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Conscription Anonymous 11/30/2020 (Mon) 12:37:20 Id: d068bc No. 5130
As you all know there has been a lot of talk about gender equality, woman empowerment, sex based discrimination and all these things related. One of the UN goals is gender equality and woman empowerment. I have been arguing with some people who really think that woman are equal and as capable as men and talk how everything is against woman. But i remembered that in EU, one of the United nations centers, certain countries like Lithuania, Estonia and Finland all have MALE ONLY conscription, while other countries like Sweden and Norway have both male and female. There are all of these people who call themselves fighters of sex based discrimination, yet they CAN'T SEE this one. If males are as equal as females then it means that those laws are giving PRIVILEGE to a female to not be conscripted. It is sexist in their own logic. They don't like to hear this, because it shows how hypocritical they are. And that they really don't fight against sex based discrimination. This goes the same for all EU funded organizations and agencies if they say that they are there to fight "sex based discrimination" and ignore this issue they are HYPOCRITICAL in their own accord. How can you say that woman are equal yet ignore this issue. This could be called female privilege. You know how leftist would scream male privilege. And it can be used against the whole globalist agenda. It is really a simple and easy way to call out and show the world who these agencies really are. It also goes against the whole LGBTQ movement, because if you now identify as a woman, you now have the privilege to not be conscripted anymore ? I am not against woman, just spotting obvious hypocritical statements that are happening in the EU and the whole UN resolution.
I have seen this in movies too, you can clearly see the difference between let say 2000 movies and 2020 movies. Woman are now promoted as leaders while men are the cuck ones who are weak and can't do shit and always are wrong. This is happening in children movies as well. The father figures are being attacked in TV shows like rick and morty or simpsons. I have also seen the resurgence of woman in the politics. Easy way to show this is by mixing the roles and telling that now woman are being conscripted while males are given the privilege to not be.
you retard. While some movements have been pushing for women in the conscription, the reason why this isn't being fought is because many women and feminist movements have been either historically anti-imperialist, or historically anti-militarists. Revolutionary movements like those who have taken after authors like Emma Goldman, Margaret Sanger, Itou Noe and such have more been anti-imperialist, realizing the idea of conscription must be abolished, so why would they fight for women to be in there? It makes no sense More tame movements that have taken after Alice Paul, Barbara Deming, and in your case, the Estonian Women's Roundtable (EWR), Lithuania Women's Organization (LWO), and such, commonly believe in anti-militarism, realizing the military is a heirarchal and warlike institution by definition, and commonly opposed this. EWR believes in democratic workplaces, and the women I mentioned before were major influencers in the feminist movment, and were commonly anti-military. Peaceful protest, all that. Lithuania's feminism movements commonly had their slogans as "No coercion and violence", which is the exact opposite of conscription, so why would they fight for women in the conscription anyway? It's not female privileged, it's just having common sense.
>people are arbitrarily sexist against men too! Yes. It's equally harmful to society. >because if you now identify as a woman, you now have the privilege to not be conscripted anymore ? Hercules did it. In fact, it often happened both ways in wars, even WWII, with men dressing as women and women dressing as men. Sexism, in those cases, is arbitrary. To put yourself on a single point on a spectrum like left and right is inherently brainlet identity bullshit, but on this single particular issue (gender equality, as in, equality, not just feminism), do you lean left?
>>5144 Go back to lefty pol dipshit. I can sense that you are a commie. Its a female privilege. Woman have the same rights as men do for many years now. It is really easy to understand. You have to have certain amount of intelligence to see this. There is a thing called alternative service. And i don't know why you talk about feminist here. The post talks about all those organizations in EU who fight for equal rights and against sex based discrimination. This is a female privilege in its top form. It is super sexist against men.
>>5144 >>5145 You're a faggot.
>>5189 >Go back to lefty pol dipshit. I can sense that you are a commie. >NOOOOOO MY SAFE SPAAACE!! Commies are second to get the rope. First are pathetic faggots like you. Third are incel neo-nazi larpers.
In any case, the sexes aren't the same. Both have different gender roles to fulfill, different things they are biologically suited for. Of course there is also great variation between individuals but these patterns will always be there, both in psychology and physiology, and even more the latter. Pointing out feminist hypocrisy is maybe somewhat pointless when their ideology is insanity and based on flawed premises to begin with.
>>5305 This is not as much about feminist hypocrisy, as it is pointing out the UN and EU hypocrisy. They spend huge amounts of tax payers money on organizations that fights against sex based discrimination and for equal rights. This easily shows their hypocrisy. It shows their whole agenda and who it really is. Just feminism rebranded and that they do not fight against sex based discrimination. They do even whole events in EU just to talk how abused woman are and how we must fight all sex based discrimination. Its the same way they push LGBTQ and how we must stop racism by putting black person in whatever they can find. You don't need brains to understand that woman and man are different. It just a way to call out all the bullshit that they preach. I am sure you know what happens when woman come to power and why they are pushing it.
>>5283 First to get the rope are the feminists like you.
>>5144 Okay, moron. So they magically just do hypocrite stuff because muh values and it magically isn't hypocritical when wahmens do a hypocrisy? Gas yourself.
>>5342 Fuck you you spamming fucking kike. I am sick of your YEARS of endless shit. The mods may be pretty hands off, but look and see, newfags. This fucking template shill nigger does not know how to shut its fucking cunt mouth.

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