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Adolf Hitler: Birthday! Anonymous 04/20/2021 (Tue) 14:53:31 Id: 000000 No. 8898
Adolf Hitler, born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria, was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, serving as leader of theNational Socialist German Workers Party.
Fuck the retard for basically completely destroying political discourse in the world with his idiotic joke ideology, killing thousands of innocent people for no gain other than just to make his retarded party into an eternal boogeyman of everyone else. The only thing that Hitler did right was kill himself.
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Would you even be able to point a finger at the jews if it wasn't for Hitler? He was never going to succeed, but the way things happened he will never be forgotten.
>>8904 Hitler moved the focus from the problem of power which is more important to Jews. It doesn't fucking matter who stays in power, they will always act like Jews simply because power necessiates such behavior. The people in power are not just Jews, there is a lot of Jews but not only them. It doesn't matter, they are all trying to fuck you over regardless of their race. They are in power and you are not, and this is enough to treat you like a sheep and steal your money. The Jews are merely a boogeyman to distract you from the actual issue. You could kill all fucking Jews on the planet and EVERYTHING would be just as shit because the fundamental problem wasn't fixed. It doesn't matter what race the ruling class is, they will always act the same way. Jews are just especially good at getting in power.
>>8904 I dunno bro I get what you mean but didn't he make it worse? The labour camps gave the jew the perfect excuse/opportunity to cry/larp about muh "holocaust" and shit. Hitler made it socially unacceptable to hate the jew. I'll never forgive him for that.
>>8898 Happy Birthday. Shame nigger riots are going to ruin this day.
Every day I wish more that he had won.
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>>8915 He lost the second england turned down his offer to join him before the war even started. He was never going to win wwii. If he "won", that is to say maybe wwii didn't happen. We'd be worse off. Sure the holocaust is a yelling point for jews but they would have claimed anything was the holocaust as they had been before it happened. If the germans didn't "do it" someone would have. The difference is when they'd do it you wouldn't remember them or the reasons why, and like today, everyone would be guilty of it whether they had anything to do with it or not. >>8902 but israel In the same way would have still happened, just with less noise. The jews having a county to themselves or not doesn't change that much, they did plenty before hand without a landmark. If anything it helps make things clear about american money, as you don't need an extra step explaining its going to jews when its literally going to israel. If isreal didn't exist they'd still have our money, among other things.
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>>8898 Happy Birthday, although circumstances are getting even more desperate. Here's the video that was referenced.
>>8902 >creates Israel Didn't know Hitler was fuhrer in 1917. Must have been all that German efficiency that allowed him not only to fight on the front but at the same time run for the position of foreign secretary in the UK. I mean, if he was both president and chancellor then I guess he would have been the British foreign secretary as well while he was at it. >>8900 If it wasn't him, they would have found another to paint this way. Let's not forget all the news articles from before even WWI talking about the holocaust of millions of Jews. If you unironically think someone being the target of it makes it their fault, you are either retarded or a kike.
>>8923 I'm not talking about the fucking Holocaust you retarded fucking nigger. Giving Israel an excuse to leech off other countries is the least of the fucking problems Hitler caused. The Nazi party has singlehandedly assasinated both politics and philosophy in the most efficient fucking manner that they could. I'm not claiming that Hitler was right and that he fucked up by losing. No, I'm claiming that he did almost everything wrong. His ideology was retarded, narcissistic and philosophicaly bankrupt garbage, with its highest accomplishment philosophically being stealing terminology from Nietzsche and raping it beyond belief so that it means something completely fucking different, as well as co-opting shit from other philosophies or religions. They came up with nothing new, nothing interesting, nothing useful, they have merely mashed together already existing ideas, some good, some bad into a gigantic, inconsistent joke of an ideology. The only reason why Nazism still comes back today is because it's such a convenient fucking boogeyman for the current powers to control its populace. Just a few years back, it was seen as nothing more than a bad and tragic fucking joke in the annals of history. The only reason why it has come back in any form is because it is so fucking efficient at dividing people into camps. Any of you fucks that believes in this shit is the literal fucking definition of controlled opposition and you don't even realise it. Fuck you for worshipping some narcissitic retard who created possibly the worst political theory after communism, building the fucking groundwork for today's political retardation, and wasn't even able to accomplish anything with his faggot fucking country.
