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Anonymous 11/05/2020 (Thu) 07:13:50 Id: a0cba2 No. 3378
Trump hasn't lost yet. Reminder that Gore would've won in 2000 had he not conceded to Bush before the lawsuit, and Trump's no pussy, he's gonna battle this to the end. Three justices from the Gore vs. Bush case are still on the bench. So if there is legitimate fraud, they stand a chance to prove it once and for all. I doubt Trump is the legitimate loser since he did WAY better in counties where Hillary won last time. No president since 1884 lost when their party had seats both in the House and Senate.
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We Americans know how to put on a show. Anyways, does anyone have any links of the lawsuits going on? Has Trump filed suit? On who? What's the current status on all of that?
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>>3429 They all failed according to the (((media))).
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lets hope youre right :/
I don't get why /pol/ is so upset, even .win faggots can't stop talking about picking up guns, if you egg them on you may even get the war you wanted.
>>3429 they are going through it on next monday they are saying they have a lot of evidence and eye witnesses >>3808 go back shilling on halfchan you nigger
lets hope so, im so fking enraged its unreal. Its really hard to know the truth but then listen to ur family complain at trump saying hes a sore loser jump because they heard it on bbc news. I'm at the end of my tether tbh and i'm ready to kill, in fact even if trump wins i think im gonna get some guns even tho im in bong land.
How is it possible to declare a winner when 2 states declared they wouldn't announce results until the 12th, multiple dead people listed as voting this election, mysterious 4am ballots that all happen to be all for Joe, Joe having weaker Dem turnouts in assured blue states but somehow surging in coincidental swing states, cases of 90% voter turn out which is a statistical anomaly by itself, many over 90-year old voters voting during a pandemic (I guess everyone forgot we are still in that), a glitch that turned trump votes to Biden votes (machines connected to Clinton by the way), and multiple places where republicans were blocked from observing when it is in their right to do so for a fair election? I wouldn't mind if Trump lost if this was a fair election but it has so many anomalies that you can't outright declare a winner at least until it is past the required date by law to do so. Unlike other positions, the presidency has a set date by the constitution so Trump has to work hard for all of November. I'll say this even if leftist dems don't believe me, but I would also question the results if Trump did this as well while also being backed of the MSM behind him too. If by some miracle or shenanigans that still gives Biden the presidency, Biden will achieve nothing since they don't hold the Senate and barely the House. Not the mention Trump already has is picks in the Supreme Court. Let's not also rule out that Trump will still be fighting on the outside, likely creating his own news press (like Hamilton) after making Fox look like fools calling Arizona early. Whether Trump wins or loses, he still wins in the end and his presence will still be there after he leaves. Biden will be an even lamer lameduck president than Obama and Trump could come around again for 2024 if need be. I'd rather Trump win but I'm happy with either outcome. It already seems like the cracks in the dem is completely fractured even with the possibility of Joe winning. The radical left looks to be ousting the moderate parts of the Dem erasing the last bit sanity of their party.
If the great white chimpout occurs between now and the court ruling, it would taint his success chances were it to fail. Then again, they are praying and hoping we are submissive cowards that lay back and go limp as they rape our assholes and rob us.
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>>4120 >Then again, they are praying and hoping we are submissive cowards that lay back and go limp as they rape our assholes and rob us. That's why the shills are working overtime.
>>4088 It isn't possible, the media has their shit in overdrive because they know it's all a fraud, this isn't the first time. They want to be done with this as soon as possible as well as blackpill people having a mantra for 24/7 that goes "biden won". Don't fall for it, shits gonna be really interesting.
Trump is going to come back on top. The salt will be biblical. https://threadreaderapp(Please use archive.today)/thread/1325135291791839232.html
>>4288 Nice link asshole.
>>4088 >>4281 demoralizers and misinformers get the fuck out. You know damn well we can win this, and you are scared shit-less.
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>>3378 Based Black Cock is coming for Biden.
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>>4372 Biden: HAHAHA YOU WILL ALL BE SISSIFIED AND FUCKED BY MY NIGGERS Hey Biden...we have a nigger of our own, get cucked Biden: NANI?! pic sort of related
>>4372 >>4397 stop posting nigger porn even if it has a point
It's a win-win. Trump wins, there's 4 more years of pushing lib shit Biden wins, people step on the accelerator.
