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Libertarian National Socialism Anonymous 02/17/2021 (Wed) 05:32:03 Id: 0a94cc No. 8031
This is a continuation of a deleted thread on /v/ https://8chan.moe/v/res/228762.html#q239225 >National or 'Nazi' as the Jew say, on the subject of Race and Eugenics. >Socialist in that Citizens should receive revenue from Publicly owned property. >Libertarian in everything else HAIL VICTORY!
>>8031 Some deleted posts. I dislike censorship. Politics is unavoidable. It is why 8chan.moe exists. Yet some still maintain the illusion that being apolitical is possible. It isn't.
>>8031 >>8032 Pretty neat that you saved screencaps of these posts including mine. I had thought of doing so myself, but figured the posts weren't likely to be deleted. Apparently I was wrong lol.
>>8035 Never underestimate the censors
ojj maður, afhverju ertu með þessa mynd?
>>8048 Af hverju ekki?
>>8038 Interesting take. I for one have never formally entered politics because I am far too radical, and don't fit in any existing 'party' politically. I also (still) depend on my parents, which means I cannot express my views publicly on a vast number of issues.
>>8051 I also have many views that simply cannot be expressed in public.
>>8051 Poison or murder your parents, then inherit their wealth.
>>8055 YEah, no. That is the last thing I would do. I'd sooner scam old widow ladies or kill literally everyone else. Even if I hate my parents, they are my parents.
I want to create the optimal political system, so I'd like to talk about various political policies I support, and see what your take on them is, so they may be improved. I'm going to focus on policies and combinations of policies, not on ideologies, because that just becomes a "my team vs your team" type debate, which extends to two groups, each with good and bad points, arguing which ideas are the least shit. I'm also avoiding principle, I want to be entirely focused on results, a practical look at what a policy does is far better an approach than debating over what it represents. Why? because we need to support something new, we need to become something new, something fresh, that people do not think they know about already. I think National Socialists are a bit misguided, they are so focused on resurrecting the past, they fail to see the promise of the future. Truth is, National Socialism is not the perfect system you think it is, Hitler was not the perfect man you think he was, and while there is a lot to learn from both, we must also be willing to discard the flawed components of the ideology and avoid the mistakes of the man. This is a discourse in the design and engineering of political systems. Here is my position on pretty much everything, I'd like to debate it with you and see if you can find any faults: First, White Nationalism - Ideally, Non-Whites should be removed (especially the jews and arabs), any ideas on how to achieve this? Optionally, I'd also like to try and take over the whole of the planet with this system as well. As for the society itself, I'd like to start with a Night-watchman state minarchism, government is stripped down to law enforcement and national defense, laws are stripped down the non-aggression principle (every living white male human owns their person [their bodies and the personal space around it] and their property [anything physical except other living white male humans, any other kind of human is ownable as property]). As implied above, the law does not apply to anyone who is not a live white male human, this will be my starting point. (BTW, in case it's not going without saying, semites, like jews and arabs, are not white, and will be required to be marked with the oldest design of the star of david for jews or the oldest design of the crescent and star for arabs, others would be given whatever symbol is most closely tied to their peoples). From there, we prohibit non-Whites and non-Males from immigrating, except if accompanied by a live white male human, and prohibit the movement of the non-living and non-human across the borders, except if if accompanied by a live white male human. Life is defined by the capability of the being in question to move or act with any part of themselves on their own in the future, anything from electrical activity in the brain, to the beating of the heart, to the expansion/contraction of the lungs, to the growth or development