>>8929 >I'm not talking about the fucking Holocaust you retarded fucking nigger Well I am in case you have trouble speaking English. >Giving Israel an excuse to leech off other countries is the least of the fucking problems Hitler caused. They would have picked any other event. They were branding both the Tsar and the bolsheviks as being with genocidal intentions and that the jews living there needed to be saved from the coming calamity. Same with Germany. Certainly interesting how that works, it's almost as if the goal was to simply throw accusations until an opportunity arose. If they hadn't gone to blaming Hitler, they would have gone to blaming someone else instead. Possibly the bolsheviks but not necessarily. They were hedging their bets by simply branding as many as they could at that given time. This is something you and your pet Belgian seem to have trouble understanding.
>>8932 >Well I am in case you have trouble speaking English. Well I wasn't in case you can't fucking read. You responded to my initial post screeching about holocaust even though I was not talking about holocaust to begin with so I have no fucking idea what the fuck you intend to gain arguing with me about an argument I didn't fucking make. I even said this is the least of the problems Hitler caused. I don't give even a slightest shimmer of a shit about the holocaust. I do not care whether it's real or not, whether it's used by the Jews or not, because that wasn't my argument. I do not give a sliver of a shit. Not even a small bunny turd. I was criticising Hitler for something completely different and you latched onto my fucking post screeching about "Muh Holohaust" as if you were a fucking kike.
>>8933 >even though I was not talking about holocaust to begin with In case you still didn't understand, it was specifically I that was talking about the holocaust. Not you, me. Am I not allowed to talk about the holocaust on /pol/ unless given a stamp of approval by a member of the country where the camps reside?
>>8935 >He responds to a post criticising Hitler for something completely unrelated to Holocaust >He talks about Holocaust responding to that post, while it wasn't even talking about the Holocaust. >Holocaust had literaly nothing to do with the post or the argument >Has a hissy fit when called out on this. Are you clinically retarded? No one told you that you have to talk about the fucking Holocaust, I'm merely pointing out that this is a completely different subject to what I was posting about in the post you were responding to. You are the one who brought this discussion towards the Holocaust for no fucking reason.
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>>8900 >killing thousands of innocent people for no gain other than just to make his retarded party into an eternal boogeyman of everyone else Bolsheviks and other 'allied' powers murdered even more, hell America dropped nukes on civilian targets. The only way the Nazi party became the 'boogeyman' was because of the constant propaganda and that being turned into a lucrative money maker. With Germany having to dump money to Holohaox victims, Soviets getting slave labor from POWs, not to mention all the scientific/professional expertise that was poached from the population(s) after the war. constant media not just in movies but in shows, games, books, etc. added up the dollar totals as well At least Poland gets its money maker by having Israelis come to the summer camps for tours of their lampshade relatives who were gassed several times in a morgue. >>8905 >You could kill all fucking Jews on the planet and EVERYTHING would be just as shit because the fundamental problem wasn't fixed. The issue comes from the fact that they have a near monopoly on currency, which means any attempt to do accomplish anything major will be met with that near limitless supply of resources. Whether its media that's against you, activist groups (from legal action all the way to paid thugs). There absolutely will be people who will do nothing but treat you like cattle and steal from you, the idea is that jews are a tribe and regardless of what positions they support, they always look out for one another. There's a quote from Nixon about them, about how they turn on you and you can't trust them because of that. >>8906 Why not make it socially acceptable to hate the jew again? Jews will cry about anything, just the fact that a bottle rocket comes out of Gaza gives them the perfect excuse to drop a JDAM/hellfire into a city.
>>8940 I never said I supported the Bolsheviks, the fact that they were worse doesn't make Nazis good, nor does it make the allies good either. The entirety of WW2 was a bunch of dickheads fighting each other in a gigantic contest of who can be the bigger dickhead. Nazis weren't only turned into a boogeyman due to the fact that a lot of propaganda was produced, it's also that they made themselves a perfect target for propaganda and mockery. I think you are missing my point about the fundamental problem. I'm saying that there is more fundamental and more important problem than the problem of Jews which is the problem of power in general. And you immediately go for the literally least important part of the post and default to talking about Jews. I'm saying, no matter what fucking race the people are, if they are given enough power, or even any power at all, they will default to acting like Jews, because that's the most fucking profitable an effective.
