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Race realism researches for redpilling normalfags. Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 21:57:21 Id: 000000 No. 8350
I'm in the process of redpilling some normalfag friends about race realism. But they are the types that always ask "where is the study?" and "where is the proof?" regarding any information, since they can't think by themselves nor analyze something without a "professional study" guiding them. So, could some anons help me with articles, researches and overall studies about race realism? More specifically, how race is a deterministic factor in a person's preference for a sexual partner to procreate. And how race-mixing is biologically averted by all races. The more they go deep into the racial differences and racial preferences among the same race, the better. My friends are interested in the topic already, so nothing will shock them too much. Also, no jewish researches. Actual, serious research showing the differences (more importantly, the superiority of some races compared to the inferiority of other races) and all information that can debunk the lie of equality between races and the lie race mixing being a preference, instead of the anomaly that it is.
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I can dump the things that I have saved on my USB, I don't remember how good they are though. I recommend that you keep a folder with redpill shit
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these also have some shitty filenames
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User was banned for posting trash
>>8372 Thanks. I am compiling those now. Any article with an address? One of my normalfag friends is especially annoying about "prints can be fake info" and such. He is the one that I had in mind when I create the topic, actually. By giving him an actual study, with a professional attached to it will leave him without excuses to at least read the damn thing. Opening up the path for everyone else to start reading about all of it.
>>8408 https://thealternativehypothesis(Please use archive.today)/ This website has all the arguments laid out with cited sources.
>>8415 Can you post the specific link you meant? I'd be interested in looking at it too.
lmfao sounds like you're friends are smarter than you and understand how to follow sources on the they definitely think you're retarded. don't annoy them too much
>>9584 Good thing they know how to follow sources on the
>>9584 >He believes in the cult of academia LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL It is always ok to kill jews, shitskins, lgbt abominations and leftards. Your propaganda failed, as you always fail. You have no power or control over anyone. Now go back to your fairy tales in academia, slave.
>>9602 Why are you autistic?
>>8350 >I'm in the process of redpilling some normalfag friends about race realism. Make sure you throw in propedo
>>9602 the fucking cognitive dissonance to assume that you alone are capable of greater knowledge than the entirety of academia, but you can't even figure out how to support yourself.
>>9615 Your premise rests upon the assumption that knowledge is the only factor here, and not things like connections and preferential treatment.
>>8350 How fucking stupid can people be? If mixing was a preference, we would all be exactly the fucking same and look like goddamn A-rabs.
>>9607 Make sure to throw pedos in the oven*
>>11151 I will kill antis like you instead. Then I will proceed to have even more sex with children as I like.
This book has a lot of references to studies and frames things in a way NPC's can accept, it may or not be as hard as you like and idk if there's a free version but g/l
>>11422 Thanks again.

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