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send funny shit guys Anonymous 01/03/2021 (Sun) 08:55:10 Id: 82da2f No. 6062
i need to laugh
(478.17 KB 1776x2944 islams sitcom.png)

8kun is kill
(1.85 MB 384x372 anime_laugh.gif)

>>6920 >Girls nowadays should be more worried about whale harpoons than they are about rape culture. lmfao, that is fantastic.
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>>6920 Number 2 and 3 fit well together.
>>6933 It's too bad this wasn't the Trump we got.
>>6971 It was a different time...
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(1.15 MB 997x2996 ClipboardImage.png)

>>6062 >D.C. Police confirmed for FOX 5 on Sunday that they are investigating a Navy Yard-area Bernie Sanders mural defaced with that cartoon "Pepe the Frog" image as a possible hate crime >"The appropriation of that symbol somehow became an expression of power by the individuals that were doing it and then it spread over the internet and different chat rooms and 8chan and Reddit and some of the places where ‘Alt-Right’ and white supremacists folks find each other and share ideas and share strategies," said Ezickson >"Often times, people look to hate elsewhere and are not aware of it and are not aware of the impact of our own backyard. And the insidious part of hate is it not only targets – targets an individual perhaps or a community, but it is received by an entire community as somehow a message that they don’t have equal rights in our society, that they need to be fearful," Ezickson added https://archive.is/NdU2h
>>7107 Everyone involved in every element of that is retarded, from the morons who painted the original, to the mongoloids who painted over it to the fuckwits 'investigating' it to the cunts reporting on it.

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