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Anonymous 01/09/2021 (Sat) 00:11:08 Id: 80e605 No. 6746
A reminder to everybody If you haven't already, go to torproject(Please use archive.today) and download and install the most recent release of the Tor browser. I'd recommend downloading and backing it up for multiple operating systems as well. Shit's getting crazy, who knows what will happen. And don't forget to bookmark the onion for this site.
>>6746 what is the .onion for newfags?
>>6746 test... 1... 2
>>6746 what's the white man's irc?
>>6763 Read the link RIGHT UNDER the reply button. Also, OP, this is a good thread. The next step is mass censorship of the web. Get into censorship resistant tech or at the very least DOWNLOAD THE DOCS AND PACKAGES NOW WHILE YOU CAN. Getting the Tor browser and bookmarking this page is a good start if at least as a backup for WHEN this shit gets taken down. I would also HIGHLY suggest getting into censorship resistant tech: Zeronet (use this with Tor), Freenet, Namecoin. Since the protests started, I've been really busy this entire weekend trying to ship all my shit and media over on the Darkweb, I can see what's coming down the pike for us all.
People say to use a VPN instead, but those cost money don't they? I haven't found any pirate versions of VPNs, and I don't see how such a VPN would even work since it's my understanding that VPN services require the servers of their company to work.
>>6851 >People say to use a VPN instead, but those cost money don't they? Some do, some don't. There's a cost-benefit analysis to the free vs paid-for VPN services. More important than that are the "hate speech" clauses in many of the VPN's terms of use. The mere act of entering a board like /fascist/ will get your account permabanned from a number of VPN services, and if it's a paid-for service, since you signed the terms of use they'll be kikes and refuse to refund you after charging you for a year upfront.
>>6746 >>6746 https://loki.network/2021/01/06/oxen-rebrand-rollout/ >WTF is with this shitty Chinese rebrand. It's not April 1st.
>>6858 Someone probably thought Loki sounds too mean (or gay, if you watch superman movies) to get normalfag adaptation. Don't shit at the goal of normalfag adaptation, btw. The more users an anonymizing network has, the more anonymous you're going to be, generally speaking. I doubt it'll work though.
Tor went down for a while all at once due to consensus nodes getting fucked or something. Is it really so unassailable?
I2P is also a good option given >>6864 happening.
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>>6746 An alternative to the Tor Browser is Brave which has Tor built in. The user experience is better on Brave.
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>>6914 >The user experience is better on Brave. >The GG thread regularly has a post detailing all the alternative software available >One of the largest portions of the list is of alternatives web browsers <You know what, I'm going to use this meme browser, THAT LOGS MY DATA, HAS A MEME CURRENCY, DOESN'T ACTUALLY BLOCK SHIT BECAUSE IT SECRETLY WHITELISTS EVERYTHING, AND IS RUNNING ON AN UN-ALTERED VERSION OF CHROMIUM. THAT'S THE SMART THING TO DO!
>go on torproject vi archive today >tries to download it >it didnt got archived well uh
>>6916 So what would you recommend then?
>>6927 Use the TOR browser. I'm about to experiment with running a VPN while using TOR. I'm unsure if I should start the VPN first, then run the TOR browser (which will use TOR) or do it the opposite. Will report back results.
>>6926 Well if you're on a VPN like you should be, downloading Tor and Tails will be anonymous. ProtonVPN is free and has a release for all three major platforms.
>> 6914 >Jewish Google spyware browser >An alternative to TOR Lol. Use TOR with safety setting on safest. That's as simple as it gets.
I2P as well. Tor has some shortcomings: It is not *really* decentralized. It relies on a network of 12 indexing servers to share peers and onion addresses. If these servers ever go byebye; Tor goes byebye. On I2P, everyone is their own indexing server. And in a disaster scenario, it is possible to reseed from only two peers, with some work and sharing of NETDB folders or reseed files. There are even a few chans that are ONLY on Tor or ONLY on I2P, some are specifically NATSOC. The dark web is a magical place where the eternal jew has no power.
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Yes goyim, use the Tor browser.
