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The Odinist Lady, Seana Fenner, of Odinia Died Today Anonymous 05/20/2021 (Thu) 05:16:13 Id: 9f5af0 No. 9303
Her website hasn't been updated in over a year at this point because she was in poor health for a long time. I supported her for a long time because she is the proper /pol/-tier religion for our people (folkish, tribal, pro-family, etc.). I tried not to be an annoying, blogposting faggot about it nor shill it too much, but I have mentioned her once in a while or specifically in religion threads for several years now on multiple /pol/ boards, particularly on HateChan in it's heyday (it was the most based site where you could be the most offensive, in case you are a newfag and don't know). https://odinia(Please use archive.today)/ http://vikingalthing(Please use archive.today)/ --site's broken at the moment, but has been a thing https://odinist(Please use archive.today)/ http://seanafenner(Please use archive.today)/ --her personal site I guess come to think of it she had a few and was taking them into some different focuses, but like I say, her health had gone downhill, and I am the one who told her that she should try to get better because I hoped she would and could go back to things later. I am posting this thread on a few different /pol/s and I hope it is alright. She had made headlines multiple times without trying any stunts for attention because the Nose Tribe was super assmad that anyone except themselves was trying to exercise religious freedom at all (especially those whitoids--oy vey!). There are always various (((interested parties))) trying to push our people in every direction except good ones and except the direction of Nature. If you knew anything about her as a person, she deserved better. Odinia will live on and there will be more pro-whites running it than there were before to honor her memory. I remember the lies, the excuses from those who would not help, and the idiotic semitic shilling against her cause, and I am proud to have defended her from all of the mud that was slung. Because real people and truth-tellers in general are suppressed (and every faggot e-celeb has multiple threads a day everywhere, hmm...), I want to mention her one last time because she died today, or so I am told. I generally can manage to deal with death pretty well, but this one hit me hard. She was one of the best of our people. She literally used to go around and redpill QTs for our Race in the streets and other things of that nature. I'm just making this thread because /pol/ boards and internet shitlording is basically my home. I identify with shitlord anons and have been perusing, memeing, and/or posting for a very long time. I wouldn't be who I am today without any of you, including spammers and faggots who shit up threads. All of you who ever did any redpilling, shitposting, or any kind of activism redpilled anons like me long ago, and you are heroes.
I apologize that this is somewhat blogposty, but I personally knew her and I have been teared up for like five hours now, so I can't not blogpost. I know I said I wouldn't post any of her pics either, but no one can hurt you with those anymore. She was quite the QT herself back in the day. I guess her health really started to go downhill a few years ago or so, although it took a turn for the worse about a year ago. I am sad as fuck, you niggerfaggots.
Her tl;dr is basically that she was a fellow White woman oppressed by the System. She's one of the only people that tried to do something about public christcuck racemixing advocacy or any of the other bullshit, and if there is one duty I have after she is gone, it is to preserve the Truth against all adversaries.
>>9303 Women have no importance whatsoever. Women are tools to be used and discarded. Not people.
Sad to hear anon, at least she won't have to witness the shadow to come
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Thank you for this post. I just found her websites yesterday and was super excited to contact her today...So I went from the best news Ive had in a long time to the worst but at least I know
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Is there anyone else watching the odinia@outlook box or how would you recommend getting in touch with ppl in the org? This news kicked my ass but at the same time motivates me to pick up the slack created by her passing and carry it on. btw im in USA heartland, just on serb VPN atm
>>9303 Sad to hear.
>>9786 the outlook mailbox is full
>>9786 You're not going to be able to for a while. I personally knew her, and I know that there was not a lot of staff at the org, for one thing (not many people actually help our REAL pro-whites, whereas many fools help the enemy). The second thing is that there's a lot of stuff that needs to be done to secure and maintain her work and legacy, and that the org will resurface. It is quite likely that I will wind up running it, and I am going to run it as a surface-level, 100% legitimate and legal religious org in that case. You know, these boards are slow as fuck these days, but you can use it to your advantage and just post in any of the memorial threads I have made on any of the chan sites that have such a thread. I will be reading them. Her health had been not good for a long time, which also reduced how much could be done running things, but I helped her and was her friend for some years. I probably would have given up on women if it weren't for her after the shit I had seen IRL. >>9815 The people with the keys can't really run it right now because they are simply too busy at the moment. I will mention it to them. Also, my apologies. You know I had shilled her a few times over on hatechan and other places. I had hoped more people would have helped her before because she was a legit priestess. I think she is an important person and had the favor of the White Gods or else she would have been taken out sooner rather than dying of an illness. I don't really know a whole lot about magic and the spirit world, but you can actually ask her spirit to talk to you, if you have that ability. Personally, I have to pay people to do that because I can't do it myself. Be sure to tell her that she is a nice hate bunny and that she deserves hugs if you do. She likes hugs. I have to do other things sometimes too, but I will look at these threads from time to time and try and answer questions. The other thing I should mention is feel free to form your local Odinic Kindred and at least have informal get-togethers and such with your own Folk. I am trying to convince others IRL to do this (with little success). You don't need our permission to make one. It's not like the Reich where they didn't let groups form independently. You can just make a local kindred, and in fact, I think it is better that way. Top-down large orgs have a way of getting shut down or taken over if they're political and not kikes.
