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Neinchan has been destroyed by Jews Anonymous 12/18/2020 (Fri) 01:45:29 Id: a0d1df No. 5656
A few months ago stories were coming about how 600 Jewish organizations were in support of BLM. Anons over on the board Neinchan thus began to collect the addresses of these organizations and names of the rabbis, mainly for informative and redpilling purposes. Hardly half way through the alphabet and the thread was (((deleted))) without explanation. But anons continued to collect data, finishing it two days ago. Mere hours after the list was finished, the site went offline, and has been offline ever since. The pastebin has been shoahed containing the data, and now only the archive.fo link remains. The theory right now is that the admins were v&, either that or they were Jews themselves and realized that the goyim were exposing them.
>>5656 Pls, neinchan has been down before, even then neinchan is just an eh site
>>5656 Based Jewish Overlords
Is there any backup for the archive? Or at least the organization names? We can rebuilld it.
>>5656 Yep, I identified Neinchan as a honeypot early on when they deleted my posts, and the posts about the Jews exposing themselves as the parasitical genocidal bloody baby dick sucking hypocritical snakes/rats they are.
>>5656 >archive.fo link remains Post it nigga make it an info graphic an spread it
>>5656 Who's theory? Your theory? Also seems like very little to bring a site down for.
>>5656 It only ends when people stop talking and start killing jews AND the brainwashed masses that support their ideas. If that won't happen, then the jews will keep doing whatever they want to.
>>5731 Fuck off glownigger. If you can't even redpill people, then you aren't going to do anything except get this site shut down, which is exactly what you want. I still have the caps from every shooting thread where you faggots were always told to fuck off. No one agrees with your glow ass.
>>5762 >NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOING THINGS IS A JEWISH SCHEME WE MUST BE GOOD FELLOW WHITE MEN AND DO NOTHING Nice cuckchan-speak faggot. Brenton expected a revolution to come from his mass shooting, did that happen?
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>>5762 >muh bans You must be confused, newnigger. I didn't get baned there and it isn't my cap.
>>5762 >Take your meds. hi jew :)
>>5744 Violence isn't necessarily the method of meaningful change but it is the last one.
>>5762 You sound like a kike.
My guess is the intel kikes blackmailed admins into cooperation
>>5762 Brenton did nothing besides make the internet even more cucked and killing 8chan. Fuck off glownigger.
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>>9054 the site stayed up for month after brenton; it was the walmart beaner blaster and his four page joke manifesto that made cloudflare ollie the fuck out
>>5656 Gib URL and archive.
>>9021 >My guess is the intel kikes blackmailed admins into cooperation <Not entirely surprising.
>>9571 sauce?
>>9572 Angel Cop OVA. The top sub is an accurate translation and the bottom is a pozzed and highly edited one by a Western distributer. no doubt owned by one of a certain tribe.
>>9589 bullshit. someone confirm this
>>5656 Where's the link? Alternatively just post the dead pastebin link, since that is all that is necessary to find an archive.
>>9612 >Some anti-Semitic content within the original Japanese dialogue were censored from the previous Manga Entertainment English releases. It's in the very short wikipedia page, would've taken you less time to look it up than post faggot.
One question out of my curiosity of course... Has anyone of you ever participated in neinchan when they had domain under .x10host(Please use archive.today) and later on (Please use archive.today)?
dot c o m is filtered letter, i didn't knew about this.
>>9054 >Tarrant directly caused the 8chan takedown When will you cuckchan niggers stop repeating that lie? Even for you faggots who weren't anywhere near the site when it happened this shit can be found with a single internet search. Stop blindly eating disinfo you absolute retards.
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>>9717 Well also the Christchurch shooting was obviously fake. So whatever he did is irrelevant, it wasn't his own doing in the first place.
>>9734 >still repeating this judaism
Jews proving they don't control the media and Feds by using media and Feds to censor all their critics.
>>9735 No, you're right, Anon. Mossad simply got spooked by the ground vibrating slightly more than usual and then left New Zealand, never to be seen or heard from ever again. Why were they there to get spooked in the first place? Probably to enjoy all the non-vibrating ground or something. You know, the same way there were Israeli art students near Silverstein's shining towers that got spooked by all the planes and then went on Israeli television to talk about how they were just there to film a footage for a PSA on the proper technique to land a plane.
>>9748 <THING FAKE >thing no fake; thing real <THING CLEARLY FAKE. U NO BELIEVE THING FAKE THEN U BELIEVE OTHER THING FAKE THAT NOT FAKE CUZ I SAY SO U DUM NOW Fun fact: The shooting was not fake. Your words are powerless here.
