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Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 05:49:18 Id: a736ae No. 653
9chan is a kike honeypot. stay clear. also fuck niggers
>>653 >A board owned by Null is a fucking honeypot No shit you retarded kraut bastard
>>658 protugal, the shithole of yurop kek
for clarification: they deleted all of my last 10 redpills, this image the latest. so yes, they are either retarded, glowniggers, cia or all of them now kys
>>671 And yet, less niggers and rape than Germany, despite sitting right next to Africa, go figure.
>>671 He's right, Joshua Connor Moon AKA Null uses that site to harvest CP for his personal collection. The Feds keep him around as a valuable asset.
>>653 Anyone who trusts pigfood deserves to get fucked.
aand it'd dead. fbi niggers / jew poodles took it down for good. goof riddance. that's what happens when you piss off the wrong people.
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>>1034 >it's dead Good.
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>>1039 We could be next anon :)
>>1042 It makes me wonder why jews at the ADL don't just spam terrorist threats on all imageboards? That kike teenager calling in bomb threats to jewish daycares got off the hook if I recall. Seems like nagging registrars is unnecessary if you can just catch moderation off-guard with "credible terrorist threats". If its so easy doesn't that basically mean all imageboards that don't get taken out after a few months are FBI compliant?
>>1039 >callout archivist/moralfag can't produce anything worth a shit sasuga, ne?
>>1043 >killing the golden goose how else will they write more retarded articles?
>>1039 And now it's back
Well that's not very suspicious at all
>>653 don't know, looks like jdif controlled oposition
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>>653 ohh here we go with that shit img again.
>>1095 >cuckchan It's shit. Every other chan is fine as long as they have freedom of speech.
>>653 >german BBC is the devil you blonde twink
obvious slide is obvious
so just like 4chan? doesnt mean it should be used
>>671 You haven't seen South Italy nor Greece, Serbia, Albania, etc.
>>1095 Ultimately, if you want to beat the shills, you gotta stop trying to spot who us a shill and who isnt, you need to drop all preconceptions that you know what is a shill opinion or idea. Focus instead on the arguement and the evidence: Can you make a good counterargument? Can you present evidence to the contrary? Do they make claims that need to be substatiated by evidence? Did they present any evidence to support such claims? Can you find anything relating to the claim, whether supporting or refuting? Etc. Often I make a solid case for my positions, and I get censored, threatened, and insulted. BTW zoomfags cant be bothered to read a longpost, its not a good thing, its a sign of the decline of imageboard quality. You try to make it readable by splitting it up? "Reddit spacing" you dont do that? It becomes unreadable to them. I think reddit spacing is a shill meme because of how disruptive it is to discussions being had on imageboards.

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