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Anonymous 06/29/2021 (Tue) 18:17:55 Id: c967a4 No. 9737
27 year old living in “diverse” metropolitan area. I have suddenly came to the realization that Hitler was right about everything.
>>9737 Yes that is true. At least you have finally opened your eyes anon.
I was sexually assaulted on a train by a old black man. We are not meant to live among these people.
Hitler was a meth addicted moron who saw systemic, economic problems, and instead of doing the mental work to figure them out he just went DAH JOOZ and all the idiots around him afraid of getting shot clapped and went along with it 100 years later nothing has changed, its still easier to pick a group of people and blame them for things than it is to actually use your brain
>>9740 >meth addiction Proof >didn't into economics Thats bullshit but what else you got >he was scary Yeah doesn't look it but okay whatever.
>>9739 kek at this bait thread.
>>9740 It is always ok to kill jews and leftards. You will all be killed by us. There is no future for any of you. Straight Whte Men are Gods.
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>>9740 >(((systemic problems))) You will never be a woman.
>>9747 this is cringe as fuck try hitting the gym or something you fucking cuck. "men" don't talk like this. >>9749 why would I want to be a woman when being a man is so much better? you think anyone who studies economics wants to be a woman? lmfao, you must walk outside once a month and be totally shocked by everything
>>9751 >why would I want to be a woman when being a man is so much better? Because of all the legal, social, and institutional advantages you'd get from it? Men have objectively fewer rights and are actively discriminated against by every major institution in society, then told they are privileged and evil for it. It would be good to not have to experience that.
>>9751 You sound like you know a whole lot about not training and staying inside all month.
>>9752 you sound like a little bitch. you get to be stronger, faster, you age better, you get promoted more easily and respected more in positions of power. hit the gym pussyboi
>>9756 >lists benefits of not being a little bitch >but he still can't bring himself to do it Peak leftypol loser lmao
>>9756 >stronger, faster Assuming you're relatively fit (considering you're here, you're probably not), yes. However, this isn't very relevant in a hi-tech society. >you age better That's only relative to how you looked when you were younger. Old gross women still get treated better than all but the most alpha of chads, but they think it's bad because they got treated even better when they were younger. Even old gross women still get all the benefits of being a woman, including constant offers for affection, but they get mad because they don't get as much as some other women, even though they're still treated better than any man. >you get promoted more easily and respected more in positions of power. Feminist lies. Women don't work as hard for promotions (including literally not asking for them) because they're used to having everything handed to them. They don't work as many hours, and don't take jobs that are as difficult. When you look at stats of people who act relatively similarly, women come out with an enormous advantage, both due to legal reasons that mandate people and organizations are legally obligated to give women advantages, and due to social factors that result in people generally favoring women, such as women having more in-group bias and men having a natural instinct to protect women (which does not work in reverse), which are all exacerbated by feminism which tells everyone that women are victims that must be pitied and given reparations in the form of better treatment, and men are evil and must be held down. And when I say feminism, that includes tradcucks that think it's men's job to break their backs serving women. >hit the gym pussyboi I could hit the gym if I was a woman too, and it would just help me even more. Stop pretending you're some sort of mega chad while shitposting on a spinoff of a vietnamese pottery imageboard that only exists because the original one got too full of normalfags, the second one got shut down by the government, and the third banned lolicon.
>>9759 take your cuck essay and shove it. men overwhelmingly fill executive and administrative positions in the US, it isn't even close. you needed to come up with this bullshit rationale in your head because the reality is much sadder. that things should be easier for you, but they aren't, because you're a pussy
>>9760 >take your cuck essay and shove it. men overwhelmingly fill executive and administrative positions in the US, it isn't even close. Too bad you didn't read what you're replying to, because this was addressed. Here, I'll copy it for you again. >Feminist lies. Women don't work as hard for promotions (including literally not asking for them) because they're used to having everything handed to them. They don't work as many hours, and don't take jobs that are as difficult. When you look at stats of people who act relatively similarly, women come out with an enormous advantage, both due to legal reasons that mandate people and organizations are legally obligated to give women advantages, and due to social factors that result in people generally favoring women, such as women having more in-group bias and men having a natural instinct to protect women (which does not work in reverse), which are all exacerbated by feminism which tells everyone that women are victims that must be pitied and given reparations in the form of better treatment, and men are evil and must be held down. And when I say feminism, that includes tradcucks that think it's men's job to break their backs serving women. >you needed to come up with this bullshit rationale in your head because the reality is much sadder. that things should be easier for you, but they aren't, because you're a pussy It's quite the opposite. It's because I'm not a pussy. If you are a pussy and put in the same amount of work as a dick, you are way better off. In many very significant ways, including on-the-books laws, pussies are treated objectively better. Putting your head in the sand won't make this not true.