of the cells, or the reasonable expectation of any of these occurring in the future, can legally define a being as alive. Whites are defined with the following two questions: "is there any racial group other than white which you use to identify yourself?", and "is there any other racial group other than white which others use to identify you?" (keep in mind that a distinction is made for the sake of the subject between race [broad grouping, eg. white] and ethnicity [specific sub-grouping, eg. germanic] and nationality [country or region of origin, ancestral origin, or cultural/linguistic origin, eg. austrian]). Non-white races, such as the jews, cannot pass this test. The other means is genetic testing for compatibility or similarity with other whites. Males are defined by the presence or absence of the male chromosome of the subject's species, if at least one copy of the chromosome is possessed by a being, they are legally male, otherwise, they are legally female. Humans are defined by inter-fertility, if the being in question was at any time capable of producing viable offspring with a human of the opposite sex, or if any of their immediate family members were capable of this feat, they are to be considered human (this gives room to those who lack fertility). Next, we prohibit the use of foreign workers, we place tariffs on foreign trade, such that the country is incentivized to become self-reliant and focus on domestic business instead of selling the economy abroad. We then turn to regulating the banks, nationalizing all central banking, prohibiting fiat currency, fractional-reserve banking, the charging of interest, and credit loans (the lending of money for the purposes of purchasing goods/services). In their place, banks will deal with representative currency (using precious metals, gems, and cryptocurrencies) and use full-reserve banking, they will make money by taking a percentage off of deposits as fees, and by buying/selling shares of the profits from enterprises. Five forms of taxes will be collected to fund the government: - The first is a general tax, a flat lump sum collected from everyone. - The second is a land value tax, collected from landowners at the same time as the general tax, and is based on the value of their land holdings in their UNDEVELOPED state. - Sales taxes, take a flat percentage out of every transaction. - Tariff taxes, a flat percentage out of all transactions that occur across borders AFTER the Sales taxes are factored in. - Toll taxes, a flat lump sum, paid in order to purchase crossing over the borders, for entry and exit, by land or sea or air or tunnel, ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS. Corporate personhood will be abolished, making people legally responsible for anything they do on a personal basis, and all forms of intellectual property (trademark, copyright, patent, trade secrets, etc.) will be also be abolished. (both of these will gut corporatism, while still allowing for market diversification, though i am willing to go harder on this to ensure corporatism doesn't rise up to bite us).
[Expand Post] All private unions will be prohibited, and instead only nationalized unions will be permitted, one required part of the national unions will be the fellowship, which is a pot that every member contributes to from their paychecks, and can withdraw from in times of emergency expenses that they would be unable to afford on their own (such as medical expenses). Furthermore, Tipping is prohibited as a practice, and businesses will be required to list their prices as the full amount their customers are expected to pay to receive them. Anyone who engages in sexual activity between live white male humans is guilty of a crime, except for the first participant in any instance of this crime to report it (tis exemption serves the purpose of making people less likely to engage in faggotry between citizens knowing that their partner might turn them in at any time). Human life is recognized as beginning at conception, and so to terminate a human being's life at any time past this point is to be treated the same way as if they had killed them at any other stage of their lives. Circumcision is not to be considered a valid medical practice and will receive no special consideration from the law, as it does in most countries today, meaning that it is illegal to perform on a infant citizen (living, white, male, human).
