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How We Can Take Back the Internet from the from the Moralist Left and Other Jackasses That Wish to Censor It and Sanatize It Anonymous 04/29/2021 (Thu) 15:48:09 Id: a88958 No. 9060
If you're been paying attention to the last several years you're probably aware of how the Silicon Valley and the Left in general have been doing what they can to undermine the Internet and freedom as we know it. But in order to do this we will have to get realistic about this. No LARP fantasies, no unrealistic conspiracy theories about how Donald Trump or some other stupid boomer will save the day, we have to get real about this. The first thing that has to happen is that people need to realize that tech companies are not and never will be anyone's friend. Their main concern is making money and to promote their own ideals (in this case it's promoting left-wing politics). Most of us are aware how much Big Tech sucks. Youtube being ban happy, promotes social justice crap, and has a broken copyright claim system. Tumblr is a dead website filled with loser cat ladies. Twitter being the 'woke' capital of the Internet with Jack Dorsey keeps enabling the Twitter userbase's toxic behavior. Facebook being a boomer's platform filled to the brim with MLM scams. Discord being basically Reddit 2.0. Google being the gatekeeper of information. Reddit being the cesspool of psudeointellectuals. Patreon thinking they get to dictate what content that content creators can or can't make. Even the so called "Free Speech" websites such as Gab and Minds are nothing but hugboxes for your average boomer conservative and religious nutbags anyway. So in order to make the Internet truly free and open, the following has to be done: 1. The embrace of private and anonymous cryptocurrencies. I do think it's a good thing that cryptocurrencies are being adopted as they are becoming more mainstream but to challenge the financial establishment and even governments we need to collectively embrace cryptocurrencies such as Monero to truly challenge the system. 2. The support for open source software. You're basically part of the problem if you keep using proprietary junk such as Windows or OSX or anything from Microsoft and Apple because the more you use their products the more control that these companies have. Find a good Linux distro and other open source software and learn how to use it. 3. The embrace of decentralized and peer-to-peer platforms. They do exist but for now they're nowhere near as big as their Big Tech counterparts. The biggest decentralized network is the Fediverse where instances run on Mastodon or Pleroma operate and interact with each other. There's no Jack Dorseys, no Mark Zuckerbergs, or Susan Wojcikis that can shut you down. You are your own boss on this decentralized peer-to-peer network. If you're also the owner of a website and you're reading this (whether it's a blog, a hentai website, an anime and/or manga website, a chan website just like 8chan, a website for emulators and game ROMS and ISOs, a torrenting website, a porn website, a website for tutorials, a political website, a news website, a tech website, a fourm website, an online retailer, whatever the case may) do also be on the lookout for blockchain domains; while this technology is still in its infancy this new technology will make it very difficult for governments, corporations, and moral busybodies to censor the Internet then. 4. Reduce your dependency of online retail platforms such as Amazon. I understand that it may be inconvenient but do try to use smaller online retailers whenever possible. 5. Ditch Gmail. There's plenty of better options such as Protonmail anyway. The alternatives are not fully perfect but it's best for healthy competition to manifest itself so that these services continue innovating. 6. Do support companies that contribute to open source but don't fully trust them. For example, Valve has been doing plenty of progress to bring gaming to Linux but they are known to ban and censor video games on Steam then. 7. If you need to use a VPN, get one that accepts crypto and is not based in the nations that are part of the 'Five Eyes of Surveillance'. Some VPN services such as Proton VPN and Mulvad are examples of VPN services that are safer to use. 8. Anonymity is your friend. Don't do anything stupid for you to lose it. Do what is necessary to make people know less about you. 9. If possible, use alternative search engines such as DuckDuckGo. They're not perfect by any means but they're better than nothing then. 10. Use a browser that isn't Chrome, you have to be a total idiot to use a VPN or a DNS Resolver and then think you're being private on the Internet when you still use Chrome. There's plenty of other browsers out there that are better at protecting your privacy. Use Brave (for beginners), Firefox (I recommend hardening it in the about:config section, Privacytools has a list of modifications that you can do with Firefox for this), and Tor (if you're that paranoid). 11. If you have the resources, consider mining your own crypto then. 12. Finally, this may sound cringy but be the best memester that you can be. 4chan/8chan culture is what made the Internet as we know it. We brought the concept of the 'meme' to pop culture, we made trolling to be an art form, we still influence on how the Internet talks to each other (we made the words 'cuck' and 'simp' be part of everyday speech for crying out loud), we built Internet culture as we know it and these people want to claim something that they never even worked on anyway. So in the immortal words from an era of the Internet when it wasn't filled with hypersensitive idiots, "Do it Faggot."