>>8941 How big is your nose.
>>8941 Just because you just got back from being baptized an ancap doesn't mean racism ends or stops being true. You can want liberty and at the same time reject jewry, you must. You don't need to be a natsoc not to like jews and you don't need to accept them just because you aren't a natsoc. Discrimination is fundamental part of property rights. You wouldn't say that a nigger makes good company and its only his condition that makes him a nigger, and that in better conditions he would be more palatable? Obviously not, since we can observe how everyone else behaves in the same settings. So why do you deny how the jew uses its power compared to how other races?
>>8945 Try reading again, you're still arguing against arguments I never even made. It doesn't matter what my opinions on race are because that's not what I fucking argued against. You are the one autistically latching onto race when that was never my fucking point. It doesn't matter what your race beliefs are, you could believe that Jews are literal demons who will always do evil no matter what situation, and the question of power is still more important. I am saying that everyone would act like a kike in a position of power because that is the most efficient way to act. It is the best way to act for an individual if you want to get the most for yourself and keep yourself in power. Power from nature has the tendency to chose selfish fuckheads and degenerate into tyranny, because being selfish, no matter if for the sake of yourself or some group, is simply the most risk-free way of staying in power. Even if the first batch of people to rule is not going to act that way, eventually they are going to get replaced by corrupt people who have realised that they can use the system to their own gain. This is true regardless of what the racial make-up of a power structure is. It goes beyond concers of race and into simple matter of efficiency. It doesn't matter what Hitler's racial policies and beliefs are or could have been. Because he fucked up at the fundamentals already, and this is what I have been criticising him for. I have said literally nothing about racism besides the fact that its question is secondary. I was not talking about race, because the criticism I have goes beyond that, and you fucks autistically default to that topic as if you were fucking chatbots. >>8943 Small, but not as small as your brain.
>>8900 I guess you had better not be an actual Pole, you anti-white faggot.
>>8906 JEWS did that, you fuckin morons. Hitler is a HERO for resisting kikes, unlike the rest of you LOSERS that never did ANYTHING with your life. HEIL the Fuehrer.
>>8980 How is anything I ever said anti-white? If there is anything that did more damage to white people than anything else, it is Nazis. Also let me tell you something faggot, my views on Nazis is the most common view in Poland. Polish people fucking despise Nazis with a passion, equally as much as they despise communists. They might not be the same ideologies but in the eyes of Polish people they are equally as bad. If you think that Nazism is accepted in Poland in any way, shape or form then you have no fucking idea on how Poland actually looks like.
>>8941 All it takes is 2 minutes skimming your posts to see you don't belong. If they were so retarded about it why don't you go ahead and show us how it's really done? Come on, build your movement, say "Look here, I have set an example for all!" Can you do that, or are you just going to complain about the big bad nadzees all day like a yid?
>>9022 your germand boi explanation traslates as: Everything was wonderful, but our leaders were highly educated narcisist that though they would go against the world. And also pretty much explains why the allied tried soo much to make a point on the jew genocide as to exagerate these numbers so much, they needed to erradicate anti jew sentiment so the few remaining free nazi leaders wouldnt do the hittler again (point an enemy and say youre the good guy, everyone will follow you if you force it enough). just like i loved to say during trump era, a fool with great highly educated advicers. i mean, goebels and the ss leader were completely insane about jews but did an excellent work on their positions, the same with göering, speer and von braun were literal genius, if they just drooped the resource hungry genocide and "the legendary search of maginal artifacts" they would even have west forced into accepting a treaty against the soviet union. But that said, most of their movement was bassed about empowering theselves as the "leaders of the true race" and it would have eventually leaded to a final solution.
>>8983 >Polish people fucking despise Nazis with a passion, equally as much as they despise communists no surprice, same rason that uckranians hate russia so much, and why colombia and venezuela hate each other so much, and the very same rason south and north corea have such a beef with japan and each other. that said, dont let the hate blind you, their politics were right on everything besides the genocide and war time.