>>7201 What the actual fuck is this? I'm autistic, but even I'm amazed by how retarded the world is getting!
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>>7201 Many more people need to know about this before fucking with Tor; the founders are not only subversives, they're also given funding by companies who either are or are a subsidiary of the companies you're trying tp circumvent in the first place.
>>7238 So you want to help them by not using their own tools against them? The fact that you dislike them is only a better reason to make their own actions bite them in the ass. Again, your admonitions of the people don't say anything about the service. If they compromised it, it would be recognized very quickly and it would defeat the entire point of its own existence. Not that that's impossible, but it's practically impossible that not a single autist would notice and publicize it.
It's just like Firefox: The dev team is pozzed, but the software is solid. I2P is still better than Tor. DO NOT USE ZERONET! it stores every site you visit on your hard drive. This means that if someone spams the board with CP, it gets downloaded to the hard drive.
>>6851 >People say to use a VPN instead, but those cost money don't they? I haven't found any pirate versions of VPNs, and I don't see how such a VPN would even work since it's my understanding that VPN services require the servers of their company to work. Do not use VPN. They do not provide any privacy or anonymity. They are made by for profit corporations, they sell snake oil, they sell your data to the governments, because they get more profits that way. Tor works by design, not by trust like VPN. VPN requires payment data and accounts, everything you do is tied to your payment info and your real IP address.
>>7239 <Again, your admonitions of the people don't say anything about the service. >he thinks obvious subversives who take fed money wouldn't subvert Tor if they got the go-ahead Retard. >>7282 You're a fucking retard. >They do not provide any privacy or anonymity. They make you harder to track by making websites think you're in a different place than you may be and let you bypassregion-locked sites. How the fuck does that not help anonymity or privacy? >Tor works by design, not by trust like VPN. You have to trust that the service works, that a website you go on to doesn't block your current or all Tor exit nodes, that they won't subvert it, and so on. > VPN requires payment data and accounts, everything you do is tied to your payment info and your real IP address. You can pay for some VPNs in crypto, and you have to connect to Tor with your real IP as well, unless you route your network through your VPN first or something like that.
Jesus fucking christ you /pol/ tards are so fucking braindead you can't figure out how to download a goddamn browser. Makes sense that anyone retarded enough to devote their life to politics is missing braincells and I can't blame you guys for your small brain genetics.
>>7298 >>he thinks obvious subversives who take fed money wouldn't subvert Tor if they got the go-ahead Did you read the rest of the post? It was about how if they did do that, the way it's set up makes it easy for people to know they did it, and it only takes one autist noticing to alert everybody.
Why is the thread author posting with Canadian flag instead of Tor flag?
>>7298 Go glow elsewhere, retard.
>>7306 Some sites block tor exit nodes for those of using a regular browser + torsocks, but for some reason the Tor browser gets around it. I never understood this. >In B4 some nigger tells me that browser+torsocks is unsafe. Nigger, my shit's custom.
>>7298 >You're a fucking retard. You sound angry, like if you were selling VPN. >They make you harder to track by making websites think you're in a different place than you may be That's nothing compared to Tor. Feds can ask any VPN for data and read your browsing history. Also your web browser settings are unique and they can track you even if you change IP with VPN. Tor Browser tries to make all Tor users look the same. >and let you bypassregion-locked sites. I don't know such sites expect jewish movie streaming shit. But yes, this is some use of VPN, probably the only one use that makes sense. >How the fuck does that not help anonymity or privacy? Little when feds can check who you are with one click. >You have to trust that the service works, that a website you go on to doesn't block your current or all Tor exit nodes, that they won't subvert it, and so on. You can read Tor source code and check it yourself. You can also commit a serious crime with Tor and see if you get caught. Try to do the same with VPN. >You can pay for some VPNs in crypto Crypto is also payment data. Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are not anonymous, they are similar to credit cards and you are tracked. >and you have to connect to Tor with your real IP as well, unless you route your network through your VPN first or something like that. Only the first Tor server knows your IP. The last Tor server that makes the request to the server, does not know your IP. VPN always knows your IP.