First of all, stop saying it's only leftists/liberals doing this. That just opens the door to conservatives to censor everything and idiots thinking that's okay because it's not the other side doing it. Oppression is oppression regardless of what fucking letter is next to the oppressor's name on the ballot. The only solution is real decentralization. That's the part you got right. But the real issue is infrastructure. It doesn't matter if you have your own website if you're still using google's servers and cloudflare's DDOS protection. Or for that matter the government's physical infrastructure, seeing how the corporations ARE the government - again, regardless of whether they identify as a D or R or an attack helicopter. But that last one is probably impossible to avoid, same with any private satellite network (ala Starlink) because even all the anons in the world have neither the resources nor the legal writ to install their own physical infrastructure. What we really need is independent servers and internet software, but that's way above my level of expertise. It's also blurring the line between software and physical in the first place. Doing anything with crypto is dumb. The big ones are already corporate and mainstream (and you're literally giving money to China because they're doing most of the mining), and the little ones are not worth anything. As soon as they become worth it, they've already been taken over by normalfags anyway. It's a Catch-22 if I've ever seen one. Aside from that, there is the matter that it's a fiat currency tied to the dollar. If you have the resources to run a mining farm, run a server farm instead. Host the people you want to host. And never forget: Divide and Conquer is how they get you. The more you hate libs and fags and nigs, the more you're too distracted to fight the rulers. It's about class, rich versus poor, always has been.
>>9060 I want to find a way where we can use a decentralize connection without the need of using an ISP. The fact we have to use an ISP to connect to any other network outside our own home is another instance of how controlling these corporations are. We should go back to using phone lines, or heck, use AM radio signals to transmit data to access websites, similar to WiFi and Mobile 4G but no centralize company controls them, just like old fashion radio but similar to how games were on CDs but only game consoles and emulators can properly handle the data to play the game. The more research and work we put in a full decentralize network where anyone can join and access the entire internet without the need of an ISP, the more free we are. I know there are projects that are doing this but they don't have the ability to access the web as a whole. I2P is good example to compare to. Doing any form of crypto is a risk within itself considering the top big coins out now suffer for hacking and China mining them cornering the market share. The only crypto I feel confident with is Monero and even then its sketchy.
>>9061 class envy is for communists and other losers
>>9063 I think you can do that by using your own satelite to do that or at least rent a satelite, which still controlled by who owns it. The point of isp is that it can be accessed by masses at low price not because it is free from control. Should ISP be gone, internet will only be accessed by top 1%.
>>9060 By saying that things shouldn't be censored, you're saying its bad to censor things. You are saying it is immoral, making you a moralist and thus a hypocrite.
>>9119 OP is literally giving instructions on what to do. You're barking up the wrong tree.
As the US collapses and the elites get more desperate, don't be surprised if the globalists say that the Russians are coming or there is an Ebola outbreak to get Americans to go to the concentration camps. The ruling powers might even use Hollywood special effects to stage the return of Jesus or fake an UFO event to distract Americans.
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I made a previous thread but only a shill and a random anon who gave an imcomplete answer and just left answered. I know 4chan doesn't protects your IP as it says because of the time it gave some IPs to glowniggers for terrorism reasons. But while lurking I feel the amount of traffic and the speed of the board do help and I would want to take part. But they block tor browser and public proxies. Anyone figured how to post without leaving a track? An anon suggested >Rent a server and run your own private proxy. Their VPN ban only works because there are lists of VPN IPs. They'd need to ban any datacenter IP to prevent this. But I still need tips on how to do this anonymously because if I pay a server with traditional means I leave a track direct to me. And also paying for a whole server just to use as a proxy for one person must be kinda expensive.