>>8093 - There will be no statute of limitations on any crime or case whatsoever, this is retroactive, it means that anyone can file any sort of suit or case and it will be picked up no matter how much time has elapsed. - All cases that are brought forth, civil and criminal, are to be tried in the same kind of court under the same set of rules, there will be no escaping trial, no plea deals, no settlements, no dismissals, none of that will be tolerated, EVER. (The courts cant just refuse to try some case of, say, election fraud, they have to bring it to trial). - All trials are to be open to all members of the public, are to be recorded in full detail and the full uncensored unabridged recordings of the trial must be made publicly available, and accessible for free. - So that no one can be in the dark as to what happened in a case (like why some officer was acquitted of misconduct charges), every single detail that happens in a courtroom is easily available to any citizen. - since the non-living, non-whites, non-males, and non-humans are all excluded from the law, they lack both protections from it, and accountability to it, therefore, in the case that they are owned as property (pretty much always, as they will be likely to be claimed by the first eligible owner that encounters and takes possession of them), their owner will be the one who is held accountable for their actions, but to a lesser extent than if they had done the crime directly, a fine may be acceptable as compensation, the amount being the calculated value of the damage done (and yes, you can put a price tag on a human life). Keep in mind that the owner always has the full legal freedom to do whatever he wishes with his property, so the consequences for the property might be significantly higher than for their master. This only applies to cases where the property cannot be shown to have acted on the behalf of their master, under such cases, the owner may be charged with using his property as a weapon, if it can be concluded that their property was acting under their maser's influence or direction, in such cases, ownership of their property goes to the closest genetically related live white male human, with ties broken by the awarding of the property to the one with the oldest age, this is temporary ownership, which means that in the event their master is freed again, they reclaim the ownership of all their property, even that which was used in a crime. - on that note, there is no seizure of assets in relation to criminal activity, all property is returned to it's rightful owner, regardless of the circumstances (if it's evidence or a witness, then it is used as such, and then promptly returned to it's rightful owner once it is no longer needed for that purpose). - All crimes against person or property are be to treated as the result of mental illness, and all convicts are to be sent to a rehabilitation center, there are no set sentence lengths, instead, release occurs once the convict is reasonably determined to no longer a threat to themselves, and not at risk of committing another offense following release. 1. All toilets are required to: - Be in separate rooms from the rest of the facilities,(such as the sinks), divided from them by a full door, with working exhaust fans in the walls behind it. - Be able to use water to fully clean the user's nether regions, with toilet paper serving for drying off, rather than doing the cleaning. - Must use recycled sink water for use in the toilet water. 2. All Sinks must: - Be able to be activated without the use of one's hands. - Have built in soap stations, either liquid dispensers or solid soaps in ropes. - Have air dryers next to them, that are also able to be activated without contact by the user's hands. - Have a mirror in front of them, and in cases of private facilities, must double as a storage unit, holding a toothbrush and toothpaste that are attached to the inside of the cabinet by retractable wire (it must also be possible to replace the toothpaste and toothbrush). 3. All showers/baths must: - be made so that one enters a room for showering before they enter a room for bathing, such that one showers off before they bathe (rather than bathing in their own filth). 4. All private "facilities" must also have the sink room double as the room where laundry is done, and have a place for the washer and dryer installed in a room in the facilities that comes before the shower room. 5. Basically, tackling the issues with facilities by taking a lot of inspiration from the Japanese versions of these places.
people who are both 'redpilled' and jerk off to cartoons should be shamed by both the 'redpilled' and people who jerk off to cartoons alike. kill yourself
>>8105 You first blowhard.
>>8090 There is no rational reason to respect one's parents. If they are a nuisance, get rid of them. >>8105 You have no power whatsoever. >>8093 >National Socialism is not the perfect system you think it is, Hitler was not the perfect man True. But being the best so far is good enough. Perfection can't be achieved. >we must also be willing to discard the flawed components of the ideology and avoid the mistakes of the man. This. That is the exact course of action to take. There is no room for doing things in a way that doesn't work anymore. Don't force the exact same thing over people. Adapt in order to encompass what people in the present want. Case in point: women must never have any rights whatsoever, no matter what Adolf Hitler said about them. >White Nationalism Agreed. No idiotic approaches such as "honorary Aryans". If it is not white, it must be killed. >any ideas on how to achieve this? By constantly pushing the hate for non-whites to become the norm, never backing down and never letting anti-whites preach without being attacked and countered. >jews and arabs, are not white, and will be required to be marked with the oldest design of the star of david for jews or the oldest design of the crescent and star for arabs Don't commit the same mistake of letting them live among us.; They must be genocided. Nothing less. >Life is defined by the capability of the being in question to move or act with any part of themselves on their own in the future, anything from electrical activity in the brain, to the beating of the heart, to the expansion/contraction of the lungs, to the growth or development of the cells, or the reasonable expectation of any of these occurring in the future, can legally define a being as alive. I disagree. The cripples and those on vegetative states are a nuisance to care for, and also generate