>>7306 Not only does that not mean it won't happen, even if it did and people forked Tor, They would likely begin some kind of purge to get rid of "unsafe Tor forks", with maybe some amount of success. >>7308 >criticizing Tor means you're a glowie I don't think there's any need for you to worry about them if you're this fucking retarded. >>7311 >You sound angry, like if you were selling VPN. Because telling someone to use Tor instead of a VPN is fucking retarded, you should be using both; and frankly that is a ludicrous amount of fucking hypocrisy. >Feds can ask any VPN for data and read your browsing history. And I imagine that they could theoretically track down various Tor nodes and spy on what's being sent; the issue is less the possibility and more about if that happens, will the VPN refuse and actually does not keep any logs; a few VPNs have ran into issues and have either refused to give up information, or when that information was accessed, there were indeed no logs on it. >Little when feds can check who you are with one click. That does not explain anything. >You can read Tor source code and check it yourself. You can also commit a serious crime with Tor and see if you get caught. Try to do the same with VPN. VPNs are well-known to let you avoid getting into trouble with your ISP over torrents. >Crypto is also payment data. Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are not anonymous, they are similar to credit cards and you are tracked. >cryptocurrencies like bitcoin ...then don't use bitcoin. Sounds like a pretty simple solution, there. >Only the first Tor server knows your IP. The last Tor server that makes the request to the server, does not know your IP. VPN always knows your IP. But that doesn't change the fact that Tor does get your IP address unless the connection goes through a VPN first. As far as I'm aware, neither of them you can connect to without exposing your IP in some way, so if that's actually true then you should change your priorities to which one is most trustworthy instead of being frustrated at the current state of it and make a very big mistake with In case some fuckwit like >>7308 cucks for Tor again, as much as I criticize it and am sticking up for VPNs, I'm not saying that Tor itself is shit (I just don't think you or anyone else should trust it due to the pictures I posted), I'm saying that it shouldn't be relied upon alone; Use it and a VPN, ideally one that, while been hacked, and had its "no-logging" policy to have been revealed to be true, and/or one outside out the 14 eyes, and if you can't find it free then look for one you can pay for with a more anonymous cryptocurrency.
>>7324 >Not only does that not mean it won't happen, even if it did and people forked Tor, They would likely begin some kind of purge to get rid of "unsafe Tor forks", with maybe some amount of success. Nobody brought up forks until now. That is a theoretical future problem, not a current one. If that happened and TOR was ruined and alternatives were shut down, maybe then VPNs would be the best solution left for a time. We're not in that hypothetical future yet, though. >VPNs are well-known to let you avoid getting into trouble with your ISP over torrents. He said "serious" crime.
>>7324 >criticizing Tor means you're a glowie Maybe you aren't, but you are manipulated by VPN sellers. They make profit from that shit so they pay people to shill the shit. >Because telling someone to use Tor instead of a VPN is fucking retarded Because? Tor gives anonymity and privacy, VPN does not. So use Tor only. >you should be using both For what purpose? Why aren't you posting on this site from Tor? >And I imagine that they could theoretically track down various Tor nodes and spy on what's being sent This won't do shit because from spying the last Tor node you won't see who sent the data. There are some complicated and expensive attacks to deanonymize Tor users, but they have weak success rate and are expensive. Deanonymizing VPN users is trivial. >will the VPN refuse and actually does not keep any logs; a few VPNs have ran into issues and have either refused to give up information, or when that information was accessed, there were indeed no logs on it. False. They sell the logs to feds because they can get more profit from that, if they refuse to give logs the feds will close their business. Even if they really didn't log, the feds can read traffic that goes into the VPN server and out. It won't be hard to find the person. >VPNs are well-known to let you avoid getting into trouble with your ISP over torrents. Torrents are not serious crime. If you leave empty beer bottle on pavement or grass, the police won't be checking fingerprints from bottle or doing any investigation. Torrents are lowest tier crime. >...then don't use bitcoin. Sounds like a pretty simple solution, there. Then good luck buying anything. >But that doesn't change the fact that Tor does get your IP address unless the connection goes through a VPN first. As far as I'm aware, neither of them you can connect to without exposing your IP in some way, so if that's actually true then you should change your priorities to which one is most trustworthy instead of being frustrated at the current state of it and make a very big mistake with Wrong. Tor guard node (first one) knows your IP, but the last one that connects to website doesn't know your IP. So they can't sell your IP to feds. With VPN, you are connecting with your IP to VPN server, which then transmits data to websites. The single VPN server knows your: IP, payment data, what sites you visit, what data you send (without SSL). They have all that and can sell it or give to feds. You have to trust a shady corporation that exists only to make profits. >In case some fuckwit like >>7308 cucks for Tor again, as much as I criticize it and am sticking up for VPNs, Because? >Use it and a VPN Why don't you? >and had its "no-logging" policy to have been revealed to be true This cannot be proven for any VPN. Also, even if they didn't log in the past, they can now on in the future.