4s for 4 more years pls
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>>4444 Oh shit, nigger.
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>>4444 checked
>>4120 >>4121 >just do nothing >think of the PR!!!!!!! And you wonder why you accomplish nothing. The other side is able to accomplish everything they try BECAUSE they actually get off their asses and do shit instead of being little bitches. Dumb nigger. >>4289 Nice schizonigger mods forcing unwanted wordfilters like it's 4chan or kikey/pol/.
>>4470 That doesn't sound very neutral of you, Swissman.
To paint the town red, everything must first turn blue.
>>3378 >yet deebly conzernd
>>4444 (checked) Checking these quads
The media makes it sound like Trump's lawsuits will never even reach the supreme court. What is the truth?
>>4596 That the media is full of shit. You should know this by now anon.
you lost incels take your tranny pills
>>4604 Found the satanist/kike
>>4088 >How is it possible When it's perilously close to 50/50 and enough of the cogs behind the scenes are unabashedly favouring one candidate the veil slips amongst them and they just pedal-to-the-metal do whatever the fuck they want/need to until they get the result they want, even if they're exposed, even if they want to be seen doing it. Every day Bidenzombie has the declared win it gains momentum in the minds of everyone seeing it.
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>>3722 Shit meme >>4071 >lets hope so, im so fking enraged its unreal. Its really hard to know the truth but then listen to ur family complain at trump saying hes a sore loser jump because they heard it on bbc news. I'm at the end of my tether tbh and i'm ready to kill, in fact even if trump wins i think im gonna get some guns even tho im in bong land. Do you need some snickers?
>>3378 I don't know Trump will have to do a lot to try and win. Though he probably won't be able to win.
>>4661 Which is why he has to throw down the gauntlet now, mobalize all military forces under his control, and oust his opposition through a legal coup (though it's a coup in a response to a coup).
>>4660 >Do you need some snickers. He does, but unfortunately he needs a loicense for that.
>>4605 you lost stop crying
>>4025 >they are saying they have a lot of evidence and eye witnesses sounds like something.. hmm.. what was that?
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>>3378 >Trump hasn't lost yet. Why the fuck would you want him to win?
There's so much media disinformation flying around I can't even tell what's happening anymore. It's impossible to keep track of events.
What the fuck is going? A buddy of mine said Trump just gives up and is now letting Biden do whatever he wants now. Holy fuck... I guess niggerpill was right.
>>4989 Please tell me I am wrong guys. I hope Trump is still not giving up.
>>4991 Nope, lol. https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=afkjz0jQiz8 Enjoy your time while you live you fuckwit. Time will soon clock to you being in the gulag!
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>>4992 Not so fast fucktard. We may have a HAPPENING in progress.
>>5016 Now get people to take those numbers seriously
>non-American flags offering American political analysis Opinions discarded.
>>4991 Trump will NEVER give up, ignore the blackpill faggot.
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>>4444 NOICE
>>5082 I'm with you, fellow American.
Some say that the elites oppose regulations, Socialism, and immorality, but why do the globalists support minimum wages, Obamacare, and homosexuality? If the media is biased then how do you know that Biden and Trump are corrupt?
At this point, it doesn't matter if he wins or loses - he has shown himself to be a traitorous little kike bitch, feeding off the bottom of white America to pick up the crumbs of the Empire before it all collapses. _worldtruthvideos[dot]org/watch/F4omXNlRxMZ22IC
>>5765 >why do the globalists support minimum wages Minimum wages destroy competition before it starts by raising the barriers to starting and expanding businesses. The rich hate nothing more than the concept of people from lower classes becoming rich. This is particularly true for the Jews, who have been putting in prodigious work in assimilating gentile wealth that they can't outright steal by marrying into it. >Obamacare Creates numerous state-level monopolies for the wealthy to profit off of, which is an opportunity for financial gain (for "services" people wouldn't buy otherwise) while increasing the cost of insurance. To the wealthy, the price difference is negligible, but it helps raise costs of doing business across the board. For why they like that, see above. >and homosexuality Lowers birthrates thus making labor importation seem rational to bean counters. Also redirects social justice energy that otherwise may be directed at the intolerable inequities of our economic system to the enforcement of a bourgeois fake cause. They also like that it's an inversion of morality, which they view to be sacred to the lower classes. They hate the lower classes so they use tolerance of sodomites as an indicator to how thoroughly they control the servant classes.