Anti shill bump Makes all shills suck rotten dicks with siphillis
Protective mega bump Shills that post here will have a nigger enter their butthole and rip their arms off. For jews this will happen when they are in Yeshiva or a synagogue
>>11453 Virtual computer? Get a wifi satellite point towards nearest free wifi. What they actually need is the device you posted on so they can use analytic to prove you posted it, which is why people only get in trouble when they post threats on their social media, or honeypot discord which both require more proof and track you very illegally and invasively. You can use anyones IPs to frame them which is why the CIA got caught on purpose making up the Russia collusion to prove "trump" isn't a jew puppet to make it look like he was being attacked just like us even if they have to make it up, in this case it was used to trick rightwing people to vote for a judas goat because we have the same "enemies" the CIA hur dur forget the kikes controlling it. Worry less about the IP and more about the operating system as a whole which they use to prosecute, they have kernel access to nearly every thing you ever done on that computer like all the saved indexes.
>>11463 But with IP they have the first step to locating someone. I might as well send a letter to ADL using my own address saying I am a white nationalist. >they have kernel access to nearly every thing you ever done on that computer like all the saved indexes. I wonder where in my HD are stored logs with all the sites I have ever visited if I am using safe means of access... Sure though they probably try to match some signature from my OS to the OS they detected doing whathever but I wonder how they could do that from a 4chan post unless 4chan records more than IP addresses.
u cannot cos it's a common and global "Fascismation" process around the world. Some countries will be more deep in Fascism, another ones - less but that's the truth. Libs/rights/lefts/cons - they are just politician clowns and they dont decide how the country will live for the next 50 years, completely different ppl do it.
Deleted last post to edit without having copied the contents >1. The embrace of private and anonymous cryptocurrencies. I do think it's a good thing that cryptocurrencies are being adopted as they are becoming more mainstream but to challenge the financial establishment and even governments we need to collectively embrace cryptocurrencies such as Monero to truly challenge the system. Monero is definitely good in comparison to other crypto due to its anonymous nature. Don't go for Bitcoin as your wallet is effectively a receipt of every single one of your past transactions. So if you bought something with it ten years ago, someone that has your wallet address can see absolutely every single thing you have bought and paid for among which is included what you bought ten years ago. As such you are surrendering your privacy to anyone you hand your wallet address to, which makes it a powerful tool for governments and banks to spy on you with. You could go for a different wallet, sure, but that is just you using a bandaid solution to pretend that the problem doesn't exist. >2. The support for open source software. You're basically part of the problem if you keep using proprietary junk such as Windows or OSX or anything from Microsoft and Apple because the more you use their products the more control that these companies have. Find a good Linux distro and other open source software and learn how to use it. The battle is only really won once the hardware becomes open source too. The software is not that significant in this matter, although it still very much is, what matters more is supporting open source hardware. Fully open source, not partially open source with propietary building blocks and portions. >4. Reduce your dependency of online retail platforms such as Amazon. I understand that it may be inconvenient but do try to use smaller online retailers whenever possible. Try to get shit from the supplier directly. They won't always ship or deliver shit themselves, but in many cases they will. Thus allowing you to pay the supplier instead of a middleman like Amazon. If you see something that you would like to get on Amazon, consider seeing if you can't get it directly from the manufacturer instead. Generally it's cheaper that way as well. 6. Do support companies that contribute to open source but don't fully trust them. For example, Valve has been doing plenty of progress to bring gaming to Linux but they are known to ban and censor video games on Steam then. And when it comes to hardware, support ones that respect the right to repair. Android is open source, but really the smartphones it is on certainly don't respect your right to repair them. >8. Anonymity is your friend. Don't do anything stupid for you to lose it. Do what is necessary to make people know less about you. Instead of simply withholding information, overload any malicious actors trying to use it against you by using false information whereever possible. Some random person halfway across the planet doesn't need to know that it's a sunny afternoon where you are, they most likely wouldn't care if you withheld this or simply lied to them about it. It's benign information and is completely useless to the person you intended your message for, but someone else reading it could use this info for correlating shit to you. So just say it's a monsoon at 3 AM. The fed reading it might think it's truthful information and start chasing phantoms. And the more red herrings you leave, the bigger the chance someone unknowingly gets caught on one. Develop a habit of scattering benign lies within the information you put out and keep actual truthful personal information on a need-to-know basis. Some social media website doesn't need to know that you're not actually a 43 year-old woman called Pernilla Clementine, nor do they need to know your email or phone number. >Firefox (I recommend hardening it in the about:config section Just use Tor browser. It's a modified version of Firefox made with privacy in mind and you don't actually need to use Tor on the Tor browser, you can just use it like any other. And really more people should start using Tor, you see lots of people considering it but not a whole lot of people actually doing it. >11. If you have the resources, consider mining your own crypto then. Unless you have access to super cheap power or electronics, don't do it. With all the supply chain disruptions, whatever electronics you have now are going to be a lot more valuable than they were two or four years ago and the price for computers isn't going to be dropping any time soon. So don't fuck your computer by mining crypto with it unless it is hardware you got specifically for that purpose and that you are not using for anything else.