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>>9950 Thanks for the info. I found 4chan and hatechan in the runup to 2016 election. Loved me some 8ch...when it was shoah'd I quit looking for chans cos I figured they'd be honeypots. So I just came across this one when searching for "Odinia" Anyway I see a lot of good and useful things in her material; it would be a shame for it to just disappear now. I work in IT and could probably help with the web-related archiving and even hosting if it came to that. I dont know a lot about her area of expertise but am interested in learning everything she has to share because I recognize truths there Ive been drawn to all my life. I dont want to keep posting here tho. I found what she said was mama's phone number; maybe I will call that to try to get in touch with one of her sidekicks. Or if you have a throwaway email you could drop here, i'll watch for that... I need to add some armor and a spear to this photo
>>10168 Nice autism. I have never seen that pic before. Things are not terribly organized still, but they will be eventually. It's not going to just disappear. Feel free to make copies, but preferably engage with people IRL. The christcuck question is a massive fucking problem and those cucks seriously need the oven. I had some catholicuck mom not too long ago say something about muh White supremism merely from referring positively to our heritage and the need to defend it, which is a far cry from supremacy. She said this in front of her small White children. Cuckstainity needs cured, hard. She was so fucking based. Gods damn it, I miss chatting with her. I believe her area of expertise was technically archaeoastronomy and that she had a Masters from Oxford for it. She always said that academics were total faggots, which was my assessment as well from my time in (((college))). There is an enemy presence constantly trying to infiltrate everything. Usually priests/priestesses or the gifted need to be shielded from the public eye and pick them up by detecting their psychic intent, in my opinion. It prevents those who wish to harm us from getting in. I also strongly believe that legitimate religion like Odinism needs to keep its nose legal and clean to keep snitches out also, as well as extensively utilizing internal surveillance to keep out kikes and their minions. You know, there are a few decent chans these days. Yandex is the best search engine in English for politically incorrect shit. Foreign search engines usually don't censor out of their primary language and national interest, lel. By all means, post wherever you want. I think their site is still up and will remain that way. Fuck if I know if comments will get approved though.
>>10168 One more thing. You should sub or follow somewhere to be considered for a post. I have advised everyone working on things there specifically on how to keep out shills. They will not be engaging with anyone who approaches them directly because so many enemies were constantly trying to shut it down. I have told them to look for volunteers and potential future employees only by approaching themselves. It's necessary for security.
>>9303 What did she die of
>>11158 She stopped breathing after being sick on and off for a long time. It was such a tragedy. I still miss her every day.
>>9784 >>9950 I am so saddened to learn of this woman's death. Like another poster mentioned, I was so excited to contact her, as she was the only legit Odinist with the balls to call out the Nose Tribe (hehe, good one) I have managed to find. Other groups are either luke-warm or controlled opp. Is there anybody who was a part of her org I can reach out too?
>>9303 fuck that shit i would rape her and decapitate her head and plays basketball with it
>>15504 kek >>15489 There is no continuing org. There are independent Odinist groups, but no legitimate one will have a large public presence. Form your local kindred and draw upon her based writings, Fren. She was quite the academic, but she could not follow through with her own group thing. She was too spread out maintaining lots of websites. A lot of the other ones are already gone except the main Odinia one. I had told her as much and more about priorities. Even if she had formed a Core Group like I had said for the purposes of mainly keeping her and her work safe (high priority because thought leaders against kike control will be killed if they get famous, which is why all public groups are basically the same), you would still have to form your own local Tribe. tl;dr: tribalism, nigger. Just don't forget there are lots of groups out there. They're just not going to loudly advertise themselves, and with everyone I see IRL I reinforce that idea to keep based White people safe. All the loud ones will be cucked by definition because of kike control. >>15550 no kikes plz
>>9950 >>15601 >>15601 Figured as much. I have contacted other so-called Odinist orgs, one of which "has no official church policy" on the taking of kike poison needles, leaving it up to each individual member's choice. Said org is very strict on not allowing mixed race couples, understandably so, in the spirit of maintaining the purity and continuation of the race. What a sad joke. I told them as much via email, and got no response. What do I have to do to make myself recognizable to others? Dangle Thor's hammer from the back of my truck, in place of those steel nutsacks I see bouncing up and down every so often? Do those nut-sack guys get together in secret meetings, to collectively lament over their small penises? Perhaps and Odinist goes it alone these days. Better that than identified, targeted and killed by kikes. I wonder how much of Odinia's health problems had to do with that? Let's face it. Getting together and forming groups isn't going to get any of us anywhere. Our only chance is calling upon the gods, in a very real way. Blood? Magic? Rune, seidr, or otherwise? Short of this type of revival, we are all as good as fucking dead.
