movement. And that's just a few fucking examples of Hitler saying that, from just Hitler, while other National Socialists also shared his idea. Tell me once again that you have nothing to do with Marxism knock-off commie.
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>>9894 It doesn't matter how you attempt to subvert and twist the truth jew. We know your people. We will not be deceived. So take your commie horseshit and fuck off.
>>9896 >That retarded doublespeak about what constitutes socialism. It's the same shit with a different coat of paint. He is merely excusing himself that he is "different" while he still took over private companies and ranked up national debt like a cretin, while also contradicting himself several times in his speeches and writings as I just proved. Whining about National Socialism "not actually being socialism" or "being socialism but different" is a big fat fucking lie. He ended up doing the same fucking shit that every other socialist, Marxist or otherwise has been doing and then tried to use other countries as a way to keep himself afloat. >We will not be deceived. Good to know that you are taking your shitty ideology like a religion. You really are no different than the commies.
>>9897 Still assmad kike? Have a beer.
>>9898 >No argument Kill yourself commie.
>>9899 >yes I am Well than shit man like I said have a beer. Hitler had his ideas like a hundred years ago bro. We arent changing it now. >but I don't like it And I don't care.
>>9823 White Men are Gods. Your fear is showing in your every actions, all over the world. We will kill all jews, and there is nothing that any of you can do about it. The world is for the White race only. There is no future for jews. Stay mad, with your complete lack of power, jews. You lost everything, and we didn't even begin to unleash our fury upon you all yet. Every single jew in the world will be killed.
>>9924 Amen.
>>9823 >How are they not the master race /pol/? Easy answer. The jews need others to work for them in order for them to be able to exist, just like the parasites they are. White men are their own source of support. Without others the parasite jews dies. Without others, whites can not only function, but prosper.
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>>9823 >How are they not the master race /pol/? Are you just sore losers?
>>9924 >White Men are Gods. Lol is that why you are getting fucked by jews and trannies? Good God, how fucking delusional are you? Don't you have breeding problems? What a larping cuck.
>>10039 It is because are gods that we are so weak. We are naturally benevolent. Naturally kind. We naturally trust ...everyone. Without exception. Even to this day, when I meet a Jew, a Blackman, or even the faggiest of dragfags, I am still naturally pleasant and polite. It is a curse. It is why my hatred is so intense. Because I cannot stop myself from being kind to others, no matter if they are mineral, plant, animal, or person. It is just the natural way of my people. I treat my enemies with kindness. But the hatred comes from the simple wish that they would do the same for me.
>>10044 >Blackman Nigger anon. Its spelled nigger.
>>10045 Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Of course I should have said nigger, but I said some bullshit formality like "blackman" instead. This curse of kindness and benevolence is beyond my capacity to understand or tame. It is so banal, so inconvenient. I cannot cheat, I cannot be rude, I cannot be violent. I wager I wouldn't even be able to defend myself, even if I was armed. I could literally be holding a weapon, and I would find it difficult to use it, even if both a Jew and a nigger were holding me *lazily* at gunpoint to rob me, and I had a perfect chance to end them. I would just be so pathetically pacifist that I would get robbed and then they would rape me to death. That is how pathetic this curse of godhood is. I cannot hurt people. I just cannot. I hate that I cannot. I cannot even say "Jew" without capitalizing the letter J, just as a show of respect for the title. This is the curse I speak of. I cannot help but be absolutely gentle and loving towards every form of life on earth, eating only what I need, sidestepping around ants on the sidewalk, even tossing a dollar to a begging nigger on the street if I have a spare. It is the darkest of curses. My hatred for my enemies is real, and I know what they do to my people. I know about their brainwashing and their violence. I know about how they encroach on ancient European borders. I know how they build their mosques in my cities, how they brainwash the students in their mandatory schools, I know how they make people into debtslaves. I know how they censor even this internet, the one place I thought people could speak freely. I know how they turn this world into an actual hell where families fall apart from the stress and chaos, if even a family is formed at all. They often are not. I know how the women of this generation have become corrupted and no longer wish to have children. I know whose fault it is. Yet I cannot rid myself of pacifist kindness and wishing for peace and love on Earth. And I hate it. My vast intellect and ability to empathize with everything around me is a curse. I am a cursed god, and all I can do is weep at the state of the world and how helpless I am. I only have my godlike powers when I am in a healthy, happy community, and I can help people become better. I simply cannot harm them. I just cannot harm anyone.
