/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Where lolis are free speech and Hitler did nothing wrong

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Is there anybody in here? Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 06:22:05 Id: 631fd8 No. 4
...We came in?
>>4 Just here to watch the fireworks
>>4 Heres hoping some more anons cross the rift.
I'm here.
>>7 I'll suck your dick
>>8 you first
>>4 This thread is gay as fuck nigger.
>>10 I'll admit it: Being a practicing homosexual is a pain in the ass.
>>12 That post was bad and you should feel bad.
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waiting for things to pick up
>>16 I guess having wet panties doesn't count, huh?
>>16 In the mean time, suggestions can be made on how to make the board look more stylish. Some banner ideas, perhaps a customs css, etc.
Let's not fall into that trap of having Corona-chan generals on the front page all the time. I think things will return to normal within a month or two now that people are starting to get tired of being quarantined.
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1488 leader checking in.
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I've never really posted on /pol/ but it's nice to have it back instead of that /pnd/ bullshit
Its a hoax funded by bill gate, big pharma, with the participation of the federal government. The NWO is at it again.
I'm fucking here now Not ever going to be a mod again. fuck that shit. Here have this https://www.bitchute.com/video/bU8XWFlo8cNN/
>>33 finally it works, I'll trying to post since yesterday.
reporting in, start spamming 8chan.moe accross 8kun and 4cuck so everyone knows where to go now that both are dead
Posting in an epic bread
Happy fat nigger day
>>39 some of 8/pol/ unironically went to josh's pigfarm they need to come here instead. https://9chan.tw/bestpol/thread/1117
My name is Nate Higgers and I hate niggers.
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>>50 whats a NazI?
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>>4 I came.
>>4 helloo fren
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>>4 checking in
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oy vey
>>59 So, wait, he was saving dozens of families from the age of 4 to the age of 16?
>>59 lol, in fifty years these kikes will still be parading around "survivors." http://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/
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>>4 nuck figgers
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Let the Germanfag continue to shitpost, or delete the low effort threads?
>>682 It's kinda comfy and was half the pph for a while lol Maybe anchor it if it gets outta hand
>>619 >>618 >>617 what part of any of this had to do with you posting your weird fetish porn
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>/pol/ nearly dropping off the front page b-bump
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>>4 Red 6 Standing by. Nom nom. MAGA!
Seems there is a lot of anons here but no ones making threads unfortunately.
>>8362 Maybe it's because whenever someone posts, it gets deleted.
Never seen that drawing before, is it your oc?
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tuppenny butterquims
>>4 I do believe that is a Pink Floyd reference.
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What do you think of this drawing I made of Polina?

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