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friendly reminder that support for the (((democracy protesters))) in hong kong is support for globalism Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 11:53:54 Id: 05ed0e No. 62
it seems that many people have fallen for the narrative that the protests in hong kong are organic. they are not and are in fact being organized by kikes from jew york working for the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau; specifically a jew named julie eadeh. She is also affiliated with the The National Endowment for Democracy which is a think tank who's purpose is overthrow foreign regimes that object to the demands of jewish globalists that they open their borders and destroy their nations via marxist and zionist policies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Endowment_for_Democracy
Anyone have the bug soary?
>>63 >soary Damnit, "spray".
>>62 Friendly reminder that OP is a wumao shill for the CCP and sucks Communist dick.
>>63 >supporting regime change in asian countries spoken like a true jew. fuck off hasbra
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>>65 lol, communism wouldn't be around if it weren't for kikes like you. explain that.
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>>67 >iPad screenshots
>>68 nice argument. stay mad
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>>67 ((Hong Kong)))
>>62 I know it's not organic and I know it's an attempt by the West to destabilize China and create a footing in order to project soft power into the mainland. I still sort of support it. Lmao
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>>71 of course you do, you're a jewish shill
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the dude with no shoes cracked me up. pro-democracy lawmakers make fools of themselves, as usual
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I fail to see why i need to choose between fucking kikes and disgusting commie chinks. I do not care if the protests in Hong Kong are not organic, Communist China is fucking AIDS and anyone who supports it, such as the evident CCP shills making these garbage threads, are as bad as the shabbos goyim propping up Israel. Kill yourself, I will not be sad to see Hong Kong break away from the bug hive.
>>113 >I will not be sad to see Hong Kong break away from the bug hive then that means you will be sad, because it will never happen XD
>>72 I support it because it will weaken our second greatest enemy the Chinks, Blow up the Three Gorges Dam and nuke the rest of them or when we go to war, they will go for Europe.
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>>118 >I support it because it will weaken our second greatest enemy the Chinks lol and you prob think pissreal is our greatest ally right? shill harder kike >when we go to war, they will go for Europe seems like the turks are already setting up to attack euro with what looks like the creation of the next ottoman empire, thanks for that kike. the chinks have no interest in attacking euro, but you go ahead and post some kike shill media like (((zero hedge))) to tray and push your agenda further XD. the chinks are too smart for your bs, for example, they will be implementing new restrictions on hong kong universities soon that will end all of your precious (((liberal arts programs))). these gay protests will fizzle out by years end >when we go to war hahaha good luck making that happen, you have a better chance genociding nigger cattle with a vaccine than creating a false flag attack that will rally support for war with china. go back to /lefty/ niggerfaggot
>>121 500 Yuan has been deposited to your account. Praise Xi.
>>121 No Israel will be my first target once I cleanse my country of them and their non-white allies, but china is a threat to not only my people but europe as well or did you not notice how crippled all of our nations were in response to Corona-chan because of china? The only fucking shill here is you, I support only the white European ethnoglobe with only the honorable japanese as a possible exception, and I will see to it that it comes to happen in my lifetime, after israel the middle east and china are next.
>>125 lol, the chinks are going to push your shit in you 3rd world flip hahah
>>145 Only if he's a dirt farmer. If he's a dirt farmer with a spear, then the chinese might as well off themselves.
>>149 >Dirt farmer with a machete Fix'd.
>>62 Both communism and globalism are cancer. Deformed kikes and chinks must be genocided.
>>159 the globalists supporting this support communism here, it all goes hand in hand
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>>63 >>64 As requested
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(((pro-democracy globalist jew puppet shills))) physical removed from the Hong Kong House Committee's meeting room. The remaining lawmakers - largely from the nationalist pro-Beijing camp - cast their votes, and elected pro-Beijing candidate Starry Lee as Legco house committee chairwoman 40-0. globalist jew niggers on suicide watch. expect more (((protests))) from limp-wristed Hong Kong college faggots this summer. it will be the chink chimpout of the decade
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>>130 >did you not notice how crippled all of our nations were in response to Corona-chan because of china? >hates kikes >defends kike propaganda lol, it was just the flu nigger. but keep defending the thing you claim to hate; makes sense
>>252 Why would I not defend my enemies hurting each other? it only works in my favor wht weakens china benefits me, as does what weakens israel, if they are fighting with each other why would I not support it? My country gets involved no matter what way that situation turns so why would my support for or against do a single fucking thing whatsoever? Know only one thing even if you keep up your bullshit I will never support further control or power being gained by a communist regime I support Hong Kongs independence from communist china, whatever shape that indepenence may take, even if I one day fully intend to destroy the three gorges dam, in minecraft, of course.