>>9761 your penis is miniscule isnt it
>>9762 You could have just admitted your wrong.
>>9763 my wrong what?
>>9764 It's hard for a english-second-languager to get used to, all the little details. When you have done something wrong or incorrect, it can be referred to as "your wrong" That being, the specific thing of what you did/said that is wrong. You admit your wrong, concede what part was incorrect
>>9741 >Proof for meth addiction Look up Theodor Morell >Thats bullshit but what else you got Socialists are wrong by nature, he emphasised government spending and then went to war when he started running out of money.
>>9747 >It is always ok to kill jews and leftards. You are literally coming from the same school of thought that the leftists you decry so much are coming from. Your entire ideology is just another spin on Marxism influenced by idiotic Hegelian philosophy.
>>9777 >>9773 >fuck nazis! Lol poland still butthurt. You like commisars so much fuckface why dont you kill yourself and meet satan. Youll love him.
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>>9749 Saved.
>>9787 Seethe however much you want you off-brand commie. This doesn't change the fact that your entire ideology is garbage.
>>9787 Seethe however much you want you off-brand commie. This doesn't change the fact that your entire ideology is garbage and your idol was a retarded druggie socialist.
>>9819 Lol get fucked kike.
>>9821 Don't you have more kraut dick to suck amerimutt?
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>>9773 >Theodor Morell This Morell? https://nationalvanguard(Please use archive.today)/2017/11/physician-extraordinary/ >he emphasized Autarky, and making Germany less dependent on foreign resources and Capitol. Money was of no concern because each RM was backed by the labour of the German nation. He went to war because subhumans like Smigly were in power cowtowing to the Allies despite being in a terrible position with the Soviets and engaging in frequent provocations against the Germans while ignoring the very generous peace offer Hitler gave in August. The government spent money in public investments which created business that generated it's own worth and not for the sake of superfluous welfare for the lazy nor any foreign aid or faulty institution. The only concern was acquiring foreign credit for things produced in other countries like how they had to spend Western currency to buy glass from the Netherlands because no one accepted the RM even after it's value returned from the Weimar days. >>9777 >if you want to kill your enemies whom are destroying you, then you are the exact same as them so don't fight back I agree, Poland should have rolled over for the Red Army in 1920 they were just like the Communists for wanting to kill them as they invaded their land. >Your entire ideology is just another spin on Marxism influenced by idiotic Hegelian philosophy Can you actually prove that? No you can't because it's a false assertion with no backing evidence.
>>9893 >Labour of the German Nation >38 billion in national debt >Literally had to starve occupied countries like Greece to keep afloat Why are you fucks always so retarded. >He went to war because subhumans like Smigly were in power cowtowing to the Allies despite being in a terrible position with the Soviets and engaging in frequent provocations against the Germans while ignoring the very generous peace offer Hitler gave in August. >Very generous peace offer >After violating several fucking agreements and annexing whatever they wanted with ally forces pushing their ass to be raped all the time. Do you even know what the Appeasement policy was and what Germany was allowed to do before even invading Poland? Do you know what the Ribbentop-Motolov pact was? Yeah I'm sure that it's just Smigly being a retard and not a fucking trend of Nazi Germany acting like an autist taking everytihng around them. >The government spent money in public investments which created business that generated it's own worth >38 billion in national debt >if you want to kill your enemies whom are destroying you, then you are the exact same as them so don't fight back Nice strawman you faggot. You are no different than the "enemies" you're talking about. >Can you actually prove that? No you can't because it's a false assertion with no backing evidence. Is quotes taken from your idol-leader enough evidence for you? >I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit. I don’t mean their tiresome social doctrine or the materialist conception of history, or their absurd ‘marginal utility’ theories and so on. But I have learnt from their methods. The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen-pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it. Look at the workers’ sports clubs, the industrial cells, the mass demonstrations, the propaganda leaflets written specially for the comprehension of masses; all these new methods of political struggle are essentially Marxist in origin. All that I had to do was take over these methods and adapt them to our purpose. I had only to develop logically what Social Democracy repeatedly failed in because of its attempt to realize its evolution within the framework of democracy. National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with a democratic order. >Besides, there is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine, revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communist always will. >Stephen Hicks § 127“As I listened to Gottfried Feder’s first lecture about the ‘breaking of interest slavery,’ I knew at once that this was a theoretical truth which would inevitably be of immense importance for the German people. ... The development of Germany was much too clear in my eyes for me not to know that the hardest battle would have to be fought, not against hostile nations, but against international capital. “... Thus, it was the conclusions of Gottfried Feder that caused me to delve into the fundamentals of this field with which I had previously not been very familiar. I began to study again, and now for the first time really achieved an understanding of the content of ... Karl Marx’s life effort. Only now did his Kapital become really intelligible to me ...” >As National Socialists we see our program in our flag. In the red we see the social idea of the movement. Kill yourself.
