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Right wing dev squads Anonymous 05/27/2020 (Wed) 16:46:45 Id: 21867e No. 346
copying from https://9chan.tw/bestpol/thread/9620 https://archive.vn/Lj45V >Right wing development general thread. If you're also developing something, that's related to /pol/ or the right wing movement, feel free to post it. This series of threads is intended to motivate fellow dev anons to build an ecosystem that belongs to us and won't be shut down immediately, and serve for non-dev anons as a white pill. >Current projects: Germania, decentralised image board, specs: https://gitlab.com/rwdevsquad/rwds-dchan-spec, code: https://gitlab.com/rwdevsquad/rwds-dchan, members: 5 >Germania was envisioned by the upper echelon of the third reich to become the capital city of the world. After a few days of planning, we're finally starting to write Code. We're starting development using an abstract notion of the anonymisation layer and transport layer and cryptography layer. This is actually better anyway, since we can also write a simulated transport layer for testing purposes and easily transition to new cryptographic implementations should any issues become public. I have started to create issues that can be worked on by volunteers (of course, I'll work on it, too). I got banned from 4chan's /pol/ for this thread series. While this is not strictly politics, it is very related to /pol/ as a movement, and I hope this place will be a more hospitable for this. I apologize for tripfagging, it's just that I don't want the project to be subverted by people claiming to be official developers and making false statements about the project (I won't use the tripcode outside of these threads). If the mods want it, though, I can stop using a tripcode. If you think it doesn't fit here, you can also move this thread to /tech/ (I just think it might be more interesting to /pol/ users than just /tech/ users). Previous thread archives from 4chan (2 threads were nuked): https://archive.fo/LvqLZ https://archive.fo/Y31U0 https://archive.vn/9bzpJ https://archive.vn/sNi96 (trannies moved it to /bant/) https://archive.vn/6aXn5 (trannies moved it to /bant/) https://archive.vn/Ue2Nf (2nd pic rel. is a screencap from the last thread after it got nuked.)
>>346 >4chan and 9chan what the fuck were you thinking
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>>347 I should have rewrittren it but I saw thread before not OP for the other thread it has good information unfortunately my VPN is range banned and blocked and wanted to bring the discussion here. Sorry should I delete
I guess I should nuke this thread. I embarrassed myself
>>349 test
>>348 >>349 We just think you're retarded for hanging out on the most cuckolded imageboards full of wojaks and degenerates. If you actually gave a shit you'd have dropped them after the GamerGate thread got deleted. I don't know what you expected, dude.
>>346 >(((Right wing))) the fact that your using a narrative construct like "right wing" casts doubt on your intentions. >If you're also developing something, that's related to /pol/ or the right wing movement, feel free to post it. why the fuck would someone want to release something that is in dev? if anyone is working on something (which is doubtful since this board has few visitors, and is not /tech), keep it to yourself until its ready for release. having something in the wild that is functional and operating successfully is a true White pill. releasing something that is incomplete potentially exposes your project to sabotage, and is fucking gay and likely just an attempt to get attention. >We're starting development using an abstract notion of the anonymisation layer and transport layer and cryptography layer. if what you say is true, then don't talk about it until your ready to deploy it, at which point you can allow it to be exposed to attacks by (((them))) for testing. you do realize our enemies visit these places, don't you? that is, if you're not one of them.
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>>351 I am too autistic for IRL and I need a new need home. I don't' know where else to after what happened to 8chan brb I am gonna get some more whiskey,
Maybe I should block myself from the the internet for a while,look at me back to all theses shitty sites. Why? Why?
>>354 i feel like you're new to imageboards in general and i don't necessarily mean that as a rude statement. let me give you some tips about your project in particular and IBs in general >do not post on 4chan they've been thoroughly and completely cucked out for a very, very long time now, not to mention they are the gateway for redditors, journos etc who will at best steal your idea and at worst try to take it away from you vis a vis deplatforming etc >do not go to 9chan Josh is a complete fuckup who attracts cancer in a way I've never seen before. Kiwifarms, his other project, is a literal datamining forum, for one, and for two 9chan has the explicit support of the cripple, who has been bending over backwards and spending literal tens of thousands of dollars to destroy and deplatform anyone he disagrees with >do not announce your plans to anyone >>352 has the right of it: at best it looks like you're just a charmingly naive newbie and at worst you look like an attentionwhoring faglord. if your project stays true to what you say its aims are (((people))) will be coming for you, and announcing its existence and progress here is painting an enormous target on your back
>>346 Ok, so: #1.) Right-wing =/= Nazis and it's fucking stupid that I have to even say this shit because we fucking love shooting Nazis in video games but our backwards fuck all media has insisted that we're fucking Nazis or that we love Nazis, or force us to live Nazis, or feed us UNTIL we love Nazis or fucking anything they can do re: What The Fuck? 2.) What is this purpose of your project? Is this a cloned GitHub repo of the image board source code? 3.) When are you all going to stop drinking the Kool-Aid the left wing is feeding you?? They're trying to force-dedine your identities as racist, sexist, fucking Nazis or whatever Stop defining yourselves by what THEY are trying to tell you that you are!!!!! Especially on these boards which are supposedly the "Free-est" speech boards out there!!!!! (Until you start to say something hint fucking sensical and then FUCK YOU BEGONE YKU FUCKING ASDFGHJKLSWMICOLON"
Also Fuck, Spelling FUCK SPELLING
If you haven't figured it out, there's no such thing as right and left wing. There are people who want to control, and people who are to be controlled. The controllers are the left. The people are the right. The left are the wolves and herders. The right are the sheep, but not always the sheep and sometimes often the leaders. Regardless, this is the dichotomy that exists. The left doesn't believe a single fucking thing they claim to believe, it's all a lie and you know it. It's all stupid bullshit they use to fuck with our heads because they want control. When will you figure it out???? And fuck anybody who gets in the way of what's coming this summer. Y'all had better watch the fuck out.
>>348 Don't use a VPN or 5eyes will get you. Use I2P and TOR.
>>14890 >Don't use a VPN or 5eyes will get you. my personal experience contradicts that >didnt have access to VPN as a teen >parents got letters from our ISP about my activity all the time >became adult >10 years ago >got VPN >no more letters from ISP >Never raided by feds either. >Slip up occasionally, don't realize VPN isn't running >get warning emails from ISP again. you should assume your ISP shares everything they see with 5eyes. You want to hide from fedbois, you have to hide from your ISP first. Also you can combine Tor and VPN
>right wing time to let go. False dichotomies no longer serve us.
>>346 I miss Terry. :(
>>16117 me too man. me too.
>Why You Should Not Learn to Code (as an ex-Google programmer) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wwbM63-LFD4 Could someone repost this on other video websites in case it gets shoahed?
>>14949 VPNs are all obviously controlled by 5e tho. You literally see advertisements for them at bus stations n shit. No thanks.
>>17049 >VPNs are all obviously controlled by 5e tho Panama and Romania are mildly adversarial to the US

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