>>9061 >muh the rich >government creating and promoting everything since day one and making corporations to comply trough tax credits and legislation Fuck you, and fuck this communist bullshit, both government and corporations are your enemies and criptos and blockchain are the way to freedom against tirany because they bring decentralized governing and free capitalism
You know a country is rigged when the government forces you to buy products, gives bailouts to companies, and uses regulations to prevent you from starting a business.
>the jewropean jewnion rn is trying to censor pepe and doge from a bunch of other memes . >why live
The Swamp literally owns the Big Tech companies, the hardware infrastructure, the PR agencies, the intelligence agencies, and the opposition movements https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=World_Economic_Forum All of the people who were anti-microsoft and for free speech in the 1990s were working for Bill Gates to censor the internet in the 2010s EVERYTHING has to be rebuilt from the ground up, by people who can do it without investment capital
I invite you to consider legislation and 'false flag' as well. The jews (and other organized crime) control both legislation, courts and a good chunk of enforcement. If they are desperate and the no-mainstream becomes more popular, they false flag it and use this to pass legislation "designed to stop such foul behaviour". Example: Jew hates <INSERT FREEDOM LOVING BOARD> Jew spams <INSERT FREEDOM LOVING BOARD> with cp, political extremism. Jew points to <INSERT FREEDOM LOVING BOARD> as a source of atrocious deviants and recommends legistation against <INSERT FREEDOM LOVING BOARD> <INSERT FREEDOM LOVING BOARD> gets dropped by server provider <INSERT FREEDOM LOVING BOARD> gets DNS banned etc.. Supporters of <INSERT FREEDOM LOVING BOARD> gets harrassed, persecuted, etc. Meanwhile, translation cp to arabic and searching youtube gives deviant results, "but Youtube is doing their best, goy, they need your support, not your hate" I really like Internet freedem. I really like the potential in cryptos. But I am a blackpilled cynic.
semantics, you know what he means. you commies love grandstanding and differentiating yourselves from the liberals because your economic views are different, but the fact remains that left wing SOCIAL views, the same ones destroying our societies run rampant in self described communists in the west. I have spent a lot of time in online communist circles over the last 2 years and what i found is that to modern westerners, "communism" tends to just be some "quirky" bullshit for them to use in lieu of a personality to find some sort of social circle to fit into, they waste their time in their gay little groupchats arguing about dialectics and other such bullshit in-between jacking off and watching anime, it's all talk, just superficial nonsense. The concept of a "revolution of the proletariat" to them is nothing but a gay little fantasy that they escape to in their heads, they don't own weapons, they don't exercise, they are overwhelmingly mentally ill, and they tend to be unemployed. When it really comes down to it, their bickering amongst themselves and larpy simping for dead communist leaders is a non-factor in the world of irl politics. The only impact you commies seem to actually have is that you push social views online which are favourable towards the liberal establisment and during the voting season you vote for milquetoast "leftist" politicians. Communist social policies will likely never come to fruition in the west and if they do it will be under a thirdpos culturally right wing regime. You are not a communist, you are just a quirky liberal. Neck yourself faggot.
>>12619 was meant for >>12602
>>12619 *communist economic policies will never come to fruition in the west
>2 + 3 >be a commie kek
>>12619 >self described communists in the west ok but we're talking about socialists, not them
>>9060 > How We Can Take Back the Internet from the from the Moralist Left and Other Jackasses That Wish to Censor It and Sanatize It Well, government and big tech policies are viewed as acceptable or at least tolerable by the majority of society. So in order to take back the internet you have to sway public opinion. OP's point# 12 would speak to this, while all other points address best ways to resist these policies until such time as public opinion changes. >>9063 >I want to find a way where we can use a decentralize connection without the need of using an ISP I would like this as well, but it is probably a pipe dream. The only way that I know of to achieve this is to begin building a wireless mesh network with other like minded people. You could use commercial grade wifi routers running open firmware like ddwrt, running in bridge mode connected to hi-gain antennas. Each anon would use a similar setup and be another node in the network. ie anon1 is connected to anon2 who is connected to anon3, etc. Each anon would run a small file server containing an archive of content that they have saved over the years <you do have an archive, right anon? The entire network could be crawled using a search engine like Yacy, thus making it easy to find content on other anons servers. I think it could be laid out like a large lan, but here's some people that seem to have a good working model https://hyperboria.net/ While the network is growing it would be necessary for anons to add new content. This could be done by sharing articles, videos, news, etc from whatever source you have available, internet, radio, TV, word of mouth, etc Another cool option for spreading information anonymously and without using an ISP is to use Dead drops and Wi drops. https://deaddrops(Please use archive.today)/ https://deaddrops(Please use archive.today)/widrop/ In my opinion, the mainstream censored internet will not stop, and the future of the free internet will have to be decentralized and grassroots.