>>9822 Eternally assblasted polish kike. Anon do you even have indoor plumbing?
>38 billion in national debt >Literally had to starve occupied countries like Greece to keep afloat Nice non-sequitur faggot, countries starved because of constant bombing of supply lines and the fact that they were running out of food. What does late war effort even have to do with your point? >Why are you fucks so retarded. >he asks a question with a period while blatantly being retarded and going off topic >while also presenting patently false narrative about the german economy which was leagues better than the polish shithole next door >After violating several fucking agreements and annexing whatever they wanted Lie, Poland was the country actually doing this. France and Britain were also total hypocrites to complain. Next. >Do you even know what the Appeasement policy was <dO yOu EvEn KnOw whAT APPEEEEASEMENT IS All you faggots that defend the System's narrative are the same. Yes nigger I saw their narrative about muh "appeasement" which was really constant agitation for a good enough excuse to go to war. I grew up with such (((Television))) programs and literature you clueless faggot. I was taught the same god damn things, I obviously do not believe in it. Every one of you people does this shit, acting like one is ignorant of the propaganda that we just straight up do not believe in. Czechoslovakia was an artificial agitator state run by a Communist that was in talks with Stalin to allow the Red Army in to attack Germany at any time. The government was piss poor with it's treatment of German minorities in addition to the fact that it shouldn't exist because the Slovaks were just as unhappy with the arrangement. Don't forget that the nation you pretend to be apart of occupied the Eastern side of the country when Germany moved into the Ethnic German areas and not a peep about that is heard from anyone. https://nationalvanguard(Please use archive.today)/2019/11/was-hitler-responsible-for-world-war-2/ https://archive.is/ce7xg <* Chamberlain (and Daladier) had conceded at Munich in 1938 that Germany should be allowed to annex the Sudetenland, the mountainous western fringe of Czechoslovakia that was inhabited mainly by ethnic Germans. Hitler may have made in perfectly good faith the agreement which Chamberlain took back to Britain and waved around declaring, “Peace in our time!” But then, after Germany occupied the ethnic-German areas, the Czechoslovakian government collapsed. At that point Germany occupied Bohemia and Moravia (the Czech area), while Hungary and Poland occupied Slovakia. It would not have been prudent for Germany to refrain from occupying Bohemia and Moravia, because in that power-vacuum, some power, perhaps even the Soviet Union, was likely to move in. This response to an emergency, however, only a very short time after Hitler had told Chamberlain that Germany had no further territorial ambitions in Europe, was easily misrepresented as deliberate mockery of the agreement with Chamberlain, and it was used to humiliate Chamberlain and goad him into an aggressive posture. Incidentally, Bohemia and Moravia were never annexed into Germany: they remained a “protectorate.” Czechs also were treated very well by the Germans, at least until the British instigated the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich by some Czechs: that made the relationship more difficult." Among many other damning things in this article. President Edvard Beneš was a crypto Communist and a supporter of Coudenhove-Kalergi, one of his first actually alongside Tomáš Masaryk and jewish banker Warburg. In fact he was also working with the Soviet Union before and after the war began, including plans to allow the Red army to sweep through the country as a footstool to reach Germany. https://ianhannaford09.wordpress(Please use archive.today)/2018/06/09/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-jewish-genocide-of-the-white-peoples-of-europe/ >Yeah I'm sure that it's just Smigly being a retard It is, glad we can agree on something. https://uncensoredspeechworldwide.wordpress(Please use archive.today)/2015/11/19/edward-smigly-rydz-the-man-who-started-world-war-ii/ https://racialrealism.wordpress(Please use archive.today)/2018/07/06/the-bromberg-bloody-sunday/ https://archive.is/kTOG9 https://archive.is/3Zxfq >In March of 1938, Smigly issued an ultimatum to the tiny Baltic State of Lithuania. Lithuania had refused to have any diplomatic relations with Poland after 1920, protesting the annexation of the Vilnius Region by the new Polish state. The ultimatum demanded that Lithuania unconditionally agree to establish diplomatic ties with Poland within 48 hours, and that the terms be finalized within two weeks. The establishment of diplomatic relations would mean a renunciation of Lithuanian