more expenses than gains. They must all be killed so they won't drain the personal lives of people around them, nor drain the economy. > Next, we prohibit the use of foreign workers, we place tariffs on foreign trade, such that the country is incentivized to become self-reliant and focus on domestic business instead of selling the economy abroad. I would go so far as to classify foreign trade as treason punishable by death. Every incentive law can be manipulated. A direct and violent approach is always the best approach. Don't buy or sell to forigners, or you will be killed. That is the best way to force the dumb masses to stop acting dumb, even if they don't understand why they are dumb. >they will make money by taking a percentage off of deposits as fees, and by buying/selling shares of the profits from enterprises. Shares and allowing banks to make money will always result in corruption. Banks should be a compulsory, no payment endeavor. A bank must exist for being needed. Not for someone to make money from it. The same goes for politicians. They must be there out of necessity. Not for making money or making a career. A politician and a banker must be FORCED to be there and to do his job properly, over some period of time, out of necessity from the Nation. Not out of personal interests in making money or careers. Abolish the whole concept of career in the first place, in order to abolish manipulators and amoral parasites to take positions of control and influence. Bankers and politicians must always be servants. No rights. Only duties. >Taxes Slowdown with taxes, or everyone will turn against you. People will literally chose to destroy their own countries instead of paying taxes. It always happened, and it always allowed the jews to infiltrate societies. I would only implement a general and travel taxes. Anything else, and you become the enemy of everyone in the country. Nobody likes to pay a tax over buying or selling something. >Corporate personhood will be abolished, making people legally responsible for anything they do on a personal basis, and all forms of intellectual property (trademark, copyright, patent, trade secrets, etc.) will be also be abolished. (both of these will gut corporatism, while still allowing for market diversification, though i am willing to go harder on this to ensure corporatism doesn't rise up to bite us). That is THE most important topic of them all. And I fully agree with all of it. Corporations are the cancer tha kills a nation. Corporate products are poison to the body and mind. And consumerism shall be punishable by death. A person must never be allowed to buy or sell over consumerist behavior of wanting things just because they want. They must trade only what they need to, and nothing else. >All private unions will be prohibited, and instead only nationalized unions will be permitted, one required part of the national unions will be the fellowship, which is a pot that every member contributes to from their paychecks, and can withdraw from in times of emergency expenses that they would be unable to afford on their own (such as medical expenses). I would argue that all forms of unions must be abolished, for they will inevitably turn into a mob that can overthrow the ruling class and the Nation's laws if they grow. Avoid the cancer by killing it. >Circumcision Forbid it completely and punish those practicing it with death. As for everything else, I fully agree with all of it.
>>8093 I would add to the criminal charges that anyone found guilty, after they are released from their sentences, should be permanently stripped of all their rights as citizens, with no means to have those rights again. All manners of crimes (especially due to human nature) must be purged away from society, and forcing people to behave against their natural violent instincts is a good way to achieve that. Any crime, no matter how small, and the person loses all his status and rights, and can never be more than a vassal for the rest of his life. This will force the dumb masses to behave properly.
Simply put, it is the combination of the best functioning parts of National Socialism and Objectivist Night-Watchman State Minarchism. Without the non-essential restrictions of the former and without the lack of essential restrictions found in the latter, It is to Capitalism what National Socialism is to Socialism, with the same adjustments being made to both in order to make them Nationalist and Fascist. The ideology is developed with little concern for any sort of theory or dogma, but is instead focused on what is practical and pragmatic in producing the desired results, those results being what is greatest good for the specific group that is those of the (Gentile) White Race and the (Biological) Male Sex, who are of the Human Species and Living Status. National Capitalist ideas include the following: - Only optimizing the good of Living White Male Humans, should be considered as a goal in creating a political system, any concern for the good of those who fail to meet all four of these requirements will doom the society to it's destruction, it must be White Nationalist and Male Supremacist with no sentimentality wasted on the deceased or other species. - The best politics are those which produce a society that never falls and can adapt to any circumstances, to this end, such a system should not be able to be changed arbitrarily by the whims of people, either a set of policies are decided upon and remain as they are set forever, or the system of policies are determined based on data generated by the scientific methodology on which policies and/or actions would achieve the greatest good for Living White Male Humans (perhaps by finding ways to experiment with the effects of applying different political ideas to a test population). - Pragmatic, Practical, Political Design, less great unifying philosophical theory, and more analysis, engineering, and bug fixing. Identify where problems are and how to fix them, there is no "you can't do X and not do Y as well", we just focus on what works to bring out the best consequences for the Straight White Males who'd live in such a society. TL;DR White Male Nationalist Capitalism characterized by taking a Scientific and Results-based approach to political philosophy, rather than a more speculative, ideological, or morally-driven approach that lies behind the typical dogmas. Scientific Methodology and Critical Thinking applied to political questions usually answered by dogma, a doubtful, logical, rational approach to a subject usually rife with passion, faith, and zeal.