>>12637 There's no difference at all between a socialist and a communist. They can call themselves "students for a democratic society" or every other name under the sun to avoid self-identifying as communists, but every single time they're just outright communists. Don't fall for the pilpul.
Moxie Marlinspike said that when it comes to privacy and data collection "there is no worse choice" than Telegram. https://www.techweekmag(Please use archive.today)/news/technology/signal-founder-criticizes-telegram/ PS. Telegram is literally a FSB project, proven by a Russian ex-propagandist run away to Europe. Proof - https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/p7V3YSKhD7o?t=1640 Literally: "Yes, Telegram is FSB messenger".
this is what happens when you are a fucking mexico look at this retard post trump will fucking deport you fucking beaner sheut MAGA!!!
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>>13370 FSB aren't trying to destroy the American people, the cia and the Bush sr faction (DVD) are.
>>13370 Data collection isn't one general unit. If you're in the west and not fedposting IRL, Telegram isn't a terrible choice. They don't shut down right-wing groups for being right-wing, at least in the west, and the FSB isn't relevant unless you're in Russia. Data collection by CIA and FBI would be a problem for westerners, but the FSB isn't going to share their shit with the west.
Fucking garbage shit asks for your phone number, that's the first red flag. A private messenger should NOT be integrated with your phonebook. Also chats aren's encrypted by default. Group chats CAN'T be encrypted. Private chats must be specifically started with encryption or else they're not. Use Session (Lokinet) or Briar (Tor) Both generate random user IDs, both use dark web for transport. If you're a level 40 technowizard virgin; use Retroshare over I2P, and not even the CIAniggers can snoop on your messages.
>>13380 The teletrannies shut down a bunch of atomwaffen related groups after people started advocating for playing some RL minecraft. Several of ourguys have been arrested and prosecuted for statements made on telegram. Also, people learned that they could get ANY group banned by posting CP. Here's how it happened, repetedly: A user joins a group they want banned, floods CP, and then reports it from a different account: the entire group gets banned with no recourse even if the owners already deleted the CP. Happened multiple times to multiple groups.
>>13377 >FSB aren't trying to destroy the American people, Hahahaha, fuck your mother, Fedor, to fuck your dumb mouth lol
>>13380 LMAO you are a very big clown. If you are living "in the west" then you have a lot of choices (fucking lot of P2P messengers)
>>13382 +1 but I2P is Russian protocol/soft. I would not trust it tbh. The difference between Russians FSB and American CIA/NSA is that I can write "Biden is faggot, CIA are fags fuck them in the ass" and it's OK. But in Russia you can just LIKE (click the fuck on the lick button) for video of some opposition blogger and voila ... YOU ARE IN THE PRISON
on the like button /fix
>>13383 >not fedposting IRL I did mention that. The russkies aren't going to get a a money-bringing data collection effort shut down over you. It's useful precisely because of that. Low barrier to entry, and it's sekrit club enough to feel spicy without there actually being serious danger of getting implicated in CP, like when some retard uses a darknet forum without deleting his cache/an encrypted drive. It's for public advocacy, protests, etc. Not anything more. >>13388 It's not. You're thinking of the i2pd implementation, not the reference implementation, nor the protocol design.
>>13386 Who is helping destroy the west with immigration from shithole countries that were destroyed by them? Who has sold the US out to the jew? Not Russia. All russia did was fuckin screw up on the communist kikes which we clearly did as well.
>>13382 Based
there are good alternatives to this FSB shit. Tox, Jami, Briar, Wire, etc.