claims to the region containing its historic capital, Vilnius. >Later that same year, Smigly made a similar bold move against the Czech government when he took advantage of the Sudetenland Crisis to demand a portion of Zaolzie and some other smaller areas. The Czechs were powerless to stop the forced annexations. Again, the “democratic” West shook its head in dismay, but held its tongue. Interesting that Germany never Annexed parts of the former Czechoslovakia, but Poland did. >By August of 1939, Germany had exhausted all efforts to reason with Smigly’s gang. The British and French urged Smigly to allow the Soviet Army to march westward, in the event that war should break out with Germany. Smigly refused, stating that: “there is no guarantee that the Soviets will really take active part in the war; furthermore, once having entered Polish territory, they will never leave it”. Smart enough to know the Soviets would never leave, clearly not intelligent enough to know that fighting Germany would be used as an opening by the Soviets to invade anyway. >more on Poland dindu nuffin wrong https://www.wintersonnenwende(Please use archive.today)/scriptorium/english/archives/polandinside/pfi17.html http://www.jrbooksonline(Please use archive.today)/polish_atrocities.htm https://archive.is/I4G84 https://archive.is/AGSzj https://archive.is/fSaPE
>>9895 Since you clearly do not know how the German economy functioned and probably think the jewish written "Vampire Economy" is real. https://germaneconomicmiracle.wordpress(Please use archive.today)/ https://archive.is/bvv23 https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/wGiDtmp3GeQs/ (The Nazi Economy by Cultured Thug, I shared this with you when you were shilling on 8ch 2 years ago, nothings changed eh? Stilling counting on the stupidity of your opponant?) Recovery and post 33 recovery. https://nationalvanguard(Please use archive.today)/2017/09/germanys-1923-hyperinflation-a-private-affair/ https://archive.is/fVN9P "When I listened to Gottfried Feder’s first lecture on breaking down the thralldom of interest [in June 1919], I knew at once that here we had a theoretic truth which will be of immense importance for the future of the German nation." "Feder’s captivating ideas were about money. At the base of his monetary views was the idea that the state should create and control its money supply through a nationalized central bank rather than have it created by privately owned banks, to whom interest would have to be paid. From this view was derived the conclusion that finance had enslaved the population, by usurping the nation’s control of money. Feder’s monetary theories could easily have originated from the work of German monetary theorists such as George Knapp, whose book The State Theory of Money(1905) is still one of the classics in the monetary area. Right on page one, Knapp nails it:" Gottfried Feder had a variety of influences and rejected the economic policies of Marxism, him and Hitler agreeing with with some of Marx's critique of international finnance or Capitalism in general does not dispel that. Das Kapital was an interesting read imo, because he makes good points. It is however all of Karl Marx's (a jew btw) solutions that are pants on head retarded. You are even willfully disingenous in your post. >I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit. I don’t mean their tiresome social doctrine or the materialist conception of history, or their absurd ‘marginal utility’ theories and so on. But I have learnt from their methods. >I don’t mean their tiresome social doctrine or the materialist conception of history, or their absurd ‘marginal utility’ theories and so on. But I have learnt from their methods. He straight up rejects their actual policy and moves on to talk about the methods they use. THE METHODS DISINGENOUS KIKE! >Look at the workers’ sports clubs, the industrial cells, the mass demonstrations, the propaganda leaflets written specially for the comprehension of masses; all these new methods of political struggle are essentially Marxist in origin. Essentially he recognized why their propaganda was effective and how they organized with leaflets designed for fucking retards and mass demonstrations. Among also creating groups for workers that were seperate from other state and private methods and gained them more support. This isn't an endorcement of Marxism you brainless toothless kikel, it's very obviously observing what propaganda and social methods of spreading an ideology work! >The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communist always will. Correct and quite based for saying so. Soft cushy Social Dems and Champaign socialists are seldom of a hard working mentality. Lot of former Commies, whom were duped working class, swapped when they realized that Hitler's way was better