>>8945 err... Actually discrimination about a race that doesnt exist (modern jew outside mideast are mostly a mix of european/slavic ethnities) Discrimation about social/economic status is better based, as poor, lower castes, specially on places with high differentations, tend to be violent irrationals animals -its what having hard time surviving everyday-
>>8923 i though that joke steemed from the fact that jew genocide forced everyone to accept the creation of israel as a nation.
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>>9023 They knew they couldn't go up against the world, and if you'd read a single book from their perspective, or even one shining a light on it, you would know they didn't believe the Brits would escalate their border conflict into a global war. Maybe they expected British leaders to be more intelligent than to exhaust their empire and go so heavily into debt with the US. You said you weren't talking about the kike racket we call the holohoax, so I won't even bother getting into that. They made the people secure against starvation, gave them jobs, and then gave them their arms back when France made it clear they were keeping the possibility of invading Germany wide open. http://ihr(Please use archive.today)/other/what-the-world-rejected.html And naturally you would reject any German explanation of how things were, so here's David Lloyd George's examination of the situation: https://www.nationalists(Please use archive.today)/library/hitler/daily-express/lloyd-george-hitler.html Funnily enough it was only after they removed these great "scapegoats of history," who of course had nothing to do with Germany's economic disaster, that they were able to put six million men back to work and establish social organizations that raised the standard of life for their workers to the point the British actually told them: >You sail on your KdF ships; we cannot allow them to land here; that would corrupt our laborers. What a crock of shit! Now do you want me to explain how your perception of their racial policy is also based entirely on jewish projection, or are you just going to keep complaining about how the best chance we have of removing the world parasite is actually just narcissism and we should ignore it? And in favor of what?
The kikes are seething. Heil Hitler.
>>9022 >>9030 >All it takes is 2 minutes skimming your posts to see you don't belong. Oh I'm so sorry for intruding on your holy, reddit-tier hugbox. >Come on, build your movement, say "Look here, I have set an example for all!" That's ironic said by a person being a part of the biggest joke of a movement in history. Even fucking commies accomplished more than you fucks. >Can you do that, or are you just going to complain about the big bad nadzees all day like a yid? My problem with Nazis is a fundamental problem with any other way of governance. Large amount of centralised power develops into tyranny, which although efficient, is a garbage system for anyone to live in. Try to fucking guess what I think the best solution is? >Maybe they expected British leaders to be more intelligent than to exhaust their empire and go so heavily into debt with the US. Nigger, the amount of bullshit that Nazi Germany did which the allied forces tolerated is astounding. They already allowed them to break several parts of the Versailles treaty by even allowing Germany to militarize itself, and annex both Austria and Chechoslovakia. Even as they attacked Poland, France and Britain did next to fucking nothing. Do you even know what the "Phoney War" was? If you really fucking believe that the allies were the ones pushing towards a global conflict, when they mostly allowed Nazis to do whatever the fuck they wanted, then you are literally braindead. The fact that Germany thought that the British would do fucking nothing about Germany gobbling up large swats of Europe, possibly threatening their home turf in the future even if an agreement was met, is fucking laughable. For most of the time Brittain was just pathetically begging Hitler to not take more land, and only got involved in the war when he didn't fulfil the agreement. Even at the start of the war they basically allowed Nazis to do whatever they want. What fucking fantasy land are you living in? >You said you weren't talking about the kike racket we call the holohoax, so I won't even bother getting into that. Why are you fucks assuming that everyone who disagrees with you must be one person? I have no fucking connection to 2bdf00. >They made the people secure against starvation, gave them jobs, and then gave them their arms back when France made it clear they were keeping the possibility of invading Germany wide open. Yeah, that military-infused economic bubble was sure to last. >Funnily enough it was only after they removed these great "scapegoats of history," who of course had nothing to do with Germany's economic disaster, that they were able to put six million men back to work and establish social organizations that raised the standard of life for their workers Wow, it's almost as if after Germany dragged the world into a second World War, someone had to actually fix their shit so that