>>7341 >Nobody brought up forks until now. I brought it up because it's become a common retort against the possibility of subversion and corruption of the Tor project. >That is a theoretical future problem, not a current one. If that happened and TOR was ruined and alternatives were shut down, maybe then VPNs would be the best solution left for a time. We're not in that hypothetical future yet, though. I never once said that VPNs were the best solution than even Tor, what I've been getting at is that VPNs are not something inherently shitty and untrustworthy. If you still want to use Tor, I would advise you to use both Tor and a VPN you've found to be worth using; just don't be retarded and dismiss one of your options right out of the gate. >>7347 > but you are manipulated by VPN sellers. Fuck off, I tell people to use VPNs out of my own free will. >Because? Tor gives anonymity and privacy, VPN does not. So use Tor only. That is terrible advice, you dumb cunt >For what purpose? To get the protections both can offer you. >Why aren't you posting on this site from Tor? Because I don't fucking trust them for reasons I stated. >This won't do shit because from spying the last Tor node you won't see who sent the data. Then they wouldn't spy from the last Tor node in the chain, only the first. >Deanonymizing VPN users is trivial. How so? >Torrents are not serious crime. If you leave empty beer bottle on pavement or grass, the police won't be checking fingerprints from bottle or doing any investigation. Torrents are lowest tier crime. Please tell me how one being serious and one isn't, changes things. >Then good luck buying anything. Non-bitcoin cryptocurrencies are starting to become more accepted. >Wrong. Tor guard node (first one) knows your IP, but the last one that connects to website doesn't know your IP. So they can't sell your IP to feds. You keep admitting that the first node knows your IP, therefore, They know your fucking IP. Just because it's not known to the last 2 nodes and the destination website, doesn't mean that it didn't get ever get to see it. > The single VPN server knows your: IP, payment data, what sites you visit, what data you send (without SSL). "Payment data" is too vague of a term to use, and this same information can be found on different Tor nodes. >They have all that and can sell it or give to feds. You have to trust a shady corporation that exists only to make profits. As I already stated, Tor is directly funded by the fucking feds. They are not any less shady. And again, they could likely get a hold of this data and use it for malicious purposes just as well. Not to mention that you should obviously look for a VPN who seems trustworthy, to reduce any issues with shadiness. >Because? Because I recognize the benefits of VPNs and aren't retarded enough to deny them. >Why don't you? Because I don't trust Tor for the reasons I've stated earlier (founders are subversives, they get funding from the government, and the images I and >>7201 posted earlier., >This cannot be proven for any VPN. I just said that it can, albeit that "method" would done inadvertently. >Also, even if they didn't log in the past, they can now on in the future. Why the hell would they suddenly keep logs on their users if they didn't before they got their own security breached? You're right to be skeptical about VPNs, but this almost blind trust in Tor that you simultaneously have is infuriating. Do your research on both (as everyone else should), go with whichever one looks most trustworthy, and pass who they are and why you trust them, on to others. Just don't be stupid and disparage one or the other when both have their uses.
>>7500 >I never once said that VPNs were the best solution than even Tor, This conversation started because someone was trying to argue that the people behind TOR being SJWs implies the service is bad. The argument was about if it actually means the service is bad or not.