Great, now the beta faggots who hate women because they didn't get to touch Stacey's niggercum-soaked vaginas in high school and started larping as National-Socialists to be the "edgy outcasts" are also adopting (((libertarianism))) on top of all their other retarded bullshit. >There is no rational reason to respect one's parents. If they are a nuisance, get rid of them. If you can't be trusted to love your own family, how can anyone trust you to love the Volk? If you really are White and not some shill then you are clearly a defective one and should either be sterilized or eliminated in the name of sound eugenics.
>>8294 Agreed on most, but the whole disregard for dogmas is not good. Dogmas must always be enforced in order for the weakest in a society to be forced to improve themselves, or be eliminated for not following the dogmas. "X is right because God says so" is infinitely more efficient as a tool for eliminating undesirables than any scientific method that can be manipulated or disputed. "Y is wrong because God says so" shuts down any ideology or propaganda that tries to subvert society. Enforced with brutal violence and unstoppable direct actions makes it the perfect tool to weed out the inferior among a society. >>8298 All simps will get the bullet. >There is no rational reason to respect one's parents. If they are a nuisance, get rid of them. Correct. >If you can't be trusted to love your own family, how can anyone trust you to love the Volk? People who support my interests and share my beliefs are more useful than my parents that turned into nuisances due to their own stupidity. I will fight for those who are useful to me. I will never help those who are a nuisance. If you are White and puts inferior beings such as women and brainwashed boomers in a pedestal to be worshiped, you are a cancer to the White race, in the same way as any jew or nigger, and you must be killed for existing.
>>8294 National capitalism is just an umbrella term fir any political system that combines a capitalist domestic/intranational/internal economy with white nationalism. Anyone who tries to tie it to civic nationalism is a kike shill. We already have a term for that, its called "lolbertatiamism", and its the ideology of the controlled opposition.
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>national capitalism What do you guys think of Hoppe?
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>>8330 >Rebuts the common fallacy of libertarianism requiring open borders by pointing out that free immigration = legalized trespassing >Points out that anyone who tries to rebut the NAP in a debate setting thereby engages in a performative contradiction by using nonviolence to advocate for violence >Specifically argues for high-trust, white conservative societies where degeneracy is physically removed >Understands that democracy is a form of mob rule inherently inferior to the personal autonomy inherent in private property rights >Strong admiration for traditional European civilization Hoppe is based, as always.
>>8330 He's not white, he's jewish. That said he's decently based for a jew, but he's not all the way IMO. He won't be able to live in a NatCap society,, and I'd take the same position any kind of white nationalist would take for a based non-white. "We appreciate the support, and we will try to return the favor if possible, but we won't make an exception to our most important priorities for you." Any kind of combination of white nationalism and capitalism (at least within the nation and/or between its people) is National Capitalism, any instance of civic nationalism would make such a system fall outside this definition, this anyone who would welcome Hoppe into their country is not NatCap. You should also note that taxes are the fees you pay to fund law enforcement and national defense, these are the two essential functions that cannot be trusted to the private sector in a functional society. Think of it as ground rent for the essential maintenence of the country you live in, providing the consequences that back the laws of the NAP, and providing the barriers that separate your peopke from those on the outside, both of which are the basic requirements for any civilization. You are the beneficiaries of essential services, it's good to demand payment for these services, this is the financial cost of freedom, that those who dedicate themselves to safeguarding the limits that define your freedoms can sustain themselves and be compensated for upholding their duties.