Fucking retards. Donaldburg Trumpstein is a Jew kike fag satanist just like every other person who has ever run for office in the West since WWII. Cope. Your Jew lost the election to another Jew. Cope more. Who gives a fuck about Jew politics.
>>4289 I love it when /newniggers/ get owned. >>4288 (wasting dopples) Kill yourself for not lurking, fag.
So when do we start the civil war? This is the best and only chance we have to do it; now that the left side has openly cheated, so we know that they are both outnumbered and outgunned. If we don't take this chance now, we essentially die since there is no reason for the left to STOP cheating in every election from now on as they will know they can cheat without any fear of punishment, and we'll get even more kiked then we already have been.
>>5847 You're glowing so hard your paymasters in Beijing can see you.
>>5867 So is your plan to always cede ground and never fight back ever because that would be "glowing?' Killer plan. It must net you numerous victories, never willing to fight at all.
>>5882 No, you stupid CIA glownigger. My "plan" is to wait for the right moment. The culture war has turned its tide, and virtually everyone in the USA knows that the election was illegitimate. To "attack" now would be completely retarded and make them look like the good guys, defending themselves against an armed uprising. I wait for the pressure against BLM and the other Soros-funded terrorist groups to reach critical mass - which it already is near, since Florida's governor recently penned a law that would make it completely legal to shoot and kill looters as an expansion to Stand Your Ground - and I will wait for public outcry against the broken system to reach fever pitch - which is approaching. Besides, this isn't the end. Even if nothing else happens and Biden ends up in office, he is running an administration that straight up does not agree with him. He's going to get to enjoy what Trump had on an even larger scale re: various branches of government outright refusing to follow his lead. And when he has his accident and Kamala takes over, triple that - intersectional politics are the weakest they've been in a long time, and she has very few friends in the places in government that actually matter. tl;dr no, Agent, I do not want to bomb a federal building or commit a terrorist act, and I do not think anyone else needs to, certainly not right now
>>5890 > My "plan" is to wait for the right moment. And when is that going to be if not now? When the left has solidified their control even more by not even having to worry about their optics to win elections that they can fake without punishment now? When they bring in even more minorities in industrial quantities? THIS IS THE RIGHT MOMENT. And its likely going to happen next week even without our involvement, like you said. If it doesn't, all the good shit you have been saying doesn't mean a damn thing. This is our opportunity. We would be dumb if we did not grab it next week.
>>5891 Not here you retard, meet with us on TOR if you want to talk "politics by other means" and "direct action", but this is never to be discussed on clearnet /pol/ boards unless you want to ride the party van.
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>>3378 > Trump hasn't lost yet.
>>5082 This would be an acceptable argument if your countrymen weren't mentally underdeveloped due to a life of hedonism and comfort. You fuckers can't even wrap your head around the idea that The United States of America is not a democracy but a federal republic. I've yet to see one American who prioritized their state rather than their federal government.
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>>5981 >I've yet to see one American who prioritized their state rather than their federal government. Seriously Schlomo? You really ought to read more. What would your mother think?
>>3378 >No president since 1884 lost when their party had seats both in the House and Senate Do you mean holding a majority in the house and senate? Republicans don't have a majority in the house. Also Republicans have like 14 million fewer voters in the senate, geography gives Reps the senate.
>>5890 Then let's play jew and turn these "intersectionalist" groups against one-another through infrequently-exploited and scantily-discussed underlying issues they all exhibit with one another. Make them fight for the ultimate title of "oppressed" like we do over "aryan/white". Everything shills do is telegraphing you to return unto them.
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>>6003 What a shame most of those votes were flipped on a remote Chinese Server using Soros controlled Smartmatic Dominion voting machines that do not respect the will of the American voter. Tell me, where are all of Bidens supporters doing parades in the street or coming to his defense on Jan 6th? Maybe because of massive scale voter fraud!?
>>3378 Stop putting your hopes on Trump because he is an idiot. Do things yourself or find someone who is more like hitler to worship
>>10287 >bumps a 9 month old Q-LARP thread that has been proven to be completely irrelevant Fuck off.
>>13501 Stop necro bumping you whore

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