it doesn't happen again. >Now do you want me to explain how your perception of their racial policy is also based entirely on jewish projection, or are you just going to keep complaining about how the best chance we have of removing the world parasite is actually just narcissism and we should ignore it? And in favor of what? This is the retardation I was talking about. You would realise it if you actually got your head out of the ideologically influenced ass and started thinking for a bit. I have already answered this question several times in this thread but let me rephrase it again for you. It doesn't matter what race rules over you. It doesn't matter if its a Jew, a nigger or a white man. Let's even say that its Jews, lets say for the sake of argument, that they are the literal spawn of satan, natural sociopaths incapable of empathy or doing anything good. Let's say that all of your racial ideas are correct. It still doesn't matter, it still doesn't change the fundamental problem. Any fucking ruler, no matter the race will act like a Jew, because Jews don't do the things they do because they are naturally evil. Even if they are, evil from nature, that's still not the reason for why they're doing the things they're doing. They're doing the things they're doing because it's the most efficient and safest way to assure your success with the amount of resources they have. They used both the most efficient manner of getting resources to get in power as well the most efficient way of staying in power. If it was a white man having the same resources or power, he would act the same. If it was a nigger, they would act the same. If it was a chink, they would act the same. Because it's simply the most efficient way to stay in power, no matter your race. It has always been this way, whether it is with literal slaves, suffering so that a privileged caste could live in luxury, or through subtler means like today. It does not matter who is in power, what race they are, because they either act like a kike, or will get replaced by someone who does. And the only way to change that is through decentralisation of power. It does not matter what your racial beliefs are, this always stays true. In any system, in any governent, in any organisation. You can only rectify this fatal flaw by dividing power more and more, and breaking it apart when it starts growing again. If you believe that you can fix this problem by killing Jews, and that whites will act any different, then you are geniuently braindead and ignorant to how power even works. >>9035 The seething kikes you hate so much are either laughing at you, or don't even know you exist and don't give enough of a shit to care.
>>9036 >because Jews don't do the things they do because they are naturally evil. >t. totally not a jew
>>9042 Do you have anything else to fucking say, or is your discussion down to a few buzzwords that you yell at each other like commies? No, I'm not a fucking Jew, and if this is the only part you focused on then you are a braindead retard.
>>9024 I disagree, I do not believe their politics were right for the reason I have given. That being said, if you have any counterarguments to why their politics were right, then please do explain. I'm geniuently curious.
>>9042 >Everyone that disagrees with me is a jew You completely eradicated all arguments anon, good job Ok then let's say for the shake of argument Jews are all evil, they are basically a fantasy race in your head at this point so might as well. What do you think the world will look like if you get your white empire? What do you think happens, do all mundane problems vanish and you get to live in a utopia?
>>9036 Let's see what can skimming this comment bring us? >Commies accomplished more than NS >NS is a joke ideology despite the world collectively shitting itself anytime it rears its head >"How could anyone expect Britain not to do shit about Germany dominating the region it naturally dominates?" >Military infused economy before Germany had even rebuilt its armed forces I guess you thought I was referring to a war economy but no anon that shit was back in 1936, it has nothing to do with WWII And yeah, kikes really do think we're all cattle, kikes really do know the cattle hate that, kikes really do accuse their enemies of believing and doing everything they do, because they know it's the best way to turn the dumb fucking cattle like you against their enemies. National Socialism literally just said "We want our people to be healthy and strong", there was never a hint of supremacism in their racialism and the fact you'd defend the kike narrative while calling others retards is just the icing on the cake. I see you suggesting kikes are just like ordinary people, not parasitic at all, and I must admit I'm a bit disappointed. You have no conception of race or of evolutionary strategy, you don't and won't accept kikes are destroyers and must be opposed, you've gulped down their "power bad, destroy your leaders goy" poison, and now you sit here on a board full of people who wish 6 million kikes had been killed and try to convince us Hitler went too far to be of use to anyone. What a waste of time.