>>8332 >based jew >minarchy trumps ancap >doesn't know about private law societies Hoppe isn't Rothbard.
>>8333 The best thing to do to convince me of a political policy is to tell me the story of how you think things would turn out if your ideas were passed. It would be improved by including info like rererences to studies and historical events that can act as precedent. I think the scientific method and some critical thought could be used to come up with a far better political system than any we had ever seen before.
>>8333 Try thinking like a problem solver instead of like a lawyer, be practical and try to optimize things, rather than being political (lol) and just focusing on getting things your way. Your primary interest should be in making the best system possible, rather than trying to convince everyone else that the system you currently beleive in is the best. Less prosthelitizing more hypothesizing. If an idea is good or bad, the evidence will bear it out, if an idea is a mix of both, you can identify the parts that dont work optimally, and swap them out for better alternatives. The idea is always trying to find a system that is superior to the one you've already thought of and burning through all sorts of ideas from all manner of sources to get to that goal. I want people here amd on other /pol/ boards to be going through all sorts of policies and trying to see how they would work when applied, in isolation and in conjunction with other policies, and to try and find out what combination of policies creates the political system that best meets the goals that we want to achieve with it.
>>8544 Even if we cannot live under the ideal system, we can have the privilege of knowing what it is, and even if we cannot figure out what it is, we can have the pleasure of being closer to it than anyone else. Who knows? Our writings might influence people who come round ages after out deaths.
>>8032 >talking pol in /v/ >waaaa censorship
>>8543 >>8544 >>8545 Is this pasta?
>>8545 >Even if we cannot live under the ideal system, we can have the curse of knowing what it is FTFY
>>8691 no but it should be
and our new religion will be Judaism mixed with neo-paganism. Hallah Óðinn!
>>8031 >Nazi Eugenics Elaborate
> National Capitalism recognizes that the capitalist philosophy shouldn't apply universally, but to a specific people in a specific country, in this case, White Gentiles in America. > There should be a separate set of rules for other peoples and other countries, and these would apply to the interactions of our people in our country, with those "others". > Evict everyone but White Gentiles, only White Gentiles can immigrate, but for them, there are no other requirements aside from being White Gentiles and willing to give up your citizenship to the country of your origin (similar policy as Israel, but for us, instead of the Jews). > Focus on making the country self-sufficient and self-reliant, prohibit foreign workers and the use of foreign labor, and make it so that foreign trade is something people/businesses only do when they can't acquire those goods/services by any other means (perhaps through the use of high tariffs). > Otherwise it's straight up Night-Watchman State Minarchism, the most stripped down government who only purpose is enforcing the NAP and protecting the country from external threats (including unwanted immigration)..
>>8093 >>8094 >>8294 This is all, by far, some of the most naive shit I've ever read. Go to school, you've tried to educate yourself with the internet and you've failed because you're way dumber than you think. I can almost guarantee you are a NEET, and this is just the world you think needs to exist for you to stop being one. It isn't. Your problem is you.
>>8094 Why are laws to wash your butt with water relevant here? And people won't accept this. It's too heartless
>>10337 There's no such law there
>>8294 >What is National Capitalism? it's what China has aka fascism
whats the deal with the gook cartoons anyhow
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Retarded meme ideology on par with other oxymoronic shit like NazBol. Except instead of mixing NS with it's greatest enemy, it's with selfish-Lolberg nonsense. Both of course connected to jews. >>8294 More contradictory retardation. National Socialism was it's own form of revolutionary anti-Capitalism. >>8331 >rebuts In your stupid lolberg brain only. AS it restricts economic freedom and is therefore a bigger issue. >>8105 Also this. >>15028 Fuck off DR retard, China is run by Communists that don't give a fuck about the health and safety of their own people. Any Fascist would call you retarded for implying that they are Capitalists for that matter. All these faggots with their stupid meme ideologies that have no reason for existing whatsoever outside of their own flawed understanding of their supposed basis (NatSoc and Libertarian separately)
>>15074 What's DR stand for in this context?