>>7533 >This conversation started because someone was trying to argue that the people behind TOR being SJWs implies the service is bad. The argument was about if it actually means the service is bad or not. It was, but then it turned into an argument about Tor vs VPNs for some reason. And I never even meant to imply that the service was bad, I said as much to the contrary multiple times; I was stating that Tor itself is not trustworthy because of the founders' beliefs, not that it was a bad service in itself.
>>7533 The fact that SJW's are behind TOR doesn't mean that the service is bad, it means that SJW's are behind it. If the service is bad, you could say that this is probably because the SJW's are deliberately using it against those who are in the most need of the services they claim to offer. But you actually have to show how the service is bad, and what is wrong with it, speculating with "SJW's are managing it, so it must be compromised in some way" is going to get you nowhere, except as a reason to start looking into possible built-in problems. Now, when you find the issue, you can coordinate with other anons to make a truly safe version of the service by using TOR as a starting point to make something that does the same thing it was CLAIMED to do, but fixes the issues that were deliberately installed there to help catch the people the management doesn't like.
>>6746 Also: Make sure you have some dark (hard to trace/prove the existence of) assets made safe in the form of Monero. You can buy it on Bisq. Best way to buy stuff.
>>8174 Also: worried about the inflation of the Monero network? Buy some Bitcoin with the Monero you acquired (making it dark Bitcoin, no connection to you. The combination of chain-hopping and Monero cut off your tracks) and buy Ether and Dai. You can get interest on the Dai that beats inflation (Dai decentralized USD stablecoin, so it can't be frozen or seized, unlike UDSC and USDT and other centralized ones).
>>7247 You're a faggot for that idiocy.
>>7024 Using TOR over vpn now. Werks.
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>>7247 I2P was created by Russians in Russia when Putin and KGB-FSB already controlled Russian IT. I dont recommend to use I2P. PIC - Shelomov (the real last name of so called "Putin", the Tsar of Russians) with his friends
>>7074 >about:config disable javascript by default, it's still set to >enable:true
>>10852 >I2P >MUH RUSSIANS!!!!111 All the more reason to trust it. Russians make good shit. End of story. And I2P has many advantages over Tor. The main one being decentralization. Tor relies on 12 servers worldwide to maintain integrity of the network. Without at least half of those 12 servers being up and running, Tor goes offline. Whereas on I2P ever user/client acts as their own server for maintaining integrity of the network. Furthermore, I have more in common with most Russians than I have with any leftist in my own counrty. I have more respect for Putin than the current illegitimate government in my own country.
>>6746 >The guy on the photo had similar ideas about Russia. Now he is in the Russian prison. Do you know why, my dear RUSSIAN TROLL? ;) Tell us
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>>7201 >>7227 >>7238 This >>7247 I'll still continue using it but I find their priorities to be questionable at times.
>>7324 At least toss out some names of unpozzed VPN services <Shilling incoming...
>>7125 >There are even a few chans that are ONLY on Tor or ONLY on I2P, some are specifically NATSOC. I want that. Is it a good idea if someone posted them here or would it make the shill's lives easier?
But why is tor so laggy?
>>11450 Your connection goes through a series of nodes before reaching destination which is a much slower route than a direct connection
>>7201 this, unironically
So if I got this right, leftists developed Tor, but as far as people know there's nothing pozzed about it?
If you don't like how the Tor devs are such pozzloads, just use I2P. It's like Tor but made by Russians and better decentralized.
>>11494 does it still work? I heard the project is mostly dead?
>>11499 I tried using it and a lot of sites were down. I also didn't find any chan or something like that running
>>6746 >And don't forget to bookmark the onion for this site. I had the tor browser for a bit, but then I had to restart my computer. So, I closed the tor browser, and when I opened it back up again, all my bookmarks were gone. WTF is the point? I cant' be bothered to fix retardation like that.
>>6746 hey there you fucking faggot glownigger. the tor project is a glowie honeypot run by the cia. go fuck yourself.
>>11879 Nigger... CIA field agents use Tor to talk to their handlers back home. Letting everyone use it serves a specific purpose: If the CIAniggers had kept it to themselves, anyone caught using Tor could be fingered as a CIA asset, but since it's released to the public, you can't single out the CIA asset traffic from all the other chatter. If you want something better (albeit slower) and run by Russians, try I2P. It has its advantages.