>>10083 Anon say nigger or be ignored as FBI
>>9825 This anon is correct. The jews have come to rule the world. But white people have created the greatest civilizations ever. All the jews know is how to subvert, murder and destroy civilizations. The jews are the greatest at being parasites. Whites are the best at building civilizations and worlds. Unfortunately everything comes to an end. And btw, east asians are the best academically. Look at the top IMO students, mostly asians with a few whites, none from Israel. Jews have just enough intelligence to make their parasitic behaviour supreme, but they aren't the smartest. East asians and Whites aren't parasitic and pathological enough to dominate the way the jews do, they're better at building civilizations. Strange world.
>>9823 There is no master race. Only kings among the rabble. People who elevate humanity to new heights, who lead and build great nations. Everyone else just takes credit because they share similar traits to these people. Jews are thieves. Some of you think this makes them great, but what happens if the great souls no longer incarnate into this sphere? Who will they take from? How long will they last without foreign money to prop up their nations, without tolerance of Whites to keep them safe? To answer your points. >they rig IQ tests and scientists even say the IQ measurement is worthless. No one takes it seriously. >No they weren't. >No they didn't. Christianity was a state creation of the Roman Empire to serve as the one world religion. It borrowed heavily from Judiasm because that was the prime mono-religion in the area and the Roman empire wanted everyone to be controlled by their religion. >you control nothing you cannot defend >No they haven't. They have control over a America and everyone else tows the line because they don't want democracy. The Chinese are less sympathetic to their existence, Africans hate them, Middle Easterns barely tolerate them, only whites see them as brothers and sisters. >actually the US Government did that to justify the post ww2 german genocide and to excuse their attrocities. No one outside the west believes the holocaust is real. >As I said whites are not a master race. They're just good cattle for great souls.
>>10905 Who do you think runs China?
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Why does GOD let jews go to Heaven even despite their debauchery and terrorism to "goyim", you know, the goyim that have actual human feelings? Why did he choose such a shit race? I'm just pissed off that I've been good all my life and I'll still go to hell while these demons go to heaven. It's just not fair.
>>12437 Because only those who have proven themselves by being strong and brave, by disobeying GOD, by fighting with GOD , only they are equal to him, thus only they deserve place in heaven. ISRA-EL means those who fight GOD! goyims are slaves, they obey. The free, they are GODS. They are disobedient.
>>12438 but they ruin our lives, why can't GOD understand that goyim are suffering?
>>12438 You mean just like Lucifer and all the angels that rallied to his call, that in the end got banished to Hell?
Appeals to strength won’t work when you admit you have to break your enemy and shackle them in order to exhert that strength.
>Responsible for much of modern European culture not coz they are so smart but coz europeans are so stupid. Asians are the rules - all human and European culture, science, everything is from East, Middle East, Asia. All European and Jews shit will be destroyed, no way, it's the road of any civilization.
>>12549 well sure, but how do you explain the tiananmen square massacre of 1989?
>>12551 Marxists and ultra-lefts thought that they are more Marxists than the Party. But the Party already got a new direction - to market and liberalization of the economics.
It's always insightful to see how one rationalizes at once being from a superior race, and that race being subjected to the control of an inferior race for decades, if not hundreds of years or possibly even thousands of years. >>9824 That's what possible benefit they bring to you and your race. That's of no concern to them, just as what possible benefit you could have for niggers and jews is of no concern to you. They seem to benefit themselves pretty well.
>>9842 >Demoralization would unnecessary were we not a threat. This is like saying propaganda means they don't have control. Propaganda is a method of control. Demoralization and other types of propaganda don't just go away once a group has effectively absolute power, as they are a method of maintaining that power, not simply attaining it. If or when 1984 is achieved, there will, always will, still be mountains of propaganda.
>>9880 >>9881 >>9884 Anon, what the fuck are you doing?
>>9890 What about those "real rape videos" threads made on every active board on the webring?
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>>9894 >former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once.
>>9930 That's not a metric of superiority, as you take each race in a vacuum, not in the real world. By your metric, species that require others of their own to survive are inferior to those that can reproduce on their own via fission, and things like starfish are the true master race.
>>10241 >>you control nothing you cannot defend Go ahead and launch an attack on Jewish control of world trading. Tell me how it goes.