>>9050 If theree is anything disappointing it is you being unable to even cope with a concept without going back to "Muh race". You are completely unable to go through your ideological lens and actually look at what I said. I have said, it doesn't fucking matter if Jews are evil or not. Let's fucking say they are, my point still stands. But you are too fucking retarded in your binary fucking programming to even comprehend that. >Commies accomplished more than NS In terms of actual geopolitical influence and relevance? Yes they have. >NS is a joke ideology despite the world collectively shitting itself anytime it rears its head Ah yes, the incredibly useful ideology which cannot gain any traction because everyone is afraid off of it. Not a joke in any way, shape or form. Not to mention, that the only reason why people are even scared off of it, is because it is lambasted as a media boogeyman. You are the literal definition of controlled opposition, but you keep screeching too much about Jews to even realise that. >"How could anyone expect Britain not to do shit about Germany dominating the region it naturally dominates?" This is what happens when Americans try to talk about European history. This statement shows me that you have no fucking idea of what the actual politics of the region were. You also completely ignored everything I said back then, about how allies basically tolerated most that Germany did even at the beginning of the war. >I guess you thought I was referring to a war economy but no anon that shit was back in 1936, it has nothing to do with WWII Ah, you mean their privatization efforts? Yeah, that was good, also not specific to National Socialism. >And yeah, kikes really do think we're all cattle, kikes really do know the cattle hate that, kikes really do accuse their enemies of believing and doing everything they do, because they know it's the best way to turn the dumb fucking cattle like you against their enemies. I don't give a shit. Let's say it's fucking true. It won't fucking change the fact that my point still fucking stands. You are braindead if you think this in any way destroys my point. You have literally no fucking argument here, and you answered nothing to the problems I gave. You just go back to screeching about kikes. >National Socialism literally just said "We want our people to be healthy and strong", there was never a hint of supremacism in their racialism and the fact you'd defend the kike narrative while calling others retards is just the icing on the cake. This is a joke and completely contradictory with the policies that Hitler has pushed for example in Poland. But I don't doubt you are going to just deny that, but it isn't necessary to my point. So let's say you are right. But feel free to autistically focus on the unimportant parts of my posts without adressing my points. > the fact you'd defend the kike narrative while calling others retards is just the icing on the cake. You keep attacking that strawman. You lack reading comprehension, and probably large parts of your brain. I never said anything about kikes being good. I have merely said that this matter is unimportant to my point. You like an absolute cretin, keep attacking a point I have never fucking made. I have merely said "Whether the kikes are evil or not, my point still stands" it is hilarious to me that you just keep bitching about a point I already adressed, and are acting as if you destroyed my argument when you literally said fucking nothing. You fucks are doing this for the entire thread. You are literally no better than normalfags, if someone asks you to think outside of your little box for a moment, you fall back to screeching about "MUH RACE", when the issues I bring up are not connected to that at all. Your way of argumenting is pathetic. The only reason why you are even spouting this garbage and not mocked, is because the media have convinced people not to make discourse with you. When you're actually confronted, you just keep shitting out the same lines like an NPC and humiliating yourself. >I see you suggesting kikes are just like ordinary people, not parasitic at all, and I must admit I'm a bit disappointed. I never suggested that, actually I never suggested anything about kikes to begin with besides the fact that whatever they are, is unimportant. I never said that they aren't evil or parasitic, I have said, that even if they are evil or parasitic, it isn't the main reason for why they are acting that way. But you have your head so far your ideological ass that you can see your fecal matter more closely than anything outside it. >You have no conception of race or of evolutionary strategy, you don't and won't accept kikes are destroyers and must be opposed I have literally said NOTHING about it. I have merely said that the question of power is more important to any racial ideas. I have said NOTHING about racial ideas besides explaining why they aren't important. You are the only one being closed in a little fucking box, going to fucking racial ideas as if they were answer to literally anything. I made NO fucking judgement about whether racism is correct or not, I have merely said that this matter is unimportant, yet you fuck seem too retarded to comprehend anything besides your "JEWS BAD WHITE GOOD" dictochomy. >you've gulped down their "power bad, destroy your leaders goy" poison You are merely mocking the problem of power, without even attempting to answer it. You are acting high and mighty while not even engaging in any of the questions I have put forth. You do not understand power, you merely replace it with racial questions and then project by saying that I'm the one replacing the question of race with the question of power, even when I gave enough arguments to why those two are separate questions. >and now you sit here on a board full of people who wish 6 million kikes had been killed and try to convince us Hitler went too far to be of use to anyone I remember when /pol/ wasn't an absolute fucking hugbox bitching about people who do not belong to their ideology and could actually discuss things without resorting to throwing buzzwords like reddit. I don't care about your shitty circlejerk. If you can't actually engage in a discussion, you should not be on imageboards, you are the cancer that is killing them. >What a waste of time. It would be a waste of time to respond to you, if not for the fact that it's funny how you keep completely missing and not adressing the point through the entire thread. In short: Take a gun and an hero you braindead nigger.