>>258 questions are not arguments
True they are questions, that you not answering proves you know why someone could support this and yet still be against Israel still be a white supremacist/ethnoglobalist and still be against democracy, I already won the argument and you know it.
>>269 >>270 hahah why did you make these two posts? one was good enough. nice try though kike, stay mad about your waning zionist influence. you kikes have peaked and you are starting to lose
>>272 Because deleting the other post to remake it wasn't possible. I love the ad-hominem though, and the repeated failure to address either my point or the argument really makes you seem sooo smart.
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>>273 its not ad hominem though due to you failing to present an argument because you presented only questions. and yes, i am smarter than you you. you also dont know how to use an ib. go ahead and make another another gay post; when there is another update on the hong kong globalist jew shills losing more footing, ill come back here to post it so you can get upset again hahaha
>>274 The questions were part of the overall argument, they can be used alongside arguments to make or underscore a point, and can even be used as arguments in some formal debates, if I recall correctly. though it has been some time since I looked. If you had answered them honestly you would have no ground to stand on, so you avoided doing so to maintain some kind of superiority, in your mind, anyway. I am not upset now, nor have I been at any point here, I am simply sitting here wondering why someone who purports to hate Israel, would support a regime created whole cloth by Israel, from their ideological beginnings that underpin their entire system to the actions they're taking now which are not actually in their own interest, whether that be their actions in Hong Kong or what they're pulling in the south china sea. These action are, however, in Israel's interest, but for them it is nothing but a distraction so that retards like you do not find out what this pandemic was hidden from the public eye since October of last year for. What they are being used to cover up and provide a pressure release valve for, even more so if they should push things towards war with America. No, somehow you're mister smarty pants, and I somehow don't know how to use image boards because I made a simple mistake and took an action to correct it. Your argument the whole time is that I, as a white nationalist, can't support a cause that will weaken those who have made it explicitly clear they would wipe all of my people off of earth because it is also supported by the only enemy I have found that is greater than they are, and should instead support China killing it's own people, I do as makes my job easier time come, but here's the thing the side you ask me to support is also supported and controlled by the same enemy. So which should I support? The kike controlled side that weakens the enemy I go after once Israel is a hole in the ground or glass, or the also kike controlled side that strengthens that same enemy so that when the time does come, and it will come, my job is harder as I face an enemy who has no weaknesses to exploit. I pick the one that creates weakness in my enemy and may one day allow me to accomplish my goal of wiping China and its denizens off the face of the earth, one day, easier. Why do you pick the one that makes the job we must do harder? or are you as I am quite sure you are, nothing but a shill, who can be safely ignored.
>>276 hahahahahaha
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(((globalist hong kong faggots))) are still getting the kid glove treatment from the chad pro-Beijing LEOs in Mong Kok. how much longer will it be before they hilariously beat the shit out of these kike NWO proxies? hopefully they get their shit pushed in soon so the zionist US gov looks like fools on the world stage, once again.
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Democracy is not kosher because it's too expensive. In a dictatorship you only have one person to bribe. Jews would have loved Hitler if he hadn't singled them out specifically.
>>1442 It makes it more complicated for the people without control than the ones with control. Lmao nothing is too expensive for the people in control of money particularly when it meets their interests to maintain control. A dictatorship is just more honest about who's in control and doing what exactly instead of hiding behind smoke and mirrors and trying to shift the blame like democracies do.
Democracy is fake and gay but I'll still support anything that stubs the CCP's toes.
you do know that chinese commies that rule the chinese state are not even the same etnicy of honkongueans? China is not a real country, is a region dominated by a state trough military force and violence monopoly. The moment you say you are against honkongueans protests you are saying you are against cantonese self determination. You are pretty much defendending chink jews.
>>62 Based and correct

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