>>13370 Who cares? At least it works better than any other messenger. One has to be a total dumbass to deploy any anti-*whatever-is-prohibited-in-this-country* activity in a messenger with phone number authentication. Moreover, aside from these unconfirmed words from the "ex"-propagandist, there is no other evidence that Russian FSB has direct access to user data. Given their low competence overall, either there are multiple departments of the same secret service with different IQ levels as a determining factor to access Telegram data or they don't have any access, otherwise we would have already seen lots of fuckups with this access.
>>13509 What is your point? Even without it, no shit in the world can ever be considered secure until it's e2e encrypted at least. I'm saying that there is no evidence that anyone could be fingerpointed by a low-profile fsb agent merely for their private messages in telegram if they are not tricked into messaging that agent.
>>13380 >Telegram isn't a terrible choice Sends more metadata than Whatsapp. Sure, it's end-to-end encrypted in contrast to Whatsapp simply giving governments the contents directly. Sometimes, at least. Given the fact that for whatever reason E2E is default-off for group chats, meaning it being off will be the default for pretty much any group you join. >but the FSB isn't going to share their shit with the west. Both these "oppositional" governments voluntarily exchange information and data all of the time. It being collected by the FSB isn't a guarantee that this data is safe from the FBI, certainly not from the CIA which will use additional underhanded tricks to get it. >>13382 This. At the very most a private messenger should require some form of username and password. Email should be ideally optional. >>13486 >At least it works better than any other messenger Not really, no.
GENEVA (AP) — The Swiss army has told its ranks to stop using foreign instant-messaging services like WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram for official communications. Instead, it’s opting for a Swiss alternative —- in part over concerns about legislation in Washington that governs how U.S. authorities can access information held by tech companies. yet another proof. Signal is piece of NSA shit as well. And Whatsapp.
>>13564 It doesn't prove anything, you just do not use foreign service for national army, no need to even dive in details.
>>13568 it proves that Swiss army/special services re sure that AMERICAN MESSENGERS are ESPIONAGE TOOLS. As well as Telegram.
>>13370 Merged
Both Intel and AMD have NSA spyware embedded in their CPU's as well, they are called intel management engine and PSP. Find alternatives to proprietary hardware or your computer itself will have vulnerabilities.
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>>9060 >>9061 >>13114 It's not all about the technology. If we want to build our own Internet we need to revive the lost art of building direct, private individual connections. Get away from platforms and get away from the faceless anonymous hiveminds as well. We need a different social model in order to build a different kind of Internet. That, and some clever repurposing of existing infrastructure, which I'll describe. I've been mulling this problem over for a while and I've put together a proposal on how we can begin building our own Internet today. It's for people with modest resources and mediocre technical skills. Read my gay PDF file and see what you think. If you want to get in contact, let me know and I'll drop a throw-away email account.
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>>9060 Personally I think having a modern version of what Yahoo used to be is a start. A main web hub filled with useful links free from Plebbit and Social media trash. The Webring despite it's confederation of faggot janny's is a great example of this but we need more than just various images boards. Because modern search engines are pretty fucking useless these days.
I WOULD SAY WESTERN (europe and anerrica) Is DEFINITELY CUCKED. you will working ass off for boomers and own nothing and surveillanced by goverment freedom is gone
>>14397 I'll read your proposal over the weekend nigger
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>>14439 >freedom is gone Restore freedom, bring back the gold standard too.
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The fediverse is not peer-to-peer you dumb goy. it's federated pic related. the first one is centralised, the middle one is federated, and the last one is peer-to-peer
>>14504 Nice one bruv.
>>9060 All you have to do is starting giving out columbia neck ties to the right people. simple. The CEO of MasterCard or Visa would be a good first choice.
>>14866 https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=atuFSv2bLa8 R9K and be bleed into the streets.
>>12511 > jewnion guns are simple machines like pulleys or leavers.
>>13423 Hi cnbc cuk faggot. Done be autistic now? > never stop your enemy when they are going something stupid.
>>11453 Look at africa (rowanda, sudan, ...). Every nigger has genocide in their heart. It doesn't matter how much anime they by or how white they act, they're a nigger and they are coming to kill your white ass. singed, the Matt C. Herris.
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>>9060 Let's become The A Team of the Internet, do what we have to do while avoiding regulation, and loving it when a plan comes together!