>>9046 >oy vey goyim ignore literally everything our own holy book says we’re not objectively evil oy vey >(1) Mhmm, nah.
>>9146 >I say he will ignore arguments and call everyone he doesn't like a jew >he ignores my arguments and calls me a jew I am wheezing over here anon The funny thing is that I was granting you for the shake of argument that the jews are evil, so stop being a kike-like sly slithering cowardly fuck and answer my actual question straight: will normal mundane problems just disappear as soon as you get the white empire?
>>9151 Obviously I'm not him, but why would mundane problems ever disappear entirely? What kind of retarded question is that?
>>8900 >>8929 >>8983 Why are Pollocks such backwards idiots? Why do they feel the need to spout lies about shit they haven't read anything about? You talk about a fucking joke and how National Socialism is the foundation for todays problems while your are pulling a boo hoo oppression Olympics routine yourselves. Muh nazis oppressed us poles. Sour grapes over being given a righteous asswhooping and generations of propaganda. Ass backwards shithole country dependent on German money. Go clean a toilet you borderline subhuman.
>>9173 Literally no fucking argument. I have mentioned my nationality maybe two times this entire discussion, both times either to respond to someone else pointing to it, or to give an example that happened to fit my argument. Do you have actually anything to say or are you just going to screech like an autist?
>>9171 "I asked this cause the retard I am arguing with seems to think they will. That there wont be any corrupt or incompetent goverments if they are exclusively made up of white people an that said white people will always have the best intrest of each other in mind just cause "muh white brothers" However your answer is perfectably reasonable but to you I will ask, WHICH problems (if any) will disappear, which problem is exclusively caused by niggers/kikes/insert-non-white-race That off course assuming you do want the ethnostate/white empire etc yourself"
>>9185 I'm not sure that he was arguing that any problems would up an disappear. However, it sees reasonable to argue that some problems would be substantially reduced. Imagine if the jews didn't keep meddling with everybody else. Obviously that would be a material improvement even if there would still be more than enough problems to go around.
>>9189 You're missing the core argument anon. The post of the Greek Anon was made in response to someone responding to my post to begin with. This has been discussed before, with the arguments being: >Nothing would change because someone would take place of the Jews due to the fact, that what the Jews are doing is simply the most efficient way to stay in power. If not Jews it will be immoral white people, and so on and so forth. Changing the racial make up of the populace does jack shit because the structure of power stays the same, and the structure of power promotes Jewy behavior simply because any structure of power promotes this kind of behavior.The less resources you spend on your populace, the more you can spend on getting in power, as the game of power is a game of keeping your resources in check and fucking over everyone that might be a threat, preferably fucking over the populace as well so that it's too dumb or too weak to rebel against you >This does not change whether we agree that some races are superior to others or not. Nevermind the racial policies, the fundamental problem stays the same. It doesn't matter if you kill Jews or not, it does not change jack shit because not only do mundane problems not disappear, fundamental problems which allow this shit to happen to begin with do not disappear. Let's say that Jews are indeed literal fucking spawn of satan that cannot do anything else but corrupt and destroy culture. Creating a centralized power structure to fight them, is basically trading one problem for another. Because even if we say that Jews have it in their nature to be double-faced, insidious, corruptive fucks, it does not change the fact that what they're doing works pretty fucking well. Therefore its only a matter of time before a white person starts doing the same. If white people aren't evil from nature, they will be evil from necessity or simply efficiency. Being evil pays and evil people in places of power are inevitable no matter what race they are of. Even if we agree that some races have a natural tendency to evil, the races who do not, will act the same way simply because it works. Power tends to attract the worst type of people simply because it allows for sadistic behavior without consequences as well as the fact that smart, sociopathic You could say, Machiavellian behavior is a good way to get and stay in power. The only way you can really fight it, is by making power less centralised so that the effects of evil people holding onto positions of power are lessened. No matter what you think off of race, creating a strong, centralized power structure to fight against other races is like amputating your own foot to fight a pimple on your toe.