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mumble/murmur uses tcp (can work through tor) been meanint to test it out and try voice i imagine the delays would be fun
i had an interesting thought about irc through tor user docker instances and linking those servers to eachother spin up a separate irc server/onion per contact like id have my own onion adress for my client if one server gets spammy or botty just kill it handing out new onions to trusted people could track down who leaked or shared and is shitting things up and drop their onion without disturbing service as a whole
>>11940 IRC service is built into I2P dark web software. You just run I2P and then point your IRC client at localhost:6668 Best to use an IRC client that does NOT support DCC, as DCC can reveal your IP to adversaries.
>>11977 >Best to use an IRC client that does NOT support DCC, as DCC can reveal your IP to adversaries. How would this happen if you're connected to TOR or I2P? Would the IRC client use DCC to connect via the clearnet?
>>6746 TOR is cucked now. Glowies provide a whole bunch of 'nodes', they can see through it. Also Telegram gave up a bunch of Conservative anti-vaxxer types to the police, don't trust it either.
>>6746 why archive (dot) today, why cant i go to the main site, is it gonna get taken down?
>>6914 brave is built on chromium
>>15657 ive seen lots but never in a circuit, most nodes are too shit to be 5eyes and the ones that are stand out like a sore thumb, eg. fucking 1gb/s bandwidth and 100+ nodes on the same ip, they always end up getting flagged by the census heuristics and kicked to the bottom of the list if not someone manually flags those faggot nodes so they only go to retards
>>15671 US spends billions of dollars on this shit. How much does it cost to own the majority of guard and exit nodes?
>>15671 >>15914 >exit nodes And if you're using sites with .onion addresses, none of that even fucking matters, because you're not using exit nodes. CIAniggers can't do shit.
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What are you using Tor for? The Fed and CIA have all the data from Tor. It's like a live link to their database and can view your typing in real-time if necessary. Channers and (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s talked about this years ago.
>>16098 >Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan Based.
>>16098 you literally have no idea what you are talking about go back to cuckchan
>>7201 tor is only as secure as you make it faggot
>>7282 VPNs are fine if you control the server and install and configure it yourself you dumb nigger, pay with monero use a fake name buy a vps and install wireguard.
>>7024 you should make your own VPN server on a VPS and run tor on it as well, connect to the VPN then set the local address from the VPN in the torrc config to listen or set it as a bridge and dont publish the server descriptor and use that bridge in tor browser. my fucking god this shit isnt hard you dumb niggers
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https://open.spotify(Please use archive.today)/show/6dpdiJ4UfOCle3e2B3CD95
>>15669 >brave is built on chromium And Tor Browser is built on Firefox. Mozilla sucks Google cock. I bet some of the Tor devs are literally jewish, too. Can we please not purity-spiral when it comes to software?
It's funny and sad. If you send anything across national boundaries its subject to search without consent, a warrant, or even your knowledge when it comes to spookier shit. If you send data outside of your country it's getting scooped up by someone. If you send unencrypted data across borders someone knows its you and what you're doing.
>>16719 But but but I use a VPN outside 14 eyes!!! Bu bu but I use Tor!
>>16719 >If you send unencrypted data across borders someone knows its you Maybe, maybe not. Do you realize how many homeless/"undocumented migrants" use public Wi-Fi? How can feds know who you are if you have no SSN, no Green Card, no verifiable income, no permanent residence, never filed taxes, etc?
>>16756 Adding to this, many Muslims don't give birth in hospitals and never bother to get birth certificates for their children.
>>16756 Those devices automatically take pictures and a number is now tied to a face.
>>16771 Sure but how useful is it to have random homeless guy's face, or undocumented Guatemalan migrant #859347's face? Nothing happens even if these people do get arrested, they just get field released, or dumped over the border to return a day later
>>16771 To reinforce my point, Europe can't even figure out how old most of their migrants are, they have 35 year old men enrolled in high school right now
woohoo posting with gnu icecat on tor

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