>>14430 >Personally I think having a modern version of what Yahoo used to be is a start I made just that: https://workable-death.surge.sh
>>14880 ^nice digits^
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>>14430 >Personally I think having a modern version of what Yahoo used to be is a start
They will always own the poles, fiber and wires, which means they will always have the upper hand at censoring and controlling the narrative of anyone who goes against them. This is 2022. Everyone has spare wifi gear banging around. With the right antennas it can be used for long distance links. There are meahnets popping up in a few metro areas where the internet isn't quite gay enough for them. If you want uncensored internet you need to be the internet. It isn't that hard.
>>15088 The antennae are not the primary limiting factor of a wireless internet. The big issue is the limited number of available frequencies in the right spectrum. HF frequencies are capable of carrying signals around the world beyond-line-of-sight, but there are precious few frequencies available within the HF spectrum, and it cannot support enough information to provide internet service to a significant group of people. VHF can carry a significant load of data, but transmitting it requires a shitton of electricity and an enormous antenna on top of a hill like the ones that you see radio stations and TV stations use. Also, VHF is incapable of transmitting beyond-line-of-sight. UHF is less stable than VHF is and thus can carry less data, however, it does have several advantages like the limited ability to reflect broadcasts off of the ionosphere and thus achieve a significantly diminished beyond-line-of-sight transmission (at least when there are no solar flares going on). Also, UHF has a lot of open space on the dial, and it requires less power to transmit. That is why militaries and rescue vehicles use UHF even thought their signals are full of static.
>>15099 Talking about ISM band WiFi, 900, 2.4 or 5.8 bands. You can't encrypt on ham or public bands so they are worthless. Cellular or low uhf would be ideal but the fcc sells all of the spectrum off to merchants who resell it to the public.
>>15088 or >move to based neighborhood >talk to your neighbors >agree to run landlines between all your houses >the roberts family can download mein kampf pdf from the harris family >the harris family can download gardening how to videos from the jones family >every house can make voip calls to every other house >every house has access to view ip camera feeds of public areas (rural neighborhoods often have all mailboxes in one spot, etc) >etc
>>15111 >You can't encrypt on ham or public bands so they are worthless learn navajo
>>9060 >cryptocurrency meh, aim for something not explicitly a coin or currency, bartering with something you can't centralize makes it harder to monopolize. >Open source Somewhat works, but better have a fail-safe if branches get compromised by bad actors. A curious question is how to preserve the old version as well as the updated version. >p2p Sounds good but is bandwidth an issue? >Retail platform dependency I think there was a market or something that bartered in crypto. Can't remember the name of it but it was a software of some sort. Sort of centralized though. Probably aim for a system built around p2p barter though. >Protonmail Wasn't there controversy or questions regarding protonmail's privacy. Without Gmail you still have an issue of setting up accounts for services without it. >Duckduckgo They're almost google levels fucked now. Searx or yandex are some of the new go to's.
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https://archive.ph/OTD88 Kill a kikebook staffer every day.
>>14397 This sounds really complicated are (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s gonna do all this crypto land bullshit just to shit post? Remember it has to be accessable to the average person else what's the point? And how many people would need to be involved for this to be successful?
Could it be possible to monetize 8chan in some way? There are a lot of us here many artists. Why not create entertainment and sell it to each other?
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Any recommended social media that has as much less censorship as possible and allows NSFW posts? Minds is all right and I keep using it but it's annoying that the site's design is buggy as hell, there are so many spam bots and the moderators don't do their job when they have to like with stalkers.
>>16800 Merged
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Including Coinbase, Robinhood, Lyft, and Stripe https://archive.ph/T6Eqv https://archive.ph/lqu4q GET WOKE, GO BROKE!
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https://archive.ph/FcA2O/ https://archive.ph/NmCXT/ The retards payed to have the restard's checkmark, only to be cucked out by based Elon Musk when he fired the former staff. They wanted to forcefully become "verified and trusted" bypassing the normal approval process, so they could push their dementia/leftism earlier. All of the former twitter staff should be shot dead for all their behind the scenes deals.
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> Implying shitty website with shittyu practices is in fact a shitty website with shitty practices. > Well imagine my shock
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https://archive.ph/i2bKY Always steal from leftards. Always kill leftards.
>>18636 Not shocking in the least lucario. Next to nothing changed with the site, but yet they always needed more money.
>>18629 This is as sad as it is funny. Watching the sjws trending hashtags fall off a cliff when they stopped propping them up was equally funny.