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>>12547 Is not breaking the enemy the exertion of strength in the first place?
>>9823 This is a strawman. The white man should prioritize the white race over all others because it is his race, not because of some notion of superiority. Plus the disparity between jewish iq and white iq isn't as great as that between whites and niggers, assuming those (((reliable sources))) on jewish iq are even true. Not to mention the rampant degeneracy of the jews.
>>12567 >The white man should prioritize the white race over all others because it is his race Why prioritise the whole white race? We were never friends to begin with. Every majority white country has fucked over another majority why country in history. More importantly, if you want to go with this idea of selfishness, then why the hell would you care about any bigger group than just you and maybe your family and group of friends? Humans aren't predisposed to giving a shit about anyone else than their closest ones, we are most suited for tribal structures of organisation. The best that large communities such as nations and states can do is be stripped of their rights as much as it is possible, so that they can fuck off and leave small groups of people who want to associate with each other willingly alone.
>>12567 associate me with french again and i will find you and kill you
>>9823 Tell me why they always need a host nation. They eventually subvert the culture and subjugate the people. There's no honor in domination for the sake of it. Everything they do seems to lead the world into darkness. I sense no benevolence in their actions and I see them as a dark force that has plagued humanity through known written history. I would really like to be proven wrong
>How are they not the master race /pol/? Are you just sore losers? the problem with parasites is that, even if they can control others to do their will, they really can't do anything of their own. even when we're not talking about metaphorical parasites as are the jews and we talk about real, biological parasites, what is a parasite without a host to suck resources off? just a dead organism.
>>9823 A kike wrote this
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>>9823 You really have to question the supposed intelligence of any group which inexplicably gets itself massacred or thrown out of literally everywhere. They're more like a vampire than anything. They see actual humans as a resource to be exploited, believe themselves inherently superior, utilize trickery and deception to gain the upper hand, worm their way into authority, but of course they're still feeble bodied, weak minded monsters whose plotting is eventually uncovered. And once their scheming is brought to light, they either perish or run away as fast as they possibly can to avoid taking responsibility for their crimes. They're not masters, they're parasites. I wouldn't be surprised if the myth of the vampire was literally based on jews, what with them either living in shtetl type hives or in crumbling castles, mentally enslaving normal humans to do any real work since they're too deformed and weak to actually do much of anything.
>>13672 >repulsed by crosses >cant go near sanctified ground >foreign >lusts for white women >will ultimately destroy everything he touches Yeah there are some similarities
>>9863 wow I know this is only one side of the story and may contain distortions, but if any of this is reasonably close to being true, they were just a bad fit for that society and their expulsion would have benefitted the natives
jews are a type of master they rule by lying and use of currency , the type that can take their place is a nobility of warriors , abandon that national socialist shit or any kind of socialist slave shit if you are a superior man , no factory or office fucking slave is a member of a master race , but one that lives live of leisure and pursue of personal desired while having a populatiog subjugated by force(on in the case of the jews by other depraved and deceitful domestication methods)is when the time comes get ready to take white slaves , think for yourself if the masses of leftist fucks and right wings simple fucks too , all too glad to live like sheep laboring all fucking miserable and proud in a twisted way of living that way not trying on the slightest of being anything more that a fucking worker ant and with their collectivist crap they try to smear into everything they do don't deserve to be slaves in title and in fact , jews already are making more and more obvious their slave condition , and if a nobility of warriors sprung from the natural elites among what you call the white race does not stand against them they shall rule the whole world and those degenerates that care for currency only shall join just like trump had their children marry jews they shall incorporate the useful elements into their own master race, so those that are worthy , cleanse your mind of all that slave shit of collectivism and socialism ,wether german, jew or otherwise in origin and get ready that if you want to be one such to be called a member of a master race, to be as one , to think as one , to train as one , and get ready , spread this message a mob of slaves is unlikely to stop the jews if the did succeed they problably bring a socialist fuckery upon the world worse than any jew would do . separate yourself from the masses , rip their filth from your mind and prepare. spread the message boys
if you think that about slaves fucking things more than jews just take a look at commie china , jews would not bring such fucked up place upon themselves and the countries they live on and operate within but a mob of fucking chink slaves did , jews have not much influence on china , and this chink fucks are just starting with their surveillance shit and government control . think wether the jews or the slaves are the worse type of filth after you ponder about this

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