>>9758 >blindly trust media and government narrative >see examples of how they abuse your trust >"Well surely these are the only instances, and there will be no more instances of them having abused my trust ever again. The ones that I know about right at this moment are the only ones that ever happened ever."
>>9758 Sage in all fields means ALL fields, not just the ones you usually don't fill out in the first place.
>>9901 Okay. Don't care.
>>9780 >strawman Great job.
>>9941 >>9942 You care so little that you still continue to reply to prove how little you care.
>>9780 It's not a strawman, it's just pointing out the absurdity of the actual point you were making when you said <THING CLEARLY FAKE. U NO BELIEVE THING FAKE THEN U BELIEVE OTHER THING FAKE THAT NOT FAKE CUZ I SAY SO U DUM NOW It's not a strawman to point out how other examples of the same sources you're trusting being corrupt should encourage you to be more skeptical about their claims.
>>9758 The same fucking kyke all over the place. Calling pest control...
>>10075 Yeah, but at least he makes himself easy to spot.
>>9735 He shot a bunch of towel heads because something something guns something something awakening. That bullshit doesn't even make sense. What the fuck was he expecting to happen? Chrsitchurch might not have lead directly to infinity being taken down, but it was another strike against it. And it achieved nothing, as anyone could have predicted.
>>10188 Nothing other than more anti-white, anti-conservative propaganda, which nobody could have foreseen, right?
>>5775 Are we closer to or further away from a civil war after he did what he did? >>9734 Hypothetically if it wasn't fake what would you think about it? Would it be justified? >>10189 >conservative >don't materially attack Jews and muds or they'll smear us cause they definitely weren't going to do that anyways
>>10190 >Instead let's help them accelerate Everyone knows camel-jockeys are not even close to being the problem.
>>10191 You don't understand accelerationism if you think it's about going after the people who deserve it the most. The point isn't to target who deserves it most, it's to target based on what's most likely to inflame social tensions and heighten the contradictions in western societies. Revolutions aren't built by doing what's right. Pushing the overton window of how violence is dealt with in our politics so far that a good chunk of the right was defending attacks on mud civilians is enough to justify NZ. That got us that little bit closer to war and war is the only fucking thing that's going to prevent our extinction. Unless you wanna spend the last 70 years we have larping like it's the 1920s and we can still win by vooting and doing banner drops. And all that doesn't even fucking matter anyways because people HAVE directly attacked the kikes and you faggots STILL called it fake and pull a million bullshit excuses out of your ass to hide the fact that you're terrified of violence and don't actually want anything to change. Unless you're prepared to start saluting st. Bowers don't try to pretend you'd be fine with armed actions if they targeted the right people. There never is such a thing as the right people for gutless cowards like you.
>>10194 Accelerationism is bullshit. You polarise and push people to be against us who might have been allies. Now you have a larger and more vitriolic bunch of normalfags fighting on the side of the kikes. It's over, we're far too small of a minority to win any hot war now, thanks to accelerationists. We should have been slipping in small red pills to all the non-kikes to gradually win them over to our side. I know people will say 'fuck all the non-whites', but what we have now is the vast majority of non-whites have been made weaponised pawns against us. It's over. Even if we had the majority of whites and non-whites with us, we still ave all the banks, financial instruments, armies, armed forces, etc. all against, it would still be an uphill battle. Instead, thanks to the accelerationists, we now have the majority of non-whites against us too. It's fucking OVER. In case you ask, yes I have been trying to red-pill my own family. A year ago they would have disowned me if I denied the holohoax in fron of them. Now they don't necessarily agree with me, but at least they don't try to contradict me or argue against me. The least we can do is try, not make things even harder for us like the accelerationists do.
>>10198 Nice dodge. I'll get to your misunderstanding of accelerationism but first tell me what you think of Bowers. Since your problem with CC was that it picked undeserving targets. Was Tree of Life justified or not? >We should have been slipping in small red pills to all the non-kikes to gradually win them over to our side What do you think 90% of people in the movement have been trying to do since 45 you historically illiterate retard? It doesn't work. Democracy is an unwinnable game for people who have been very competently portrayed as pure evil for nearly a century. We're never going to be able match the kikes in propaganda power and muds are never going to side with us over their own racial interests no matter how hard we cuck. We're never peacefully winning power again. >You polarise and push people to be against us who might have been allies. Now you have a larger and more vitriolic bunch of normalfags fighting on the side of the kikes Polarization is the point because polarization is the only thing that will lead to a hot war and THAT'S THE ONLY WAR WE CAN WIN. Look at literally any book on insurgency studies if you think being outnumbered or outgunned is a death sentence in modern 4/5GW. It isn't. War of the Flea is a good place to start. You don't seem to understand the lemming principle/pareto distribution either. It's always a minority that makes a revolution, the majority will unthinkingly go along with whatever the consensus happens to be. Not only are we never going to get 51% of normalfags on our side, we don't NEED 51% of normalfags on our side.