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https://archive.ph/bTUNs UN "Counterterrorism" operations are run by Saudi Arabia and Russia.Both Wahhabis and Communists will call anyone who is not them a terrorist. https://archive.ph/xYSJz Prince Alwaleed Meets Twitter Management in New York. https://archive.ph/DH5XJ Russia's Igor Ivanov was a board member of the International Crisis Group of George Soros. https://archive.ph/rdJLV Saudi intel minister Prince Turki was an advisor to the International Crisis Group of George Soros. https://archive.ph/rdJLV Always kill leftards.
>>18629 Pay to have the blue mark armband. Pay to be taxed. Thanks but no thanks, I'm fine with a nickname with no costs.
Good news everyone. Facepalmbook is self destructing! https://archive.ph/a29ha Will Twatter be next?
As "politically informed" people, we should come up with ways to make the masses see our view, just as the elites do. The WEF and FBI and whatnot might have trillions, but we have an unhealthy amount of free time and an internet connection. Here were a few that I had: 1. Commercialize Juneteenth. Make it into a seaon of buying like the plutocrats did to Christmas, Easter, and St. Valentine's Day. Invent a Juneteenth Santa Claus and celebrate with streotypically black foods. It's a awful pandering holiday that deserves this fate. 2. Plant implicit symbols on the pride flag. With all of the new things being added to it every year, who would notice if something pro-Christian or anti-masonic was slapped on it. Convince a bunch of Redditors that some obscure Christian symbol should represent the 53rd gender, now you've subtlely invaded the LGBTABCDEFG community Now lemme hear some of yours
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Dear Lord, Klaus really gave the game away coming up to seven years ago: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ffvu6Mr1SVc
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>>9109 When people complain about “moralisim”, what they are really complaining about is when other people do it. They’re more than happy to do it themselves.
>>9060 *Sign* Another "centralized internet bad manifesto" that is advertising big sites like duckduckgo and cryptocurrency. I'm pretty sure all these "manifestos" are made by spambots. That or the people who write them are retards.
>>20050 >Another "centralized internet bad manifesto" that is advertising big sites like duckduckgo and cryptocurrency What would you offer as corrections or improvements then?
>>20051 >doesn't grasp that crypto is 100% fake, 100% gay, and 100% under the US government's microscope
>>20051 For beginning I wouldn't shill big sites that are part of the centralized internet, nor scam trends like cryptocurrency
>>20052 > crypto is 100% fake, 100% gay true >and 100% under the US government's microscope Why would we care about that?
ProtonMail is a honeypot. I'd use Temp Mail and Guerrilla Mail as much as I could, but if one needs a permanent email, I'd reccomend TutaNota (self hosted, if you can). Also, only VPN's aren't useful except for a very few niche situations (like if Tor is blocked).
Well, the first steps to fight against this issue would be /g/'s wet dream >detachment from proprietary services >adherence to UNIX philosophy >supporting free and open source softwares The problem with this is that (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s are pretty damn retarded when it comes to IT and media literacy. And I am talking about people who do not understand what an Operating System is, or file directories and structures. The kind of people who think turning on incognito mod on Firefox (it's a spyware btw) on their iPhone will keep them secure, and they form the vast majority of people who form the basis of modern consumer market. And generally speaking, open source softwares suck both in capacity, user-friendliness, and accesibility when compared to proprietary services. Ever tried using Libre Office instead of Microsoft 365? It fucking sucks. There's a reason why /g/ today has (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s calling freeware fanboys "tinker trannies". Tech-savvy people would even opt to use major services anyway despite compromising their privacy because they fucking work. Even if the problem of user-friendliness is addressed, it has the problem of corporates and governments trying to make profits off of emergent platforms. Ever since Valve started investing in Linux gaming for their Steamdeck, Linux has been steadily gaining users and attention. Corporates started developing Linux version of their proprietary products. In a sense, it's just mega corpos trying to undermine the influence of another mega corpo. Then there are controversies of systemd being developed by Microsoft plant or it being a backdoor. Eventually, people will be swapping between distros and softwares to reduce over reliance, and then be chased out by the big boys only to find shelter in other obscure, lesser known projects again, or give up and settle down. Sounds familiar? This is precisely what has been happening to 4chan, 8kun, and 8chan for past 12+ years. Either the platform stays almost dead, or it becomes really popular and be corrupted by external powers, for nothing is sacred. Cyber nomad will be a thing.

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