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America is giving up the ghost Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 00:12:51 Id: 7fca4c No. 626
I'm lovin it.
here, time to learn some real shit morons https://Webm or instances.invidio.us/KLdDmeyMJls
graphic is from pg 10 of https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/R44116.pdf we have to admit at first when Trump took office, things were looking good because he at least SLIGHTLY reduced troop presence in afghanistan in the first three quarters of 2017 but then it ballooned to the highest since 2014 (Obama never had more than 10k there from 2015-2016) and then we get no stats at all anyone have any current numbers and pretty picture graphs to show otherwise?
Question: What claim, historic or otherwise, does Israel have to the Golan Heights at all?
>>626 >thinking Republicans would ever not be pro-Israel Newfag >>961 They're stronger, they want it, they take it.
>>961 Part of the reason the Six-Day War even happened in the first place is that Syria used the Golan Heights to shell northern Israel with artillery for literally twenty years.
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Their faggot society is going full tranny satan NWO, as per their mason founders. This gayfaggery will make it implode eventually when they start their racewar/civil war boogaloo for real or if the dollar collapses first, WW3. Either way, America is kill, 4 real this time. Rest in pisses
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It's so fucking obvious, isn't it. America is toast. 1. They elect Trump. He starts a war with Iran for his zionist buddies -> WW3 2. They elect Biden. His handlers start a war with Russia -> WW3 It doesn't matter who wins anymore. This train is going at full speed. Time to get out now and man your bunker. You DO have a bunker do you ?
Either way, the destruction of Israel is confirmed. AT LONG LAST.
It's almost ON https://news.antiwarPlease use archive.today/2020/07/23/pompeo-us-will-no-longer-tolerate-china/ https://www.almasdarnewsPlease use archive.today/article/russia-calls-on-us-to-stop-occupying-syria-and-israel-to-end-attacks/ just a little tiny push and BAM WW3
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>>1193 Finally, hopefully the USA gets nuked like it needs to be.
>>1193 Is it though? Or is it just political talk?

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