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So anons, how do you feel about SISEA? Anonymous 12/21/2020 (Mon) 12:49:18 Id: 000000 No. 5754
More info: >Sens. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., introduced legislation that would impose a long list of new hurdles to clear for anyone seeking to upload pornographic content to the internet. Released on Friday, the legislation was just the latest of Congressional actions in response to concerns about sex trafficking victims being exploited through sites like Pornhub. After The New York Times published an expose on the issue, Pornhub implemented new reforms that included blocking any unverified content from their platform. >Sasse's and Merkley's bill, titled the Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act, would impose this restriction on all platforms and require consent forms to be uploaded for every individual appearing in the video. It would also mandate that sites hosting pornographic content prohibit video downloads, set up a 24-hour hotline for people to video removals, and require the removal of the videos within two hours of victims flagging them. https://archive.is/m21sN https://archive.is/c3CdQ Excerpts: >(2) the term ‘‘covered platform’’ means an online platform that hosts and makes available to the general public pornographic images; and (3) the term ‘‘pornographic image’’ means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct. (1) IN GENERAL—A covered platform shall require any user who uploads a pornographic image to the platform to verify (i) the identity of the user; and (ii) that the user is not less than the minimum age required to consent to sexual acts under the law of the State in which the user resides; and (B) upload a signed consent form from each individual appearing in the pornographic image that includes—(i) the name and electronic signature of the individual; (ii) a statement that the consent is for distribution of the specific pornographic image; and (iii) the geographic area for which the individual consents to distribution of the pornographic image. >(2) EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICABILITY.—Paragraph (1) shall—(A) take effect on the date that is 14 days after the date of enactment of this Act; and (B) apply to any pornographic image uploaded to a covered platform before, on, or after that effective date. >(c) PROHIBITION ON DOWNLOADS.—On and after the date that is 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, a covered platform may not permit the download to a retrievable data file of any pornographic image from the platform. https://archive.is/vPwqk https://www.sasse.senate(Please use archive.today)/public/_cache/files/331cad76-8a23-499f-83e9-c3fe322f408f/summary-stop-internet-sexual-exploitation-act-3-.pdf Got told to post this here instead of /v/ from Mark: >Why not post this on /pol/? This is important to /v/'s culture, but this isn't videogames on any level. There's a reason we have the GG thread for shit like this. Anyways, how do you feel about it? Love it? Hate it? Indifferent to it?
Some good videos on why Hentai and IRL porn are bad: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=rjM70LYJlno[Embed] https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=lDueqLLDDJM
>>5756 https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=rjM70LYJlno https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=lDueqLLDDJM
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And, one simple explanation of why banning porn is fucking retarded.
Certain provisions would likely violate the constitution. Xhamster and Xvideos are based outside of the United States anyway. Might be easier to just restrict access to the United States, encourage burgers to use a VPN. Really harmful to Anerican hosting companies. Basically, continuing the trend of these past few years of American politicians being hostile to American tech companies. Unwise to threaten threaten one of your primary domestic exports. Are AWS or Cloudflare or Azure going to be held accountable for sites hosted by them that don’t comply? Only in the US, or internationally? If this is truly to “protect” the children, then they can’t just persecute companies for content hosted inside of Burgerland, they need an international campaign. I’m sure Amazon is going to love that. Bet they’d have to open an entirely new company division, and of course, they’ll figure out how to claim that Americans aren’t qualified for the job, so they need to import more H2B visa workers. And of course, the money they use to do this won’t be from Bezos. Does this apply to hentai? Remember, back in the Bush Jr. years, those niggers in D.C. attempted to ban drawings that they didn’t approve of, and it was only the Supreme Court that stood up for American freedom, saving millions of Americans from being locked in a cage and in put on a list for masturbating to cartoons. Remember, at the time, it was conservative politicians who were calling for censorship, and it was the “liberal” supreme court, who were substantially more conservative that their predecessors, who defended the American people. Remember that free speech has primarily been a liberal issue over the years. Be interesting to see who votes on this. Between Obama “compromising” and Trump’s choices, the supreme court is many magnitudes more conservative than they’ve ever been in the past 140 years. Will they still defend our anuses? Don’t these fucking people have anything better to do? Notice that they waited until after the election, before Christmas to introduce this. Also, statistical fact, this is going to cause rapes to increase. Great job guys. >Sasse (R) Nebraska >Merkeley (D) Oregon >Bipartisan >Armpit of flyover, skidmark of the west coast >not Jewish, still belong in gas chambers Surprised nobody here’s ranting and raving about Jews. This bill primarily seems like protectionism for the existent pornography industry. Dust off your gnutella clients boys. If shit gets real it’s gonna be 2003 in this bitch.
>>5760 Anon, get some help. Hentai and porn are not needed. If this does not inculde hentai, I will make sure it is. Also, free anti-porn advice: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=lDueqLLDDJM https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=rjM70LYJlno[Embed]
Stop shilling your failing channel.
