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Anonymous 01/07/2021 (Thu) 08:41:52 Id: 73f1ff No. 6523
Well folks another year has come and gone. God has passed judgement on the quick and the dead, and those found wanting have been wiped out forever from the Book of Life. Let's review everything you've learned. ✡ Racism is kosher because Judaism is based on racism and being the (((chosen people))). ✡ Misogyny is kosher because hot women are a threat to (((arranged marriage))) and (((inbreeding))). ✡ Dictators are kosher because there's only one person to bribe. ✡ Monarchs are kosher because there's only one person to bribe. ✡ "Experts" are kosher because you believe them based on who they are and not what they say. ✡ Communism is kosher because it gives poor Jews money they didn't earn (welfare). ✡ Capitalism is kosher because it gives rich Jews money they didn't earn (interest). ✡ Social justice is kosher because "justice" means "payment". "Well shit, what isn't kosher? What do you expect me to do? Quick, someone tell me what to think!" ✠ Christianity is not kosher because people who live by it don't need to borrow money. ✠ White people having kids is not kosher because white people are smart enough to recognize Jews. ✠ The concept of the Aryan race is not kosher, because it reminds Jews that "muh 5000 years of unbroken history" is just a speed bump on the road of evolution. ✠ Democracy is not kosher because there are too many people to bribe. ✠ Gun ownership is not kosher because there are too many people to bribe. ✠ DIY is not kosher because (((you don't own nuthin' goy))). ✠ Talent is not kosher because you can't buy your way into it. ✠ Science is not kosher because scientists can be proven wrong. ✠ Peace is not kosher because "peace" means "compromise". ✠ Love is not kosher because you can love the "wrong" person.
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"JEWS = GODS Trump BTFO how will wypipo ever recover" Here are a few of the many things that Jews cannot do. ✠ Use reverse psychology They can say "Republicans are in league with the Jews" but they can't say "I, Moishe Cohen, encourage everyone to vote Republican". Reverse psychology works on people who are just a little bit smart, and Jews can't compete with even that miniscule amount of brainpower. ✠ State that Jesus Christ is their personal lord and savior This might as well be a blessing from "The Exorcist" for how quickly it drives them out. Most Jews react to the cross in about the same way as Dracula. ✠ Accuse people of crimes they aren't committing themselves They spread rumors of racism, corruption, and sexual perversion, not street racing, BASE jumping or underground boxing. ✠ Imagine an intelligent and eloquent gentile They can't impersonate a gentile without intentionally misspelling something, making logical errors, or using profanity and obscenity. Admitting a gentile could be even smarter than them is just too scary. ✠ Have a loving relationship with a member of the opposite sex Date rape, statutory rape, actual rape, arranged marriage, common-law marriage, shotgun marriage, gold-digging, hen-pecking, and buying a trophy wife are all OK, but you never hear a Jew say "we just really hit it off". ✠ Fight their own battles Jews are parasites and will always find someone else to attack their enemies, whether that be Americans, Mizrahim, Ethiopians or what have you. The concept of a gunfight at high noon, with no one to hide behind, scares them more than anything else. ✠ Accept the sometimes harsh reality of life Real life does not always mesh nicely with a rat's nest of obscure religious rules. In real life, the pious can be evil, the sinners can be good, the rich can be victims, the poor can be oppressors, might can make right and weakness can be strength. When there's a choice between real life and his autistic rules, a Jew will decide that real life has to go.