Made this after hearing a natsoc e-celeb say libertarians only care about profit
>>15094 every noble group on earth that has done great deeds and are more than some piece of shit savage fucks that produce ill bred fucking colectivist retards is a race that has slaves Spartans outnumbered 1 to 8 by slaves on their territory viking unlike your slave friendly stupid shit your see on the tv were not nordic slaves but noblemen and trained warriors that had thralls (just another word for slave) working the fields for the grain they ate romans had more slaves than free men in every land they occupied until christianity shit came ... just naming some of the most well knows groups of that kind even now slaves are needed someone has to clean the streets i sure as fuck will not be the one to do it among the thousand of things that need done i would not do not matter what so you put an image with slaves like it was a bad thing i for one know im a free man for i would die gladly fighting regardless of odds rather than labor in that way for a second} fuck your collectivist shit call it national socialist or whatever the fuck , fuck all socialisms , hope some get the message and share it
>>15097 >you put an image with slaves like it was a bad thing i didn't say it was bad. My claim is this: "libertarian and capitalist aren't synonyms." I'm not claiming that any system is better or worse than another.
>>15097 Looks like my ID changed but I was 9a1c11 before
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>>19105 >talking to a girl I don't even suck dick!
>>19105 Newfag here. Why is hentai not based?
Degeneracy exposure controlled by the three tiers of laws explained: A country is founded with a king who is the head of the government and a family of royals, within it someone buys up some of the lands within the country to build his community in, this makes him a noble, and his family nobility, he invites certain people to move in and purchase properties within his lands and build their homes or businesses upon them, which makes them his commoners, and their families common, then outsider enter one of the territories claimed by a commoner on their invitation. The royalty owns all the land within it's borders, thus their laws apply all throughout the country. The noble is the second owner of the plots of land within his holdings, thus his laws apply within these territories, his laws may not contradict those of the first owner. The commoner is the third owner of their specific share of the land within the community, thus their laws apply within the bounds of this property, again, their laws may not go against those imposed by the tiers above them. All three tiers of the law are enforced by the government. We already have this system in place, those who enter into the apartments of others must obey the laws of the government, the laws of the landlord, and the laws of the tenants, all three are enforced by the same police. The same is true of homes or businesses built on land that has a private owner between the owners of the specific home or business, you first obey the laws of the country, then the laws of the one who owns the land that the property is built upon, and then the owner of that specific property. Of course, there is the status quo of federal laws, state laws, municipal Laws, possibly the community laws, and then the laws set by the property owners. So how does this keep your kids away from homos? Easily. The first tier may not do anything to prohibit homophiles from doing their thing, but the second tier means that the homophiles cannot be in certain areas without being removed from them, and the third tier means that the homeowner also maintains mastery of their domain (lol) over their guests, cohabitants, and dependents. While there will be some regions where homophiles are tolerated, there will be others where they are not, and you will likely want to raise your children within such a place. Freedom is the right to choose your own chains, to select the restrictions you will live under. What I oppose most within politics comes in two categories: Those who prohibit others from doing things they want to do, and those who force others into doing things they do not want to do. A nation's laws must do what they can prevent both of these acts from occurring. Between the left and right there is no side in favor of freedom, they each claim to be champions of it, but the only freedom they offer you is the freedom from the other side of the mainstream political dichotomy. This allows the two to work together, switching places as the liberator from the other's particular brand of oppression, only to later impose their own brand of it, and remind the population why they brought in the other guy who was oppressing them - to liberate them from the guy who is currently doing it.

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