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HERE is an actual VIDEO on why p*rn is harmful ! ! Gomenasorry about the other homo shillinging his stuff !
>>5763 Shame about the sources being pixellated on the top of the video. Bretty gud otherwise.
>>5763 >Addiction to porn is... <Using addiction as your defense when ANYTHING can be an addiction >Reduces gray matter <So does the amount of fluids you take in because your brain is living tissue, so it expands and contracts >Makes more money than the NFL, NBA, and MLB combined <$16 billion: https://archive.vn/s0qTx <$8.3 billion: https://archive.vn/5Jn6P <$36 billion: https://archive.vn/x3uGh <Total: $60.3 billion <Video games, $159.3 billion: https://archive.vn/aDX5W >Doubles the chance of divorce <No, it doesn't: https://archive.vn/vctfs >More likely you are to watch minor intercourse <That study cited doesn't say that at all, just states that deviants watch deviant porn and vanilla viewers watch vanilla porn >Sexual aggression is far from okay <Rapist view less porn than "normal people": https://archive.vn/BFJRL >Causes erectile dysfunction <No, it doesn't: https://archive.vn/vtoMQ >Mindgeek sponsor child trafficking <Good thing I don't use those sites then.
Great, a battle between hentai fans and anit-hentai fans.
>>5767 Making me post on a /pol/ again to debunk your bullshit argument When half of your argument doesnt even have sources About the contraction of the addiction side of the brain Your it doesn't cause double amount of divorces gives a >its complicated Because it recognizes that it does in fact cause divorces only those who watch it together don't divorce anad might have more intimacy. First off why are you talking about videogames when its not even talked about in the video Porn makes 97 billion which is more than the NFL, NBA, and MLB make all together https://archive.is/wip/4ZkZQ You fucking faggot
>>8232 Women cause divorces. By being women. If they weren't nagging and useless parasites, men would not resort to porn. also, if they cared for their looks to make them last longer, men would not resort to porn. also, if they didn't complain about a man going out with younger and prettier girls from time to time, men would not resort to porn. Stop deflecting the blame. Women are to blame for EVERYTHING that the jews use to destroy a society.
>>5763 Smartphone addiction is worse than porn. At least with porn you had jobs created, some who became actors and artists who have ascended through the ranks of the Anime, Manga and Video Game industry. Worth noting that porn was never a problem in world society or a factor in degeneracy since the onset of the Greek and Roman Civilization. Smartphones on the other hand with 3g/4g internet dumbed down a generation of people with having the internet where ever you go. Constant internet connectivity is proven to rewire the brain and while it improves the visual spatial intelligence part of your brain it comes at the expense of your ability to to access higher cognitive faculties including mindfulness, reflection, problem solving, critical thinking and imagination. You'll be able to multi-task more at the expense of not having much depth. Also the masses having access to the internet via the smartphone was a big mistake. Consequently we have cancer like Tiktok, Onlyfans, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Reddit, and the like precisely because of the 3g/4g internet on the smartphones. Youtube and 4chan became cancerous right after 2008-2012 because of the accessibility of the internet via the smartphone.
>>8239 If the internet were confined to only the computer, and accessed only by tech enthusiasts, hobbyist and gamers, it would had remained glorious. There wouldn't be any leftist degeneracy or /pol/litical we see on the internet today. Sure you had normalfags on the internet but they were usually memed because they weren't used to the wild west nature of the internet like the rest of us. The moment the internet was opened to normalfags was the moment it died.
How does stopping the posting of videos of sex slave exploitation stop the sex slaves from being exploited?
>>8241 Stopping the videos stops the evidence that sex trafficking exists. They can keep at it under wraps at their multiple Epstein islands. Then they can keep claiming that 'epstein's island is a right wing hoax!' like they did in 2007.
>>5754 Offshore hosting, problem solved.
SauceNAO admin asks the Canadian Center for Child Protection to pretty please stop uploading child porn https://archive.is/nJOuq https://archive.is/ePT6E
>>5763 >p*rn >CAPATIALIZATION AND EXCLMATION FOR EMPHASIS! You're in no position to lecture others about addiction, idolfag.
Metzitza Mohels on High Alert He's been hiding his power level for years but finally can use this tranny castration bullshit to speak in general terms that get (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s thinking.
>>16792 Merged
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>>5754 >normalfags will rage because PORN IS LE FREE SPEECH >the left-of-the-bell-curve demographic portion of /pol/ will perform the typical binary response of PORN BAD THEREFORE BASED <if law passes: expect trumped-up charges related to pornography to be tacked onto dissidents' arrest records when they're cuffed and their electronic devices are trawled <if law doesn't pass: pornography continues to be a physical and mental drain on modern White society, unabated and with renewed strength due to churned-up rhetoric Tiresome.
>>8232 >Making me post on a /pol/ again to debunk your bullshit argument When half of your argument doesnt even have sources About the contraction of the addiction side of the brain Your it doesn't cause double amount of divorces gives a Holyshit, speak English when trying to refute someone.

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