>>6523 "Well shit, what isn't kosher? What do you expect me to do? Quick, someone tell me what to think!" ✠ Christianity is not kosher because people who live by it don't need to borrow money. As that guy that does the /atheistpol/ threads, I agree with this, Christians do not have to borrow money, nor do they have to charge interest. I think Jews prefer US to be Christian because it provides short-lived protection against their influence, but at the cost of making us weaker and lacking in defenses in the long run (like some shitty security software installed on your computer by microdick), and that it is of Jewish origin, but that does not make it "kosher" since Jews themselves hate it, and Whites had long claimed the religion and made it their own. ✠ White people having kids is not kosher because white people are smart enough to recognize Jews. I don't understand how the second part of this paragraph follows from the first, but you are indeed correct, having children and being a good parent to them is one of the best ways to fight against the Jew. ✠ The concept of the Aryan race is not kosher, because it reminds Jews that "muh 5000 years of unbroken history" is just a speed bump on the road of evolution. Yes, absolutely correct, also do not let them lie to you about how much of the world has whites as their indigenous people, both of the americas, the middle east and north africa, india, japan, even some of the pacific islands, all of that was ours first before the ancestors of the modern inhabitants took it from us. ✠ Democracy is not kosher because there are too many people to bribe. Yes, Democracy is an inherently flawed system that needs to go, but I would say because people eventually lose their vigilance out of living a comfortable life. ✠ Gun ownership is not kosher because there are too many people to bribe. Yes, once we take the countries back, gun ownership should be mandatory for every male of adult age, an they should be completely unrestricted in what gun they could choose from. ✠ DIY is not kosher because (((you don't own nuthin' goy))). Yes, in fact, I was the one making threads about economic warfare through legal means, such as setting up a network for privately buying and selling directly from one another, using some non-money object as an alternative form of currency, producing your own stuff and trading the excess, things like that. ✠ Talent is not kosher because you can't buy your way into it. The Jews and their puppets don't create anything, they acquire things, they apply their own shitty formulas to things to corrupt them, but are incapable of creating anything new on their own. they are of the corporate mindset, just like how socialism/communism is. ✠ Science is not kosher because scientists can be proven wrong. Yes, the method is perfect, but the Jews had realized that they could corrupt people to treat it as a religion, and use the authority of the position granted to people by their degrees to pass them off as some religious officials, their academic institutions as religious orders, and their statements as some pronouncement of religious dogma. ✠ Peace is not kosher because "peace" means "compromise". Wouldn't that make it kosher, to compromise with the Jew? I disagree here, Peace is kosher, especially right now, the last thing we need to be is peaceful, we've got to use this momentum and show them that this isn't some flash in the pan, this is only going to get worse. ✠ Love is not kosher because you can love the "wrong" person. Are you talking about faggotry and dykery? that shit is kosher as all hell, trannies, enbies, and switchfuckers too, the whole of lgbt is a kosher concept of legitimizing mental illnesses that have negative consequences for the untreated afflicted and for the people around them, also given the nature of how they act in their "relationships", I wouldn't classify anything the homos do with each other as "love".
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"Muh cosmic Jewish zombie. Christcucks are weak. Jes...I mean J...I mean Yeshua Ben Joseph was a dead kike on a stick" Daily reminder that: Jews react to the cross in the same way as Dracula. There are more Christians with genius-level IQ than there are Jews of any kind. Jews literally cannot say "Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and savior", even when LARPing as white people on an anonymous imageboard. Jesus is the silver bullet that kills Clown World. The Old Testament is a warning notice, not an instruction manual Jesus was a child prodigy who BTFOed the learned elders at their own autistic word games, then turned around and showed that it was all bullshit. Christians can do everything Jews can, plus run a functioning country. Jews committed history's most embarrassing own-goal by torturing their Messiah to death. Christianity is the solution to the purity spiralling of ethnonationalism. You are not required to extend Christian mercy and charity to those who side with Christ's murderers.
>>6526 WELCOME TO THE JIDF DAMAGE CONTROL INTERFACE. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. ☑ Losing was part of my plan all along ☑ My opponent is secretly on my side ☑ I lost on purpose, therefore I win ☑ You didn't win by my rules, therefore you lose ☑ There must be a loophole that will let me win after all ☑ I told a lie and you didn't notice; therefore I'm smarter than you ☑ Watch out, I know Krav Maga ✅ *Unintelligible gibberish*
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Racism is for everyone. Christianity is for cucks.
>>6528 >Jews react to the cross in the same way as Dracula. No they don't, that's an obvious lie. No, It's not hyperbole, since you said it was a "reminder", meaning it's a factual claim. >There are more Christians with genius-level IQ than there are Jews of any kind. Don't know if that's true or not, but if it were, it wouldn't be surprising given the difference in total population sizes. Also, there are a few flaws in your assertion: Would you classify a genius Jewish Christian as a "Christian Genius" AND as a "Jew of any kind"? Also, how do Genius Atheists compare to Genius Christians in this same comparison? and how does this comparison break down once you adjust for population size differences? Also, IQ negatively correlates with number of offspring, stupid people have more children (why we need some form of positive/negative eugenics), that should also be factored in. >Jews literally cannot say "Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and savior", even when LARPing as white people on an anonymous imageboard. Also untrue, I've seen identified shills playing Christian for DnC purposes, probably most anons on /pol/ have seen it at some point as well, also there are kikes like Milo Yanopolus and Ben Shapiro are big on saying those exact words when their faces and names are fully visible. >Jesus is the silver bullet that kills Clown World. George "Dubbya" Bush's years. some of the most religious times America had gone through, still clown world, still high levels of kikery marching us towards our doom, What about the 50's-90's? all of them were multitudes of times more Christian eras than now, and they were all some of the most Jewed times due to how their kikery was being accepted without any resistance, did you see that "ghostbustters" cartoon episode some anon posted? that was the 80's and 90's. >The Old Testament is a warning notice, not an instruction manual What? >Jesus was a child prodigy who BTFOed the learned elders at their own autistic word games, then turned around and showed that it was all bullshit. No he didn't, he endorsed the basic premise, and his argument was "I'm the messiah, and if you don't see that, then you are obviously working for the big bad guy of your own religion". >Christians can do everything Jews can, plus run a functioning country. Yes, they can, not arguing it, atheists can do it too, if they are White, Blacks and Jews cannot regardless of their religious status. >Jews committed history's most embarrassing own-goal by torturing their Messiah to death. He was supposed to be their messiah? not the world's messiah? at least you admit it. >Christianity is the solution to the purity spiraling of ethno-nationalism. Okay, now you are revealing yourself as a traitor or shill, ethno-nationalism is the only way for the White man to go, I'm sorry. >You are not required to extend Christian mercy and charity to those who side with Christ's murderers. I am not required to extend mercy or charity to anyone, if it was required of me, it would not be mercy or charity, but something else.
