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(285.74 KB 1024x768 Antifa.png)

ANTIFA OFFICIALLY A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION Anonymous 05/31/2020 (Sun) 18:10:45 Id: e2e917 No. 519
(472.80 KB 894x894 heh.png)

Fucking finally. Maybe now they'll shut up and go back to drinking their soylent instead of larping as their parody of what men are
Oh, so now we get more PATRIOT act bullshit, and we can't just do an end run around the justification for it by profiling Muslims? Based. Truly an epic win.
>>519 >>will be designating >>WILL Sounds like maybe. >>532 prob this tbqh
>>519 If they actually targeted Antifa and all the groups funding Antifa this would be big news, but they will not target Jewish organizations. Ever. We know who the feds target with their tireless infiltration and destruction of anything even remotely pro-white. No matter what Orange M. Bad declares those policies will remain unchanged. There are orgs currently taking donations to bail out rioters and no one faces any legal repercussions for it whatsoever because it's kosher as fuck.
>>532 Who gives a shit about mudslimes >>547 They might target antifa if they piss off enough police. There's only so many precincts you can burn down before you're cutting into their paycheck.
>>550 >Who gives a shit about mudslimes You didn't understand that post.
Dance thread?
>>519 Good if actually goes through. But BLM needs to be targeted too and nigger behavior needs to be held accountable. Otherwise it is just throwing some dispensable useful idots to the boomers.
>>519 Get a load of the goal post shifting from that pathetic piece of shit NPC faggot. >oy vey now you must label people I don't like who aren't an organization doing stuff just like the org doing stuff! They're lucky blumpf isn't legit enough to put their heads on spikes like I would.
>>532 Best post in the thread, unsurprisingly zoomers don't know or don't care about it.
>UN #HumanRights experts express profound concern over a recent statement by the US Attorney-General describing #Antifa and other anti-fascist activists as domestic terrorists, saying it undermines the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly in the country. http://archive.vn/1UKSO
>>850 >(((UN))) >Kikes worried about their puppets not being able to subvert society as they were brainwashed to Of fucking course

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