>>9191 Of course there's always going to be evil in the world. That's why we have things like a judicial system and law enforcement. Being that all jews are pedophile child molesters, it's a simple matter of going after them like any other criminals. If you let crime run rampant then you're done for as a society. You don't need a holocaust or some other nonsense that never happened. Just apply the law. Jews don't believe in God, and therefore they can't hold any office that involves swearing an oath before God, and their testimony is not valid in court. You're making this way more complicated than it really is. General consistency of borders, language, and culture is of course conducive to a stable country, but you're making it out like everybody needs to copy Israel's extreme form of race-based government.
>>9210 You have missed the point. >That's why we have things like a judicial system and law enforcement. What I'm claiming is that those things that you think exist to fight against evil, in power structures will be used for evil, simply because its more efficient to use them as tools of population control rather than justice. I'm not worried about common criminals, I'm worried about those who get in power and stand above the law.
>>9211 Same thing. When jews, freemasons, pedophiles, and all the rest control those levers of power then they are used to protect themselves. All I'm saying is that it's silly to think in terms of eliminating problems that will always exist vs. taking steps that clearly improve the state of affairs. Getting rid of jews isn't even a racial thing. Most jews are white, so obviously if you're for "white" supremacy then you're barking up a tenuous tree. But, in this case, we're talking about reducing the impact of a particularly virulent gang. In the US, we now have increasing problems with gangs over our southern border. It's not because they are racially mexican or whatever else; it's because they are gangs who practice similar things to do with ritual blood sacrifice, praying to ancient amerindian gods to do with death, and so-on. But it's sufficient to begin by confronting that on the nature of the crime alone, without regard to genetic or religious heritage. Same with Islam. Not everybody who comes from an Islamic background is a bad person, but it's notorious for leading to gang crime and establishing highly destructive ideological mandates when it takes root, so it's a natural red flag. I wouldn't even say that all communists need to be shot on sight, but there's a good reason why the FBI used to have a mandate to keep tabs on known communists because that routinely leads to violent domestic terrorists and other subversives and criminals.
>>9213 I don't disagree with that, I do agree that Judaism as a religion is fucking cancerous, and I would say the same about other Abrahamic religions including Islam and Christianity with Christianity being the least harmful of the three. I agree that practicioners of the two other religions are indeed acting like a gang, but you're still missing my point. My point was against how Nazis did it to begin with. I'm saying that if you want to fight those "gangs" as you call them, and those "gangs" I'm not trying to mock you, I just think that "gang" might not be the best name to call it but I get your point have a tendency to take over your structures of power, you cannot fight them by centralizing the structures of power even more. If the problem is with criminals hiding their criminality and avoiding the law by hiding in positions of power, it isn't really possible to apply the law towards them, simply beause they have the resources and power to actually avoid that. If you try to do it by centralization of power you are creating a structure for more abuse of power either by the criminals of the same gangs who can infiltrate it again, or by other people who become criminals and act the same way because it is profitable to do so.
>>9216 Well I don't approve of nazis or the tactics they used. It was a successful political strategy to gain control over a country saddled with impossible reparations denbts, and Hjalmar Schact's monetary policy was a brilliant move, but the ultimate result of the nazis was horrible for the world. The only ultimate victors were the zionists, who got their Israel out of the deal, and the globalists who managed to get a UN that features US participation where the League of Nations had failed. Imperfect as it may be, at least a decent attempt was made at the outset to set up the US to be mostly decentralized and to use elaborate systems of checks to keep various parts of governments competing with each other so as to not revert to one big gang. I suppose that's nearing the end of the road these days. No structure at all is also known as anarchy, and anarchy always leads to gangs and warlords anyway, so it seems as though it's an eternal struggle no matter what. If you don't have the rule of law anymore, then that's the kind of collapse of civilization to expect.
>>9230 >Well I don't approve of nazis or the tactics they used. We don't disagree then. I agree with literally everything you have said in this post. I too think that US was probably the best attempt at decentralization of power that has been created, and a succesful one at that, but unfortunately it seems that over time it started reverting back to a strong centralized power. I am not an anarchist either, I know that the state is a necessary evil, I'm simply in favor of heavy decentralization of power.
Hoy no es tu cumpleaños, pero para nosotros, los puros de corazón, los puros de pensamiento, los que aún no nos hemos rendido, para los que aún tienen valores, ética y moral Viva Nuestro Führer Viva Nuestro Lider , anque estes muerto siempre vivirás en nuestros corazones
>>13766 mamaguebo

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