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>>6523 >✡ Dictators are kosher because there's only one person to bribe. >✡ Monarchs are kosher because there's only one person to bribe. >✠ Democracy is not kosher because there are too many people to bribe. Bribing a monarch or dictator requires money comparable to their entire GDP. These people already have all the personal wealth they could possibly use, and no one to try and one-up. The only way to bribe a Monarch is to buy their countries problems. Bribing democratic leaders is incredibly easy though. They all want to outdo each other, and they all know that the others are taking the bribes. They practically can't take the money fast enough, and if all else fails you can manipulate the idiotic voters instead, or just fake the votes and bribe anyone who could stop it.
>>6523 >Racism is kosher because Judaism is based on racism and being the (((chosen people))). Oh no! our enemy does it to us, so it's bad if we do it them too! "If you share a anything in common with someone else, you are the exact same as them". Obvious shill troll logic, I can't believe some people actually buy into it. >Misogyny is kosher because hot women are a threat to (((arranged marriage))) and (((inbreeding))). Literally nothing wrong with Arranged Marriages, in fact, it's superior to any other system of pairing, having the father select the woman's husband for her is superior. >Monarchs are kosher because there's only one person to bribe. Democracy of any form has turned out to be the most Jew-friendly system of leadership ever. >"Experts" are kosher because you believe them based on who they are and not what they say. No problem here, finally something that isn't a retarded take. >Communism is kosher because it gives poor Jews money they didn't earn (welfare). Socialism does that, Communism is a hypothetical anarchist society where private property doesn't exist and everything is communally owned, meaning people just take whatever they need and use it, and tribal loyalties / interpersonal relationships don't exist and all mankind is one community, meaning everyone has an equal relationship to everyone else, and to themselves. Socialism is the step in between, where the government takes ownership of everything and conquers the world so that it can raise the new socialist man and then relinquish their power to bring on communism. A Communist country is merely a Socialist country that claims to aspire to bringing about Communism. As for criticisms, there's a lot worse to it than the idea of central distribution. >Capitalism is kosher because it gives rich Jews money they didn't earn (interest). Capitalism is the concept of the ownership of private property, it means nothing more than that. Interest-free capitalist systems exist, as do non-capitalist systems that practice interest, and better criticisms of capitalism are out there than this one. >Social justice is kosher because "justice" means "payment". How is "payment" a kosher concept? Especially payment for your misdeeds? That's just responsibility and accountability, isn't it?
>>6822 I may mean one person to bribe, but it also means one person to resist attempts at bribery, and they have all the power they need at their disposal to do so.
>>6828 Democracy is mob rule. The only viable system of government is anarchy with AI deathbots to enforce the NAP.
>>6819 I will kill atheists instead. >>6830 Anarchy always loses as soon as a stronger group subjugates all other groups. I will only tolerate a dictatorship where the dictator shares every single one of my principles and my will. I will fight to kill anyone else, and anyone proposing anything else.
>>6822 >requires money comparable to their entire GDP It actually requires a good deal more than that, given a remotely intelligent king, considering they'll get they/their sons will get tax payments in perpetuity if they don't fuck up the country. There's a reason the Jews headed revolutions against kings in most countries despite being a vanishingly small minority.
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>>6523 Here's a couple I forgot. ✡ Bullying is kosher because it creates lots of desperate victims the Jews can exploit. Jews can't post Pepes because it reminds them of the Chosen People's humiliating defeat at the hands of a pack of pimply-faced shitposters. >>6822 >These people already have all the personal wealth they could possibly use But other monarchs have more, don't they? That's where the Rothschilds come in. Try again! >>6567 >>6828 >>6830 (((textwall))) It's too late for this low effort shit; you need to be much more quick-witted to deal with us. Think you're up to it?
>>6902 Why is it that you dumb kike-worshiping golems can't conceive of anyone disliking you except "atheists" (half of which aren't atheists) and "pagans" (anyone else you dislike)? You are scum. The entire world outside of the west knows you are scum. Everywhere you go, kikery follows, yet you still pretend that isn't the entire purpose of your pathetic judaism knockoff.
>>6937 Nah. >>6929 This is.

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