>>15628 >Let's face it. Getting together and forming groups isn't going to get any of us anywhere. Our only chance is calling upon the gods, in a very real way. Blood? Magic? Rune, seidr, or otherwise? Short of this type of revival, we are all as good as fucking dead. Ain't that the truth? Honestly, you neopagans aren't going to get anywhere like this. You guys are insanely fragmented, and for every /pol/-tier heathen there's a heathen who's more cucked than any rainbowflag-waving Reform Jew. You know the type, right? Cucks and collegegirls who go around yammering about stuff like "tHeRe ArE qUeER gOdS" and "rAinBOw hEaTHenRy". Happily telling everyone how progressive they are, and how *real* heathens are totally all about interracial pansexual polyamory. You'd just love to shut them up, right? I would too, and I'm not even a heathen! And we should, really. But we can't, can we? Cause that's a hatecrime, and then they'll have us tarred, feathered, fired, slandered, blackballed and unpersoned. So we're just gonna have to sit back and gnash our teeth about it in secret. All while the usual suspects turn Odin into a queer icon and appropriate everything else about old Norse culture for their cuckery. And you bet that this has an impact. Because *these* people control the media and the academic scene. Everything that the (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s hear about vikings and old Norse society? They hear it from the most cucked types imaginable. All of that is deliberate, and there's a *big* push to make that even worse. I'm not even kidding here; I go to medievalist conferences, and I'm watching this play out in realtime. The part about turning Odin into a queer icon was no hyperbole, either. I googled 'Odin queer' just now and I got nearly 2 million hits. Lots of academic stuff too, and they're really trying to rub it in. And all of this is shaping public perception. Tainting symbols is very effective, you know? Google Angrboda and the first thing you'll see is a black woman. Repeat that sort of thing often enough and it'll stick. Even in the minds of the unwilling. ...honestly, I'd actually be depressed about it. But it's all bullshit, though. There are no gods, and there is no magic beyond tricks of the mind. The Æsir, the Vanir, gods in general - they were never anything more than an idea. That's also one of the two reasons why the historical heathens lost. Kinda hard for the gods to help you when they don't exist, right? The other reason why it lost is organization. Say what you want about Christianity, but it gets organization right. That's why it became a world religion - in spite of starting out as, you know, a weird little half-Jewish sect that mainly appealed to poor people and slaves. Heathens like might still have stood a chance had you been properly united and organized. But you're not, and your rainbow heathen enemies are.
Wow. She was hot.
>>9950 >>15640 I couldn't agree with you more. The neo-pagan movement is doomed, for all of the reasons you cite, and more. That being said, it is curious to observe the lengths that 'they' have gone to to fragment, censor, co-opt, pervert, and hence destroy the movement. If the gods were not real, why even bother with it to the extent that they have? When Chritianity took over the European continent, it's agents destroyed the sacred groves, smashed the sacred stones, plopped their churches right on top of the sacred sites, all of which were the means through which the gods interfaced with this world and transferred their power therein, via the ritual activities of their human patrons. Destroy the infrastructure and the signal is lost, just as the internet would go down if you bombed the building containing the servers. Given this historical fact, you could and may as well say that the gods are not real, just as an extraterrestrial species living in a galaxy billions of light years away may as well not be either, once your ability to detect and transmit their signal via some tech interface is lost. I don't discount that a revival, if allowed to develop and unify, could reestablish contact with the gods. But is this likely to happen? To put it bluntly, fuck no. The organizing principle behind the success of Christianity was, and continues to be, terror and violence, now morphed into the budding religion of Scientism with salvation at the end of a needle or with your consciousness surviving the planned apocalypse by being uploaded into an AI mainframe computer. Those who run with it will be assimilated into the proverbial BORG. I prefer to continue to practice my rituals and offerings to the gods, albeit in complete isolation, and with complete understanding and acceptance of the folly and futility it would be to hope for anything beyond personal results. Narcissist, or realistic? I'm beyond being depressed about it. Death comes to us all eventually, and thank the gods for that.

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