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lol Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 01:32:16 No. 651
fuck this
>>651 Well maybe they shouldn't riot and loot then. In fact if they didn't riot and loot and other such things then the other three points probably wouldn't even happen.
>>651 >orchestrated antifa looting and murder <systemic racism
>systemic racism Nigs are loved by ZOG and get preferential treatment (affirmative action, etc) >police getting away with murder Animal control is not murder >prison Nigs commit more crime.
Shove your wordist kike propaganda up your ass, jew. The only systemic discrimination is against WHITES.
Systematic racism-chan is pretty. We need more of her!
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>>651 David Dorn If black lives matter, why do they kill their own
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Maybe the niggers shouldn't act like niggers
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>>840 replace the black man with a white man and it still works!
Since this seems to be a miscellaneous thread I wanted to ask you guys something. Do any of you have that pic of the glow-in-the-dark CIA agent's report on 8chan where you could see him replying to himself?
what I don't like is it's not really an either-or regarding the causes of disproportionate prison populations. Example: let's say the reality is: 2/10 white men are murderers 8/10 black men are murderers If the result is: 1/10 white men convicted of murder 9/10 black men convicted of murder Obviously the result (white men underpunished, black men overpunished) is misleading. It paints the picture of black men being murderers 9x as often as white men, which is inaccurate. However the reality of skewed results would not mean that we should expect equal outcomes. Since in this example, using the actual stats, black men are still murdering 4x as often as white men.
>>651 >fuck rosa that's the dream
>>651 don't let this shill thread stop you from considering they are systematically massacring white people everyday and want to begin a second pandemic because COVID didn't quite get the quota. https://t.me/politics_news_debates
>>838 Hoodlums can give two shits about BLM let alone a black cop
>>840 It's a front, companies don't give a shit about anything but profit. Being pro fag blm is just the new trend to get ESG points
>>16411 Is your country as beautiful as the web says it is?
>>651 Holy shit, old thread

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