>>10198 Another thing, a second American civil war wouldn't be NatSocs vs everyone else no matter who or what ignited it. It's gonna look a hell of a lot more like Syria than like round one. Dozens and dozens of factions constantly allying with and fighting each other while they fight a state that desperately tries to reassert its authority. NS probably won't even be anywhere near the forefront at first. Also should have pointed out that in global and historical terms it won't matter if we win a 2nd US civil war. Either way it would cripple the backbone of Jewish power, completely rearrange global geopolitics in a way unfavorable to them and destabilize the rest of the West enough for NS to become viable there. We're not talking about an isolated war, we're talking about the global hyperpower that's one of the world's top food producing countries going into catastrophic freefall. Talking about the pax americana and the postwar financial order crumbling overnight. That's pretty close to a blank slate no matter who wins.
>>10202 >>10205 >War of the Flea >Written in 1965 >Still thinks the technical, financial, propaganda superiority of the kikes can be overcome. The West, more accurately the kikes running the West, rarely fights wars to win, they fight to drag them out as much as possible and loot as much as possible from the private banks they own, while crushing the goy-citizens with ever more debt-enslavement. That's why the guerrilla-wars look like they won, because the point was never to win. The kikes have an even greater advantage today than they did before the 1960s. That book refers to something like a 30-70 or 20-80 disadvantage, not the 0.01-99.99 disadvantage we face today. Is there any resistance movement that isn't infested with kikes and their goy-pawns? Even Nick Fuentes is probably a shill, how else do you explain his head being so far up the ass of the biggest shabbos goy in the world today. And you can forget about your Syria example. It really is NS v. everyone else.You said it yourself, we can't compete against a century of massive propaganda. The only thing the 99% agree on is that the NS need to be eliminated. With the current advantage they have, there is no point. I don't think we'll agree on this point. But incidentally, covid did wake a few people up to the idea that something else is going on, and that the elites can tell massive lies and never be contradicted. There actually is an opening there if you try to chip away at it.
>>10224 Until you attack the white elites of all sides you arce screwed. I'm not going to sit around be ignored while millions of NS Shitheads lap up elite propaganda fed to them. You're going to have to listen to me and be propedo.
>>10225 Reported.
>The West, more accurately the kikes running the West, rarely fights wars to win, they fight to drag them out as much as possible Yeah they weren't trying to win in Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq and there's actually no hope. I guess Russia wasn't trying to win in Afghanistan either and that wars like Chechnya or Syria where the state won against asymmetrical factions at extremely high cost were some weird theater. >>10224 >Is there any resistance movement that isn't infested with kikes and their goy-pawns? No and there doesn't need to be. The ONLY goal that matters right now is making the US less stable, more polarized and more violent. You don't need groups to do that. >Even Nick Fuentes >Even Nick Fuentes might as well be Romney lmao. >But incidentally, covid did wake a few people up to the idea that something else is going on, and that the elites can tell massive lies and never be contradicted. There actually is an opening there if you try to chip away at it. What the fuck is the point of "waking people up" if there's no hope to recapture our civilization either peacefully or otherwise? You're just inflating your own ego. Couldn't matter less whether or not your boomer parents think the holocaust happened lmao.
>>10236 >I say: There is no point >You say: There is no point What do we do, anon? Rope?
>>10262 Stop glowing and read the book by the guy
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>>5762 When you're consistently lazy and arrogant with your repetitive scripted projections, you make this way too fucking easy, yid shit stain. Thanks!
>>10262 >Rope? Yes. There is no hope and we fucking lost years ago. All that is left is to witness extinction.
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https://neinchan(Please use archive.today)/pol/res/31.html
nigger thread
>>5656 did yu download the list?
>>9056 die faggot
Nothing will change because politicans get paychecks, campaign donations, cushy job promises, kickbacks, bribes, and have inside trading information and benefit from the the wars, debt, and tyranny. Americans don't complain because the 99% get food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and Section 8. The elites get government contracts, subsidies, and bailouts.

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