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Blackrock pension fund, Great Reset Anonymous 06/09/2021 (Wed) 19:04:36 Id: 4d17de No. 9490
https://archive.ph/jKase https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1402434266970140676.html From this thread unrolled https://twitter.com/APhilosophae/status/1402434266970140676 tl;dr: Blackrock pension fund is buying house 20-50% above asking price using Federal Reserve fund as a step for the great reset. Only low and middle class are fucked, as usual. It's also happening across other countries.
https://archive.ph/mBkAa https://www.businessinsider.com/what-to-know-about-blackrock-larry-fink-biden-cabinet-facts-2020-12 More of the same facts than last post. Also details on how Blackrock has a lot of ex-goverment officials, a lot of money related to finance management. Federal Reserve and Blackrock are pretty close together, BR already helped with bailout for a few companies during the 2008 crisis Larry Fink (CEO) is a proponent of climate change and is giving directives to that effect.
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Not even trying to hide it. How the fuck did they get 9 trillion in assets in just 30-something years? Rothschild front? Is the WEF also a Rothschild front? Would perfectly align with the Talmudic teachings of the goyim being enslaved cattle for eternity
>>9490 Disobey all rules and all laws and genocide the jews and kill all who work for them or protecting them. Fail to do so, and you lose. Learn that once and for all.
>>9634 Blackrock is gonna take even more of the economy over real soon during this upcoming crash.
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>>9490 >>9499 Oh, so they're using the government to do it. Anarcho-capitalism wins again.
Incoming event: >Eviction moratorium expire >People without work because of corona-chan can't pay rent have to leave >Landlord can't pay mortgage >Blackrock buy land dirt cheap <And the next lockdown is in sight https://archive.ph/yfMrr https://twitter.com/GravelInstitute/status/1421254375469637634 https://archive.ph/skiUJ https://www.invitationtenants.com/blackstone-profits-from-the-foreclosure-crisis/ https://archive.ph/MG8Sh https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-08/blackrock-s-pyle-picked-as-kamala-harris-s-top-economic-adviser
>Landlords, Frustrated With Eviction Moratorium, Sell to Wealthy Investors to Stem Losses https://archive.ph/tnhUU https://www.newsweek.com/landlords-frustrated-eviction-moratorium-sell-wealthy-investors-stem-losses-1621113 Just as planned
>>9490 >>9499 >>10528 >>11186 Always try to add the archive to the image itself. Takes a marginal amount of time and ensures that the archive serves a purpose even after the thread has died.
>>9490 The reason they're doing this is to artificially drive up the tax revenues in shitty locales in an effort to shore up pension funds as more boomers retire. Basically boomers are enslaving us for their retirement.
If they create a rental monopoly they will be able to dictate prices like independent landlords never could. jewish slumlording gone national.
>>9637 This is the only solution, kids
>>9499 >>9490 America doesn't have a land problem. You could just sell your home 50% above asking price, move to a more rural town or even better buy land with the 50% gain you just made. Start a farm or work remotely. If people just moved and started new towns in the middle of now where the great reset will back fire so fucking hard it will be seen as the dumbest move in history. >We bought every relevant town! >They just moved and built new houses instead of renting!
>>11266 >America doesn't have a land problem. Homes are being bought with CASH. 6 7 figure listings. Gates and Xi are buying farmland and importing food to bugville. * billion faggots to feed. >lets start a new town. ok Faf, gonna chalk your flag to a chang vpn
>>11266 How will anyone buy better land when international corporations own all the land and refuse to sell, dumb fuck?
The whole country is rapidly falling apart. The morals, politics, and economy are collapsing like dominoes. All hope is gone.
>>11266 a lot of people don't have that frontier spirit anymore. they'd rather just continue staying in that small area they grew up in or have lived in for a long time, rather than go somewhere else and start anew.

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