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Israelites really happy about this. Anonymous 05/11/2021 (Tue) 14:27:58 Id: e2aa3f No. 9220
Biden in, discord abounds. FIRE erupts outside Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem amid clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police (VIDEOS) https://www.rt(Please use archive.today)/news/523414-fire-alaqsa-mosque-compound-jerusalem/
Not sure if it should be its own thread. Some time earlier, seems the "Iron dome" had some problems (vid 1) Later that day, some rockets has been launched and hit ground (pic 2-3) Then currently-ish, other rockets flying Seems Israel's "Iron dome" isn't working, and currently they are receiving all kinds of missiles
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>>9221 Violence in Gaza and Jerusalem is escalating fast. I've reading comments about how the city is in chaos with kikes and muzzies fighting each other and setting things on fire. Source of videos (no archives because I got cockblocked from archive.is by endless captchas): https://nitter.cc/disclosetv/status/1392181680094466052 https://nitter.cc/disclosetv/status/1392262521084600322 https://nitter.cc/Ahmad7syria/status/1392264614742790146
This is all because of those god damn jewish landlords!
Ziobot got noscope'd the other day
>>9227 This is still a thing in Israel. Jew landlord tax religious jews more.
>>9220 If the Palestinians were smart. They would encourage younger Israeli to embraced SJW shit even more. It will kill Israel in the long run.
Khazarian bitches Allah will punish them Amin
>>9220 Europeans could learn something from Jews. < Burn down more mosques.

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