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"BLACKS DINDU NUFFIN', IT WAS ANTIFA"--STOP SAYING THIS--it's a diversion (SHILLS ARE RAIDING CUCKCHAN) Anonymous 06/01/2020 (Mon) 08:27:29 Id: cd639b No. 563
You are regurtitating CNN's talking point, who are throwing Antifa under the bus right now. And the only reason Trump does this is because because he wants black voters. WE have to red-pill the masses about the nigger menace NIGGERS do it: https://streamablePlease use archive.today/9w5c5e Example for the Antifa psyop on cuckchan /pol/: https://boards.4chanPlease use archive.today/pol/thread/259787449#p259787449 (ONE [1] POST BY THIS ID) Internet forums in general are infiltrated by (((bots and shills))). Other telltale signs especially for slide threads are stale clickbait soundbites in the subject field, porn, slander, befuddling new lurkers and antagonizing women. The usual main target seems to be to distract us with lewd shit. One clear example for bot activity on /pol/: https://archive.4plebsPlease use archive.today/pol/thread/259496336/
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https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=wtTZMaRjpcw
Sorry but I'm black, so this is against my self-interest.
>antifa declared terrorists >starts blaming niggers Dilate
>>594 Well as a not at all Black man, I see blacks as a people that encompasses both good and bad people. The bad ones can eventually be educated and become productive people through various means. Much like white people or natives. Antifa however is essentially an ideology consisting of a bunch of colossal faggots and should be excised like the tumour they are. Spreading through the USA and even into rural parts of Canada, whether they are responsible for anything here or not, fuck em even if its collateral damage.
>>596 I can have low-IQ shitposts like yours on cuckchan. Not sure what the point of this website here is. Antifa are literally just decentralized cells and they could just rename them any time and just continue to operate.
>>564 >no sound
>>597 Please stop making Canada look even worse than it already does.
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But schlomo said port is speech...

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