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Bidens inauguration Anonymous 01/16/2021 (Sat) 18:15:21 Id: 7319f6 No. 7037
On the 20th we get to see the start of Bidens 'presidency' and armed protests in 50 states. What do you think will happen? Anyone going to show up? I think antifa/glowies are going to be in full attendance and I doubt much good will come from it. Any fights that happen the media will be able to spin it as they've done before. It will be fun to watch either way.
>Image Source?
>>7039 Give it a search if you don't believe it a lot of it can be found easily. I've seen about a lot of them just from pol alone. I wouldn't post it if it wasn't true. I don't have a source for all of the statements there but I'm pretty certain that they're true.
>>7037 I fully expect a glowop to crown President Kamalah after Biden bites a hu-white supremacist bullet fired by a Trump supporter, Maga Hat and assault rifle and all. Then they use that to justify detrumpification camps and repealing the second amendment. They've been getting hasty for a while now, and the peasants getting so close to them in the capitol has got them honestly spooked. Drastic measures are incoming.
There will be no Biden inauguration. Trump's going to have another four years. Cover your noses because a lot of elites are about to have their dirty laundry aired out for everyone to smell by the impending DECLAS action.
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I can't wait! to see nothing happen and things to just go their merry way as boomers and MAGAtards stay at home waiting for something to happen and the setting of yet another "happening date"
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>>7044 You are aware of course that lots of kikes are being chucked off buildings and mysteriously dying, the military has made several arrests and there are thousands of marines occupying DC right now? This is not at all typical inauguration shit. Something is bubbling. Trump is going to be inaugurated on the 20th not Biden.
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>b-but biden won!!! all is normal!! The cope on Wednesday from Bidencucks is gonna be legendary.
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A good thing about being Autistralian is that it doesn't matter who gets elected as prime minister because nothing in Autistralia matters.
>>7051 Ill agree the things will go down, I think we can expect a decent amount of rioting. I'm not convinced about Trump being inaugurated I think it's optics to a degree, trying to make the right look bad by saying 'look at how much security we need to protect us from the violent MAGA'. It could also just be trying to stop an actual attack on the capital as this time they wont just open the doors lol. You're right about it not being a typical election the amount of people that believe Biden stole the presidency is huge and I doubt anyone really has any faith in him. >>7053 lol It's similar in the uk, might as well be a 1 party state they all run on the same things and are labour in one form or another.
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Sorry if this seems off-topic. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=nCwj7Mmfr-I https://yewtu.be/watch?v=umdJjGtr7Wk http://blog.esuteru(Please use archive.today)/archives/9639427.html Not sure what they were shouting about other than "Trump was the real winner!" (真の勝者はトランプです!). It's well known that nationalist Right-leaning Japanese are pro-Trump, but the demonstrations are getting more frequent recently. Hopefully this one wasn't Antifa astroturfing.
I am 100% rooting for these people and if anything really pops off (((antifa))) or not I will support it and fight alongside it to take this corrupt government to it's knees, but I think at this point it's wishful thinking. They had the opportunity, staged or not, to really hang these motherfuckers on the 6th. Especially after Ashley died. But they cucked out. They didn't lift a finger to actually kill these traitors and I don't think they ever will. If they do, though, I will be pleasantly surprised.
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>"Commander in chief" can't unit his troops >Have to attempt to purge military and keep "loyalist" >Hate the 2nd so much you also disarm your own troops They know that everyone knows they stole the election.
>>7051 That third article is from duffle blog you fucking retard.
>>7063 I hope they remain paranoid to such an extreme degree that they end up severely hurting themselves in the near future. Also >he had every secret service agent demoted Yeah those people in charge of your protection with intimate knowledge of the security for the president, let's piss those guys off when half the country thinks you rigged an election and wants you removed. >intentionally screening out people for their political beliefs This seems like a great way to sow even greater animosity. All this crap really shows how much they want violence, or just how terrified they are of the consequences of their actions.
>>7063 >>7068 I doubt there's any serious plans to take out Biden what would it really do? Kamala is right behind him and behind her is a group of oligarchs. Theres no winning when it comes to them as the ones running the party aren't in office lol. I think all the security and fuss they're making about it is just to wind up the media and to try to get people to see Trump as someone who's about to call shots and a 'threat to democracy' which is very ironic. I don't think there's much that can be done right now unfortunately. Hopefully with in the next 4 years people will see the fraud a lot more clearly and the democrats get what they deserve.
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>>7073 Most probably is that nothing will happen. But I think there is something to do to entertain their paranoia and just push them over the edge.