than theirs and protected both private rights and the collective interests of a Nation. Todays Commies however are exclusively jobless faggots, degenerates, and other neer-do-wells. I'd argue that we do not do this in the future because of the nature of current Commies. In current Year the working class doesn't buy into their propaganda as easily, on account of it being spread by non-workers, Unishitters, etc and is overwhelmingly sympathetic to ideas that Nationalists/Fascists hold instead. As well as being more Patriotic in general. >As National Socialists we see our program in our flag. In the red we see the social idea of the movement. You know damn well that this is taken out of context. >As National Socialists, we see our program in our flag. In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white the nationalistic idea, in the swastika the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work, which as such always has been and always will be anti-Semitic. Is the actual full quote. For one, the colors are exactly the same as the German Imperial flag; Red, White, Black. For the next, red was referred to the Social or people/Nation aspect of Germany. It very clearly and obviously as stated by NS propaganda, Blood. The truly ironic thing about this piece of disingenous faggotry is the fact that this quote comes from Chapter 7 of Mein Kampf which deals principly with the struggle against the "Red Front" or Communists. https://mondopolitico(Please use archive.today)/library/meinkampf/v2c7.htm >The red color of our posters in itself drew them to our meeting halls. The run-of-the-mill bourgeoisie were horrified that we had seized upon the red of the Bolsheviks, and they regarded this as all very ambiguous. The German national souls kept privately whispering to each other the suspicion that basically we were nothing but a species of Marxism, perhaps Marxists, or rather, socialists in disguise. For to this very day these scatterbrains have not understood the difference between socialism and Marxism. Especially when they discovered that, as a matter of principle, we greeted in our meetings no 'ladies and gentlemen' but only 'national comrades,' and among ourselves spoke only of party comrades, the Marxist spook seemed demonstrated for many of our enemies. How often we shook with laughter at these simple bourgeois scare-cats, at the sight of their ingenious witty guessing games about our origin, our intentions, and our goal. >We chose the red color of our posters after careful and thorough reflection, in order to provoke the Left, to drive them to indignation and lead them to attend our meetings if only to break them up, in order to have some chance to speak to the people. The predominately red color choice was initially made to provoke Leftists into attending their meetings and maybe even convert a few. (You) kill yourself kike!
>>9915 >>9916 Wow. Polekike btfo.
heil hitler
>>9916 I ignored you back then for the same reason that I think you are retarded right now, because the fact that you say that Das Kapital makes good points is already enough for me to see you as a complete retard. If you have actually read Das Kapital and didn't see that Marx is a complete fuck up from the very first pages where he discusses value, then I'm sorry but you are either braindead or disingenous and I don't believe a slick of what you are saying. I might go through the heaps of garbage you have written later on, giving you the benefit of the doubt.
>>9737 >Hitler was right about everything. Well I guess that depends on your perspective. The way I see it, Hitler was a Jew who conspired with international Zionists to bring about the creation of the state of Israel within Palestine. The Jews that were killed by him in were considered by the Zionists as a sacrifice to pay for the past sins of the Jews, which had to be done before god would allow them to re-inhabit the land in Palestine. So if you were one of the people who was living in Palestine, or one of the Jews sacrificed in Germany, then Hitler definitely was not right about everything
yep. Rabbi Schicklgruber bin Maria Anna was very tricky bruh.
>>13341 I would love to hear the story behind those pics if you know it anon
>>13343 >Germany expands due to martial conquest. >This brings them into the Balkans >Just like in Denmark, France, Norway, etc the Reich starts recruiting locals for more soldiers. >In Yugoslavia this includes Bosnian muslims, who were incorporated into their own Waffen-SS division "Handschar" >Himmler OKs the recruitment of Muslims since he thought Islam bred better soldiers since it taught death in battle was the way to paradise. That at least explains the first picture
>>9737 welcome to the club and Hell
>>13396 Thanks anon, I didn't know about this

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