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>Pentagon won’t say what got 12 Guard troops sent home from Biden inauguration duty in DC >Twelve National Guard troops deployed to Washington ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration were flagged during background checks and have been sent home, Defense Department officials confirmed Tuesday, offering scant details as to what raised suspicions about them >Two of those were flagged for “inappropriate comments or texts,” Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson, chief of the Nation Guard Bureau, told reporters, including one reported within their own chain of command. Hokanson’s comments refute a Tuesday story from the Associated Press that all 12 troops removed from the Capitol had right-wing militia ties >The FBI has been working to vet more than 25,000 National Guard troops who’ve been mobilized to Washington, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told reporters, but he could not say how many background checks had been completed as of Tuesday >The plan has been to remove first and ask questions later, Hoffman said >Neither Hoffman nor Hokanson responded to requests for details on what would flag a guardsman deployed for Capitol security, whether that was specific ties to extremism, documented threats against Capitol or inauguration security or political speech against the Biden or supporting outgoing President Donald Trump https://archive.is/2I2A1 >Steve Cohen feels 'overwhelming White' National Guard could be threat to Joe Biden as 'most did not vote for him' >Amid the anxiety, a Democratic lawmaker from Tennessee has drawn the ire of the conservative camp by having a controversial take on the issue >“I think the Guard is 90-some-odd-percent I believe male, only about 20% of White males voted for Biden. You gotta figure that in the Guard, which is predominantly more conservative and I see that on my social media, and we know it, there are probably not more than 25% of the people there protecting us that voted for Biden, the other 75% are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something.” https://archive.is/GXC95
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Now it is reported that three guard have been dismissed for being Atomwaffen Division. We are reaching levels of SIEGEpilled that I did not think possible.
>>7124 That's not surprising. The Attomwaffen guys are fucking retarded.
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United States of Israel
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>>7052 >another yid gets Robert Maxwelled GOODBYE, DIRTY, STINKY JEW YOU NEED US BUT WE DON'T NEED YOU
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>>7132 US needs renaming: 'Literally Israel 2.0' >tranny assistant health secretary How can you have someone lying to themselves telling the public the truth? He'll be 'assisting' 50% of his kind into the grave and dragging stupid propagandised kids along into the thresher with him. Might as well leave an untrained pitbull in charge of a maternity ward.
>>7134 Bongistan was 0.5, but at least we aren't speaking German!
>>7134 >>7141 You deserve each other
>>7111 heres hoping the cuckolds made a huge mistake and cause an Actual Boogaloo Any bets on when China starts Fucking Asia since Biden won't lift a finger and Starts raids or actual invasions on their neighbors but finishing grudges against India and their defence on their borders or Taiwan "Unification" First?
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>>7037 "Mmmm mmmmm mmmm New mmm America, mmmm sorry mm muzzled mmm heal mmm me, mmmmmmmmm, thanks."
would the national guards snap and just said fuck Biden and his team anytime soon? https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=mS91kEbeEVc
>>7132 >kikes admit being the ones behind social media censorship Wow i am totally surprised! Who could have imagined it? :^)
>>7043 >>7051 >>7053 Boy, this didn't age well.
>>7124 >>7130 Atomwaffen officially disbanded last year. A broadcast was sent out by James Mason himself.
>>7185 Same with Spencer disbanding the altright, even if most White nationalists abandon the usage of the name altright by the end of 17 beginning of 18, it doesn't matter to communist faggots who think that migafags are the same as White nationalists. >>7167 There has already been faggots that report any White man that don't like, certain subreddits(check out r/beholdthemasterrace), forums, sm groups since even before trump, just now that the boomer waffen show up to to the capital they're even more mad. https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/EqgLV1y3gok9/
>>7192 >haha lol goddamn racists, enjoying beating them >Meanwhile would gladly stay away from black neighborhoods and would let tyrone visit his wife >Turning over your family to Biden's Cuckolds just like Russians did to their neighbors When will we start Gulag Archipelago for America?
>>7193 *When will we start seeing Gulag Archipelago for America Under Biden?
>>7192 >4th pic fucking exactly, I have talked with more "extreme" dumb niggers like that complain about shit like Kent State or MKUltra or something but then in the same breath praise the brave law enforcement at the capital and say that chick who got the bullet in her neck deserved it, lmao
Is some Qfag claiming the inauguration was a deepfake yet?
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>>7193 >>7194 Maybe within the next month, with all this muh the capitalcaust. >>7195 lol >>7195
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>>7037 accelerate
wow what a boring inauguration, I guess the national guard know how to do their job. It looks like were going to see why dems are true cancer for a while. I'm surprised by the lack of happenings I would've thought there would be at least something cool. At least something good has come from Biden so far, trans people are finally allowed to compete fairly all it took was a stolen election and a demented puppet president... We are living in the worst timeline.
>>7278 It is good. We can finally do away with the ridiculous welfare queens that are "female athletes." They want equality, now they have it.
>>7279 Exactly it does seem that the us is in for a couple entertaining years, so far it seems Biden will sign just about anything that is put in front of him, hes reversed about all of trumps actions makes you wonder what the point of it all. They'll get what they deserve soon but lets hope sooner rather than later. I dont know about you but I can't wait for the first women president... of all people kamala has no place there at all.

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